Mineral Resources of West Bengal

Mineral Resources of  West Bengal   Major Mineral Resources: The state of West Bengal has an important position in mineral production of the country. In terms of value, the state accounts for 3.8% of mineral production in India and occupies the seventh position. Various metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits have been located both in the … Read more

Natural and power resoures of Orrisa

Characteristic and Power assets of Odisha   Characteristic Resources of Odisha:   Assets in Odishacan be separated into following four classes:   a) Minerals, b) Forest, c) Water and d) Land Resources   Odisha has a lot of a wide range of common assets like minerals, backwoods, water and land. We will talk about all … Read more

Minerals of Odisha

Minerals of Odisha Odisha topped among all the states as it contributed above 10% to total mineral production in the country. The value of principal minerals produced remained at Rs. 22567.67 crore, an increase of 31.64% over the previous year period. The value of minor minerals remained Rs. 85.68 crores. Coal, bauxite, chromite, iron & … Read more

Minerals of Haryana for Haryana PSC

Minerals of Haryana A host of mineral occurrences have enriched the state of Haryana. The minerals occurring in this state are primarily china clay, limestone, dolomite, quartz/ silica sand, quartzite, slate. Other minerals, such as, barytes, calcite, feldspar, marble, copper, tin and tungsten are noteworthy. Among building stones, granite, slate, marble, quartzite and sandstone are … Read more

Mineral Resources of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is the principal holder of country’s andalusite & diaspore Resources and possesses 78% andalusite 37% diaspore and 10% pyrophyllite. Important Minerals occurring in Uttar Pradesh are: coal in Singrauli coalfields,Sonbhadra district. diaspore & pyrophyllite in Hamirpur, Jhansi, Lalilpur and Mahoba districts. Naini area of Allahabad contains High quality of silica sand, an important … Read more

Natural and Power Resources of Telangana

Natural and Power Resources of Telangana   Telangana locale has rich characteristic assets. 10 for every penny of the nation’s coal stores in the nation are likewise found here. Minerals are of incredible monetary esteem and have possessed a trademark put among all the financial assets. Minerals and mineral ventures have huge large scale joins … Read more


Minerals Minerals are defined as solid, inorganic, naturally occurring substances with a definite chemical formula and general structure. Almost all chemical Elements in the Earth’s crust are associated with at least one mineral. They vary in color, hardness, density, crystal form, crystal size, transparency, composition, location, and abundance. Some minerals are radioactive (uranophane), while others … Read more

Bihar Minerals

Bihar Minerals Introduction The mineral base of this state is very rich. Particularly the Chotanagpur plateau is very mineral rich field. It has an extensive and high quality coal deposits. Iron Ore and copper ore are also produced in Bihar. Bauxite, ore for aluminiumis also found here. This state has a reserve of pyrites and … Read more

Minerals in Chattisgarh

                                   Minerals in Chattisgarh–Chhattisgarh is rich in minerals. It produces 20% of the country’s total cement produce. It has the highest output of coal in the country with second highest reserves. Chattisgarh is third in iron Ore production and … Read more

Chhattisgarh: Natural Resources

  Natural Resources are the product or material that occurs in nature and which are very useful from the perspective of human use. Examples of Natural Resources: Water Minerals Forests Now, we will discuss the natural resources of Chhattisgarh one by one.   Water 80% of Chhattisgarh Population relies on agriculture for subsistence, water is … Read more

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