Transparency and Accountability of Administration

Information sharing and transparency in government and Right To Information act 2005 Transparency and Accountability in administration as the sine qua non of participatory Democracy, gained recognition as the new commitments of the state towards its citizens. It is considered imperative to enlist the support and participation of citizens in management of public Services. Traditionally, … Read more

Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar

Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar Irrigation is being practiced there since past chemical analysis back to Kautilya, World Health Organization lived in Patliputra (now Patna), that was the capital of the mighty Mauryan empire (400 BC). Kautilya had ordered down the principles on Precipitation and irrigation in his renowned book Kautilya Arthasashtra. In Bihar the history … Read more

Right to information act

Right To Information is a fundamental right of any citizen of India to know what is happening with the government. Every individual has the freedom to seek any government related information through this RTI act 2005. The Right to Information Act (2005) is one of the key legislation enacted by the Parliament which guarantees the … Read more

Administration for Welfare. Issues of Areas in Indian Administration

Administration for Welfare In early times, social welfare functions were performed by a few individuals or groups of individuals motivated by compassion and concern for the poor, the needy and the destitute. These people were laymen, embodied with the qualities of humanism and selfless service to the community. But in modern times, most of the … Read more

Functioning of democratic political system in a traditional society

Traditional Society refers to a society characterized by an orientation to the past, not the future, with a predominant role for custom and habit. Suchsocieties are marked by a lack of distinction between family and business, with the division of labor influenced primarily by age, gender, and status. In terms of the nature of political institutions, primitive societies fall … Read more

Karnataka Panchayat Raj

Karnataka Panchayat Raj The Panchayats are among the oldest institutions for local governance in rural Karnataka. This long standing system of local governance is also known as Panchayat Raj (which means rule of village committee). Panchayat Raj ensures proper execution of rural development programmes. It encourages participation of general people in the development programmes. Structural … Read more

Public Accountability : Parliamentary

LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL CONTROL OVER ADMINISTRATION The need for effective control over administration is, thus, obvious. Public opinion, professional standards and ethics, and the nature of the Society-all influence administration in varying ways and capacities and exercise control over it. A study of this problem may, however, be made here under the following major … Read more

Panchayati Raj System in Uttarakhand

The State of Uttarakhand has 13 districts, with 49 Tehsils, 95 Development Blocks, 671 Nyaya Panchayats and 7227 Gram Panchayats. The total Population of 84.89 lakhs of the State is confined to 360 Zila Panchayat wards, 3152 Kshetra Panchayat wards and 46734 Gram Panchayat wards. Existing Development Administration Development

National integrity

National integration has been a very serious and prominent challenge in all the developing countries including India. For a proper analysis of the concept of national integration it is necessary to know the meaning of certain concepts. The first and foremost concept is the term integration itself which may be defined as “a process of … Read more

Whistleblower Protection and the Fight against Corruption

  Whistleblower Protection and the Fight against Corruption Whistleblower protection is essential to encourage the reporting of misconduct, fraud and corruption. The risk of corruption is significantly heightened in environments where the reporting of wrongdoing is not supported or protected. This applies to both public and private sector environments, especially in cases of bribery: Protecting … Read more

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