Tamil Nadu Rivers and Drainage System 2

Thamirabarani River Originates: In Western Ghats In Tirunelveli District Tributaries: River Servalar, Pachaiyar And Chittar The river Tambaraparani (Now people call Tambaraparani as Thamirabarani) originates on the eastern slopes of Western Ghats in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The origins of Tambarabarani and its tributaries are situated at the peaks called “Aduppukkal Mottai”, “Agathimalai” and “Cherumunji Mottai”, at … Read more

Wild life and Ecotourism of Gujarat

Wild life and Ecotourism of Gujarat       Gujarat is a paradise for bird-watchers and wildlife enthusiasts. Deciduous forests, desert plains, grasslands, wetlands and coastal and marine locations have made Gujarat one of the most pleasant place for bird watching and wildlife viewing. The last Asiatic lions are found in the Gir National Park, … Read more


  Areas of marsh, fen, peatland/water, whether natural (or) artificial, permanent (or) temporary with water that is static (or) flowing, fresh, brackish (or) salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6 mtrs. Wetlands Classification– Inland wetland- a)Natural- Lakes / Ponds, Ox-bow Lakes, Waterlogged, Swamp/marsh b) Manmade- … Read more


  Mangroves are the characteristic littoral plant formation of tropical and subtropical sheltered coastlines. are trees and bushes growing below the high water level of Spring Tides which exhibits remarkable capacity for salt water Tolerance. basically evergreen land Plants growing on sheltered shores, typically on tidal flats, deltas, estuaries, bays, creeks and the barrier islands. … Read more

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