
Ore An ore is a special type of rock that contains a large enough amount of a particular mineral (usually a Metal) to make it economically practical to extract that mineral from the surrounding rock. Not all Minerals are found in a large enough amount in one location to make it worth it to remove the ore … Read more

Workers, Peasant and Tribal Movements in Bihar

Workers, Peasant and Tribal Movements in Bihar The peasant movements for agrarian reforms in India have always been centred on the issue of land ownership and land distribution. The term ‘peasant’ includes tenant, sharecropper, small farmer not regularly employed, hired labour, and landless labourers. Several peasant movements rose over economic questions all through the British … Read more

Bihar : Planned Development

Bihar : Planned Development Bihar is the least urbanized state in the country, with an Urbanization level of only 11.3 percent, according to census 2011. The state accounts for 8.6 percent of India’s total Population, but it has only 3.1 percent of country’s total urban population. Between 2001  and 2011, the increase in urbanization was … Read more

Horticulture of Bihar

Biodiversity. The future of horticulture in Bihar is bright. The state has a number of advantages that make it well-suited for horticulture. These advantages include a favorable Climate, a rich Soil, and a large pool of skilled labor. The State Government is also supportive of the horticulture industry. It has implemented a number of policies … Read more

Transport sector in Bihar

Transport sector in Bihar Road Transport sector in BiharThe road transport is the most favorite mode of transport, compared to rail and air transport for both freight and passengers. It plays an important part in propelling Economic Development and social integration of the state. The number of registered motor vehicles in the state has increased … Read more

Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar

Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar Irrigation is being practiced there since past chemical analysis back to Kautilya, World Health Organization lived in Patliputra (now Patna), that was the capital of the mighty Mauryan empire (400 BC). Kautilya had ordered down the principles on Precipitation and irrigation in his renowned book Kautilya Arthasashtra. In Bihar the history … Read more

United Nations and its specialized agencies

  The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945 to promote international cooperation. It was founded to replace the League of Nations following World War II and to prevent another conflict. When it was founded, the UN had 51 Member States; there are now 193. Most nations are members of the UN and send diplomats to the headquarters to hold … Read more

Food web and Food chain

FOOD CHAIN- A food chain starts with producers and ends with top carnivores. The sequence of eaten and being eaten, produces transfer of food energy and it is known as food chain. Grazing food chain-The consumers which start the food chain, utilising the plant or plant part as their food, constitute the grazing food chain. … Read more

Administration for Welfare. Issues of Areas in Indian Administration

Administration for Welfare In early times, social welfare functions were performed by a few individuals or groups of individuals motivated by compassion and concern for the poor, the needy and the destitute. These people were laymen, embodied with the qualities of humanism and selfless service to the community. But in modern times, most of the … Read more

Export potential of agriculture-horticulture-livestock

Export potential of india’s  agriculture sector India’s agrarian culture and diverse Climate types have made significant contributions to the global food basket. Mangoes, curries, snacks, and spices from India are famous all over the world. For a quick look at some data points, India leads the production of bananas, papayas, and mangoes in the world. … Read more

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