Archaeological sites in odisha

Archaeological sites in odisha Sun Temple, Konarak Built in the thirteenth century, it was conceived as a gigantic solar chariot with twelve pairs of exquisitely-ornamented wheels dragged by seven rearing horses. The temple comprised a sanctum with a lofty (presumably over 68 m. high) sikhara, a jagamohana (30. m. square and 30. m. high) and … Read more

Painting of Odisha

Paintings of odisha The history of painting in Odisha dated back to ancient times with rock-shelter paintings, some which are dated to the early historic period (300BC-100AD). Apart from the rock painting sites there are several drawings and etching resembling figures on rock surfaces at Digapahandi and Berhampur in Ganjam district and other places. Many … Read more

Handicraft of Odisha

Handicrafts in Odisha Odisha, the land of dexterous artists and craftsmen, possesses a rich artistic tradition which enjoyed liberal patronage from the temples as well as the nobility. Diverse and varied, the enthralling craft-work of Odisha depicts the magic of the deft hands of these artisans and puts forth a perfect medium to get a … Read more

Fishing in Odisha

Fishing  in Odisha Odisha is one of the major maritime States, offering vast scope for development of inland, brackishwater and marine INFRASTRUCTURE. A difficulty in imposing any limitation or stringent action on over-fishing, as fishing is a livelihood option for majority of poor people. Siltation of the fishery harbours and fish landing centres because of … Read more

Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha

Rivers and Drainage System of Odisha Following is the list of  important rivers of Odisha: Mahanadi Brahmani Baitarani Subarnarekha Budhabalanga Rushikulya Bahuda vamsadhara Nagavali Salandi Indirabati Kolab   Baitarani River  The Baitarani is one of the important east flowing rivers of peninsular India, flowing eastward and joining the Bay of Bengal. The river rises in … Read more

Orissa handicrafts

  Orissan craftsmanship is unique for its technical perfection and artistic excellence. The Orissan handicrafts, dominated by religious themes, are a fascinating combination of beauty, grace and utility. The creations are gorgeously alive, blending the modern with the traditional and the material range from grass to Metal. The workmanship and skills of Oriya artists are … Read more

Tamil Nadu Rivers and Drainage System 2

Thamirabarani River Originates: In Western Ghats In Tirunelveli District Tributaries: River Servalar, Pachaiyar And Chittar The river Tambaraparani (Now people call Tambaraparani as Thamirabarani) originates on the eastern slopes of Western Ghats in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The origins of Tambarabarani and its tributaries are situated at the peaks called “Aduppukkal Mottai”, “Agathimalai” and “Cherumunji Mottai”, at … Read more


  In Tamilnadu, coastal regions, are represented by many geomorphological features such as alluvial plains, cheniers, paleolagoonal plain and strandlines, coastal sand dunes, beaches, beach ridge and ridge plain, sand dune, sandy bar, mudflat etc. identified by many workers. Coastal geomorphology of the study area is represented by the depositional features like beaches, sand dune, … Read more

Punjab Ecotourism

The first impression of Punjab one gets is that of a land pulsating with prosperity. The plains of Punjab, with their fertile Soil and abundant water supply, are naturally suited to be the breadbasket for India. The land of Punjab is a land of exciting culture, myriad images of swaying emerald green fields and hearty … Read more

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