Art Forms of Odisha

ART  FORMS OF ODISHA Odisha has a rich cultural and artistic heritage. Due to the reign of many different rulers in the past, arts and crafts in Odisha underwent many changes giving an artistic diversity today in the forms of traditional handicrafts, painting and carving, dance and music. Sand art In Odisha ,a unique type … Read more

Art ,Handicrafts  and Paintings  Forms of Assam

Art ,Handicrafts  and Paintings  Forms of Assam The Arts and Crafts of Assam are world famous for unique traditional methods of production and for tribal Art Forms. The people of Assam have traditionally been craftsmen. Assam is mostly known for its exquisite silks and the bamboo and cane products, several other crafts are also made … Read more

Art Forms of Gujarat

Art Forms of Gujarat Gujarat’s Folk Culture and Oral Tradition: Its Importance, Peculiarities and Impact Gujarat which derives its name from the term ‘Gujjar Rashtra’ constitutes a culture which is formed out of mingling of diverse ethnic folks. The flourishing state of Gujarat with its cultural diversity forms an integral part of the Indian culture … Read more

Folk theaters in Chhattisgarh

Folk theaters in Chhattisgarh Gammat Theatre and Pandvani Folk Ballads of Chattisgarh Theater is known as Gammat in Chhattisgarh. Pandvani is one of the lyrical forms of this theater. Several acclaimed plays of Habib Tanvir, such as Charandas Chor, are variations of Chhattisgarhi Theater, and heavily use Chhatttisgarhi folk songs and music.  Padavani (Songs of … Read more

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