Scheduled tribes of Nagaland

Scheduled tribes of Nagaland Angami Naga The Angamis are a major Naga ethnic group native to the state of Nagaland in North-East India. They are listed as a Scheduled Tribe, in the 5th schedule of the Indian Constitution. They are known for the Sekrenyi celebrations every February. The Angami Nagas are settled in Kohima District … Read more

Major dynasties of Assam

Major dynasties of Assam Varman dynasty The Varman dynasty (350-650), the first historical rulers of Kamarupa; was established by Pushya Varman, a contemporary of Samudragupta. This dynasty became vassals of The Gupta Empire, but as the power of the Guptas waned, Mahendra Varman (470-494) performed two horse sacrifices and threw off the imperial yoke. The … Read more

Former princely States of Assam and Zamindaris

Former princely States of Assam and Zamindaris The region that came to be known as undivided Goalpara district came under British rule after the transfer of the Deewani from the Mughal Emperor on August 12, 1765. Due to tribal influences on the region the police thanas of Dhubri, Nageswari, Goalpara and Karaibari were placed under … Read more

Assam Scheduled Tribes

  The total Population of Assam in 2011 Census has been 31,169,272. Of them Scheduled Tribes (STs), constitutes 12.4 per cent of the total population of the state. There are total twenty three (23) notified STs in the state. Population: Size & Distribution Among STs, Boro represents nearly half of the total ST population of … Read more

Assam: Migration

  The Indian State of Assam: Origins and Causes of Conflict Background The Indian state of Assam is located in the country’s Northeast and Shares international borders with Bhutan and Bangladesh. According to provisional Indian census figures for 2011, Assam has a Population of over 31 million with an area of 78,438 square kilometers (48,739 … Read more

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