Census of Karnataka

Census of Karnataka:- Formerly known as the State of Mysore, the state of Karnataka is located in the southern part of India and has the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala as neighbors. Salient Highlights of Census of Karnataka:- The Population of Karnataka according to the 2011 census stands at about 61 … Read more

Uttarakhand :Populations

Uttarakhand‟s area is 58,483 sq km with a Population of about 1,01,16,752 (2011 census), out of which 75 per cent live in 16414 small scattered villages; 80per cent of villages have population less than 500 persons and almost 90per cent of villages have population of less than 1000 people; 62per cent of the villages are … Read more

Rajasthan: Population & Census

Rajasthan: Population & Census   Population of Rajasthan – Rajasthan with a population of 75,984,317 people is ranked as 7th populous state of India. Nearly ninety percent of Rajasthan’s population is Hindu with Muslims making up the largest minority with eight percent of the populations. Jains – the merchant and traders from Rajasthan constitute a significant … Read more

Population of Madhya Pradesh

  Population of Madhya Pradesh   Madhya Pradesh is large state in central India located in the geographic heart of India, between latitude 21.2°N-26.87°N and longitude 74°02′-82°49′ E, retains landmarks from eras throughout Indian history.Nicknamed the “heart of India” due to itsgeographical  location in India.  The state is the second- largest  in the country by area. … Read more

Vital statistics of Birth and Death

                 Health Status of the country The  health  of  a  nation  is  an  essential  component  of  development,  vital  to  the  nation‟s  economic Growth and internal stability. Assuming the minimum level of health care to the  Population  is  a  critical  constituent  of  the  development  process.  Many  countries  in  the  course of development  gone through what is … Read more

Structural changes in the Indian Economy ( GDP and work force)

INFRASTRUCTURE, and the rise of a middle class. Another significant structural change has been the decline in the share of EMPLOYMENT in agriculture. In the early 1990s, more than half of India’s workforce was employed in agriculture. However, by 2017, this share had fallen to just 46%. The decline in agricultural employment has been driven … Read more

Chattisgarh Populations

  Size and Density of Population The total population of Chhattisgarh is 2,55,45,198 as per census 2011. It constitutes 2.04 percent of the total population of India. Chhattisgarh is the 17th largest State of India on population basis. The annual Growth rate of population is 1.67 percent during the period 1991 to 2001; whereas it … Read more

Jainism With Reference To Uttar Pradesh

 Jainism Originated in India thousands of years ago and is thought to have heavily influenced the two other main belief systems of the region at that time: Buddhism. The religion centres on the progress of one’s soul towards a divine consciousness through self-reformation, wisdom and self-control and pacifism towards all living creatures. There … Read more

Variation In The Population In Various Countries

 Variation in the Population in various countries The Growth of Human Population: Four Major Periods or Stages An early period of hunters and gatherers   This period ranges between the first evolutions of humans on this planet to the beginning of agriculture. During this period, it is estimated that the total population was … Read more

Scheduled Caste Population Composition Of India

 Scheduled Caste Population composition of India Scheduled Castes are notified in 31 States/UTs of India and there are altogether 1,241 individual ethnic groups, etc. notified as Scheduled Castes in different States/UTs. There has been some changes in the List of SCs/STs in States/ UTs during the last decade. As per the 2011 Census … Read more

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