
 Attitude Should abortion be illegal? Should we cancel third world debt? How quickly should we reduce carbon emissions? Should there ever be a death penalty for any crime? Are you liberal or conservative? A soccer fan? A music lover? An optimist? The answers to all these questions depend upon psychological characteristics that define … Read more

3rd Battle of Panipat(1761)

The Third Battle of Panipat was fought on 14 January 1761, near Panipat, about 97 km (60 mi) north of Delhi, in the present-day state of Haryana, India. The battle was fought between the Maratha Empire and the invading Afghan army of Ahmad Shah Durrani. The Marathas were led by Sadashivrao Bhau, while the Afghans … Read more

Battle of Plassey(1757)

Battle of Plassey Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah Robert Clive East India Company Mir Jafar Mir Qasim The Battle Aftermath Significance Legacy References The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj ud-Daulah, on 23 June 1757. The battle took place near the village of Plassey, … Read more

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