Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle

Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle This movement was launched in the state of Andhra Pradesh against the former Nizam of Hyderabad. The agrarian social structure in the Nizam’s Hyderabad was of a feudal order. It had two kinds of land tenure systems, namely, raiyatwari and jagirdari. Under the raiyatwari system, the peasants owned patta and were … Read more

Explain in brief the societal and economic aspect of kalchuri dynasty?

There were two dynasties named kalchuris. The first rules central and western India. They are called Chedi or Haihay or Northern kalchuris.The second rules in south India. In the later part of 9th century shankargan  established kalchurui dynasty in Chattisgarh. Towards the end of 14th century kalchuri dynasty was divided into two branch. One branch … Read more

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