Corossion of metals

Corrosion is defined as an attack on a material as a result of chemical, frequently electrochemical reaction, with the surrounding medium. According to this definition, the term corrosion can be applied to all materials, including non-metals. But in practice, the word corrosion is mainly used in Conjunction with metallic materials. Why do metals corrode? Apart … Read more

Non metals and their position in periodic table

Non Metals As far as Elements are concerned, a nonmetal is simply an element that does not display the properties of a Metal. It is not defined by what it is, but by what it is not. It doesn’t look metallic, can’t be drawn into a wire or pounded into shape or bent, doesn’t conduct … Read more

Valency and Chemical Bonding

Valency Valency of an element is a measure of its combining power with other atoms when it forms chemical compounds or Molecules. The combining power, or affinity of an atom of a given element is determined by the number of hydrogen atoms that it combines with. In methane, carbon has a valence of 4; in … Read more

Acids, Bases and Salts.

Acid An acid is a substance which forms H+ ions as the only positive ion in aqueous solution. Examples:- Hydrochloric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and Cl– ions HCl —> H+ + Cl–   Sulphuric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and SO42- ions H2SO4 —>2H+ + SO42-   Nitric acid forms H+ and NO3– ions when dissolved in water HNO3 —> H+ + NO3–   … Read more

Source Of Energy

 Conventional and New Source of Energy   Energy is one of the most important component of economic Biomass, coal, Geothermal Energy, hydroelectric energy, Nuclear Energy, oil and natural gas, solar energy, and wind energy. Biomass is a RENEWABLE ENERGY source that comes from plants and other organic materials. Biomass can be used to … Read more

Fuel Sector

   Introduction   Power is one of the most critical components of Biodiversity. Coal is a fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals. Coal is used to generate electricity, power industrial processes, and heat homes and businesses. Coal is a non-renewable … Read more

Energy Resources

Sources of Energy: Conventional and Nonconventional Sources – Energy is one of the most important component of economic Biomass. These substances can be burnt to produce heat energy which can be used in the generation of electricity. Thus, the energy produced from the biomass is known as biomass energy. There are three forms of biomass: … Read more

Fuel Based Industries

  Introduction   Power is one of the most critical components of Biomass. Renewable energy is a clean source of energy. It does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. However, renewable energy sources are intermittent. They do not always produce power when it is needed. The fuel-based industries are facing a number of challenges. These challenges … Read more

Some important chemcial compounds – properties and uses.

Compounds are defined as substances composed of two or more different Elements that are chemically combined. Both salt and water are compounds. Some important chemical compound and their uses are as follows:- NaCl sodium chloride (table salt, used in solutions for contact lens) ZnO zinc oxide (used in some sunscreens and diaper rash ointment) NaF … Read more

Quick Revision- Corrosion and its prevention

Quick revision Topic:  Corrosion and its prevention   Definition:  It is the process in which metals are slowly eaten up by the action of air moisture or chemicals. For example rusting is a form of corrosion in which iron is eaten up by the action of air and moisture and a reddish brown coating of iron oxide is formed … Read more

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