Salient Features Of The Representation Of Peoples Act 1951

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> People are the supreme power in the democratic country. Accordingly the People of India solemnly resolved that India is a democratic country. As we know that the India is a largest Democracy in the world. The term Democracy mentioned in The Preamble of the constitution of … Read more

Political Parties and Electoral Behaviour

[su_heading]Party Politics[/su_heading]   Political Parties are an established part of modern mass Democracy, and the conduct of Elections in India is largely dependent on the behaviour of political parties. Although many candidates for Indian elections are independent, the winning candidates for Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections usually stand as members of political parties, and … Read more

Parliamentary Form of Government

Parliamentary form of government is the System of Government in which there exists an intimate and harmonious relationship between the executive and the legislative departments, and the stability and efficacy of the executive department depend on the legislature.Its a system of government in which the power to make and execute laws is held by a … Read more

Electoral Reforms

Electoral Reforms Electoral reform is the process of changing the way that elections are held. This can involve changing the voting system, the way that candidates are nominated, or the way that elections are administered. There are many reasons why electoral reform might be pursued. One reason is to improve the fairness of the electoral … Read more

Electoral System

What is an Electoral System? An electoral system is a set of rules that determine how votes are cast and counted in an election. The goal of an electoral system is to ensure that the results of an election accurately reflect the will of the people. There are many different types of electoral systems, each … Read more

System of Elections to Lok Sabha

The System of Elections to Lok Sabha The Lok Sabha is the lower house of the Parliament of India. It is composed of 543 members, who are elected by the people of India. The elections to the Lok Sabha are held every five years. The system of elections to the Lok Sabha is based on … Read more

First-Past-The-Post System

First-Past-The-Post System The first-past-the-post system is a single-winner electoral system used in many countries around the world. In a first-past-the-post election, each voter casts a single vote for their preferred candidate. The candidate with the most votes wins the election, even if they do not receive a majority of the votes. The first-past-the-post system is … Read more

Difference Between Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha

Difference Between Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha The Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha are the lower houses of the Parliament of India and the state legislatures, respectively. The Lok Sabha is directly elected by the people of India, while the Vidhan Sabha is elected by the people of each state. The Lok Sabha has 543 … Read more

Proportional Representation

Proportional representation (PR) is a system of voting in which the number of seats won by a party in a legislature is approximately proportional to the number of votes received by that party. This means that if a party receives 30% of the votes, it will typically win around 30% of the seats in the … Read more


What is an Election? An election is a formal process by which a vote is held to elect a candidate to a political office. Elections are held in a variety of ways, but the most common is by popular vote. In a popular vote election, each voter casts one vote for the candidate they want … Read more

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