Andhra Pradesh: Migration

  Migration is very important subject matter since after the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh in 2013. The sate has been bifurcated into two states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with Hyderabad as common capital for 10 years. People of Hyderabad are given grant to migrate to any part of Andhra Pradesh to reside and have domicile … Read more

Economy of Jharkhand for JPSC Prelims Examination

[su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”100″ tax_term=”1589″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] Jharkhand economy: Features,Issues, Challenges and Strategics Economic Growth and structure of Jharkhand’seconomy, sectoral  composition, growth in SDP and per capita NSDP In last decade,  Agricultural and industrial growth in jharkhand Demographic features of Jharkhand : Population growth, sex ratio,  density, Literacy,composition of work force, rural-urban composition etc. with special … Read more

Mission Indradhanush- Human Health

Mission Indradhanush was launched by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) Government of India on 25th December, 2014. The objective of this mission is to ensure that all children under the age of two years as well as pregnant Women are fully immunized with seven vaccine preventable diseases. The Mission Indradhanush, depicting seven colours … Read more

Ebola Virus Disease- Human Health

It is also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever. It is a severe acute viral illness which during an outbreak cause the fatality rate can go upto 90%. The first confirmed Ebola Virus Disease in human was reported in 1976 at Democratic Republic of Congo. Transmission of Ebola Virus Disease Ebola is introduced into the human Population through close contact with blood secretion … Read more

Drugs and Their Patenting-Human Health- For RAS/RTS Mains

Intellectual property:- is regarded as creation of mind in the form of patents for invention or copyright for literary and Art works in the form of Trademark and geography  indicators. copyright:- includes nobles, poems ,films, musical work, artistic work such as drawing, painting, Photograph structural Trademark :– it is a distinctive sign which is identified with certain goods or Services as … Read more

Human Rights:- For Ras RTS Mains examination

Human Rights are commonly understood as inalienable Fundamental Rights “to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being,” and which are “inherent in all human beings” regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. The history of human rights can be traced to past documents, … Read more

Sustainable and Inclusive Growth:- For RAS RTS Mains Exam

The term Sustainable Growth became prominent after the World Conservation Strategy Presented in 1980 by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Brundland Report(1987) define Sustainable Development as the a process which seek to meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation … Read more

Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

The term Sustainable Growth became prominent after the World Conservation Strategy Presented in 1980 by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Brundland Report(1987) define Sustainable Development as the a process which seek to meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation … Read more

Issues related to National Integrity and Security :

Table of contents:- Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States, Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Threats Internal and External Threats; Threats of Conflicts, Naxal Problems, Terrorism, Trans-border Infiltration and Insurgency Issues, Communalism, Organised crimes, Cyber issues, Drug trafficking and other such issues. [su_heading size=”21″]Potential areas of socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States,[/su_heading] … Read more

Impact of Liberalisation

  The leading economists of the country differ in their opinion about the socioeconomic and ecological consequences of the policy of liberalisation.INFRASTRUCTURE by the Indian and foreign investors have generated great employment opportunities for the professionals, and skilled and unskilled workers. 5. Development of Infrastructure: Prior to the liberalisation, the infrastructure (roads and electricity) were in … Read more

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