Health Education in India

Health Education in India Medical education in global context has evolved over a period of time and so in India. With changing community needs, educational advancements and technological revolutions, we need to update the method of imparting knowledge and skills to the students. Major components of hidden curriculum like Communication skills, Attitude, Empathy, altruism, professionalism, … Read more


Grassland Grassland, area in which the vegetation is dominated by a nearly continuous cover of Grasses. Grasslands occur in environments conducive to the Growth of this plant cover but not to that of taller Plants, particularly trees and shrubs. The factors preventing establishment of such taller, woody vegetation are varied. Grasslands are one of the … Read more

Chapter 3- Pro-Business versus Pro-Crony- Economic Survey 2020 Analysis

  F1:          The diversity of sectors in the sensex steadily increased over time following market reforms. It shoes less concentration of wealth in few firms and diversification of firms post liberalisation.   F2:    Benefit of liberalisation can be gauged from the democratisation of the firms. Now the ratio of size of Biggest/ smallest firm is … Read more


 Society, Community, Association, Institution, Social group, Folkways and Mores Society society is an organization of people whose associations are with one another. MacIver describes society as a web of relationships. There are a number of definitions of society. Most of them point to the following characteristics of society. The first condition for calling … Read more

Social Policy And Social Development

 Social policy and social development Social policy Social policies may be thought of as clusters of rules or as institutionalized guiding principles maintaining a social order. These rules and principles evolved throughout the history of human groups. They reflect choices and decisions made by successive generations striving to satisfy basic biological and emerging … Read more

Social Institutions

 Social Institutions: Family, Marriage, Kinship, Religion and Social stratification in India Society is the combination of individuals. These individuals have their various needs which they want to be satisfied. For this purpose people behave in a customary way which is controlled by norms. This participation of people for the attainment of their various … Read more


 Plants Plant, any multicellular eukaryotic life-form characterized by photosynthetic Nutrition (a characteristic possessed by all plants except some parasitic plants and underground orchids), in which chemical energy is produced from water, Minerals, and carbon dioxide with the aid of pigments and the radiant energy of the Sun, essentially unlimited Growth at localized regions, … Read more

Importance Of Science & Technology As An Engine For National Development Industrial Development & Urbanization (1)

 Importance of Science & Technology as an engine for national development- Industrial development & Urbanization Professor Freeman J. Dyson, of Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, in his book “Infinite in all Directions,” had this to say about Technology: “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of Life, it is perhaps the … Read more

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