Awards of Jharkhand

Awards of Jharkhand Jharkhand ratna It’s the highest honour of Jharkhand state.The award includes a letter of recognition for their outstanding performance in their field and a cash reward of Rs 500,000. jharkhand seva ratna award This State-level award iss given by the Vishwa Sewa Parishad. This award is given to renown persons coming from … Read more

The Bhakti Movement and Sufism

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Nature and significance of Bhakti Movements

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Socio- religious movements : Sufism and Bhakti movements

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Ethical Values of Guru nanak

Guru Nanak Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism. He was a contemporary of Hinduism and Islam. At the same time he discarded the retrograde Elements of both religions. Nanak believed in the presence of a soul in every human being. Good actions of a man help the soul to merge with the Eternal soul … Read more

Ethical Values of Tulsidas

Tulsidas Tulsidas was the most important poet of the Rama Bhakti school. The wave of the Bhakti Movement spear-headed in the North by Ramananda may have influenced Tulsidas. But to Ramananda it was irrelevant whether the devotee was a Nirguna or Saguna Bhakta so long as he followed Ramananda’s preaching and had religious fervour. His … Read more

Ethical values of Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Swami Dayanand Saraswati Dayananda was an important Hindu reformist whose views did much to promote gender-Equality, Democracy, Education, as well as a new confidence in India’s cultural past and future capabilities. In some respects, he qualifies as an architect of modern India as am emerging scientific and technological power. Aspects of his views impacted negatively … Read more

Guru Nanak – Social-ethical philosophy

Guru Nanak – Social-ethical philosophy A close study of the life of Guru Gobind Singh, his precepts and his utterances would lead us to the conclusion that the Sikh social ethics has four pronounced ingredients. These are social Equality, universal-brotherhood, seeking good of all (altruism) and social service. These ingredients are inter­related and interactive. Altruism … Read more

Religious Movements: Sufism

‘Sufism’ is a term used to refer to mystical religious ideas in Islam. It had evolved into a well developed movement by the 11 century. Sufis, Stress on the importance of traversing the path of the Sufi pir enabling one to establish a direct communion with the divine. Sufism or mysticism emerged in the 8 … Read more

Religious Movements: The Bhakti movement

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

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