Ethical dilemmas in government and private institutes

Ethical dilemmas in government and private institutes The reputation and success of governance depends upon the conduct of public functionaries and what the public believe about their conduct. It is therefore of fundamental importance that public functionaries act justly and fairly to all, not only paying lip service to ethical conduct but also ensuring that … Read more

Ethics in administration: Status and problem

Ethics in administration: Status and problem The Historical Context India has witnessed a long history of unethical practices in the governance system. Kautilya’s Arthashastra mentions a variety of corrupt practices in which the administrators of those times indulged themselves. The Mughal Empire and the Indian princely rule were also afflicted with the corrupt practices of … Read more

Role of biometric devices in security

  Biometric devices measure biological Elements (like human features) in order to perform functions, such as logging Health/fitness data and authenticating users. There are many different uses for the technology and a variety of methods for its implementation. Types of biometric data include visual, audio, spatial and behavioral. According to these characteristics, the sub-divided groups … Read more

Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (POCA)

Corruption is widespread in India. India has been ranked 79th out of 176 countries in Transparency International’s 2012 corruption perception index (CPI). Corruption has taken the role of a pervasive aspect of Indian Politics and Bureaucracy. The economy of India was under socialist. Inspired policies for an entire generation from the 1950s until the 1980s. … Read more

Criminal Misappropriation

 Criminal misappropriation Criminal misappropriation takes place when the possession has been innocently come by, but where, by a subsequent change of intention, or the knowledge of new fact with which the party was not previously acquainted, the retaining becomes wrongful and fraudulent. A person commits criminal misappropriation, if he: Dishonestly misappropriates or converts … Read more

Ethical Dilemmas In Government And Private Institutes (1)

 Ethical dilemmas in government and private institutes The reputation and success of governance depends upon the conduct of public functionaries and what the public believe about their conduct. It is therefore of fundamental importance that public functionaries act justly and fairly to all, not only paying lip service to ethical conduct but also … Read more

Quick Revision: Audit and accounting

Audit and accounting: Auditing is defined as the systematic and independent assessment and examination of data, statement, records, operations and performance, financial or otherwise of an enterprise.   Objectives of Auditing: PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Examining the system of Internal check Checking arithmetical accuracy of books of accounts Verifying the authenticity and validity of transactions. Checking the … Read more

Consumer protection

      Consumer protection is a group of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers, as well as fair trade, competition, and accurate information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent the businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors. They may also provide additional protection for those most vulnerable … Read more

Meaning & Objectives of Auditing

Auditing Auditing is the on-site verification activity, such as inspection or examination, of a process or quality system, to ensure compliance to requirements. An audit can apply to an entire organization or might be specific to a function, process, or production step. Meaning of Auditing: Auditing is an examination of the books of accounts and … Read more

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