Horticulture of Kerala

Horticulture of Kerala Introduction: The  horticulture  sector  encompasses  a  wide  range  of  crops  namely  fruit  crops, vegetables crops, potato and tuber crops, ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic  crops,  spices  and  plantation  crops.  New  introductions  like  mushroom,  bamboo  and bee  keeping  (for  improving  the  crop  productivity)  further  expanded  the  scope  of  horticulture.  While  the  first  few  … Read more

Agriculture of West Bengal

agriculture of West Bengal West Bengal is located between 21⁰31’ & 27⁰14’ North Latitude and 85⁰91’ & 89⁰53’ East Longitude. The tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the state covering the district in the East, Nadia and Bardwan and in the West Bankura and Purulia. The state has occupied a geographical area of … Read more

Horticulture in Meghalaya

INFRASTRUCTURE like grading, packaging, ripening chambers will be introduced for the major crops in areas of their concentrations. As it is difficult to attract huge Investment to start large scale processing units, small scale and cottage units will be encouraged and support will be provided for them. Farmers associations (FPOs & FIGs, etc) will be … Read more

Agriculture in Meghalaya

agriculture in Meghalaya Meghalaya is basically an agricultural state with about 80% of its Population depending entirely on agriculture for their livelihood. Nearly 10% of the geographical area of Meghalaya is under cultivation. Agriculture in the state is characterised by limited use of modern techniques, low yields and low productivity. As a result, despite the … Read more

Horticulture in Nagaland

Biodiversity, the pollution of water Resources, and the degradation of soil. The future prospects for horticulture in Nagaland are bright. The state has a number of advantages, including a favorable climate, fertile soil, and a skilled workforce. With the right policies and investments, horticulture can play a major role in the Economic Development of Nagaland. … Read more

Horticulture in Odisha

POPULATION OF ODISHA (Rajkhisor, 2007). Most of them are desperately poor, backward, generally uneducated and lead a hard and miserable life . Although Rayagada and Koraput districts are very suitable for horticultural crops, a very small Percentage (5.83) of the tribal households had horticulture as a primary livelihood source.  Besides horticulture as the primary Source … Read more

Agriculture in Odisha

agriculture in Odisha According to the 2011 Census Of India, 61.8% of the Odisha’s working Population are engaged in agricultural activities. However, the agricultural’s contribution to the GSDP was 16.3% in the fiscal year 2013-14 and it was estimated to be 15.4% in 2014-15. The area under cultivation was 5,691 hectares in 2005-06 and it … Read more

Horticulture in Tamilnadu

INFRASTRUCTURE in post harvest facilities like cold storage and the avenues for sale in terms of market and mandi linkages are discussed in detail in this chapter. Agri Export Zones (AEZs) are promoted with the objective of promoting exports of agricultural produce from selected areas of productivity prominence, while food parks provide an opportunity of … Read more

Vegetation of Punjab

Vegetation  of Punjab:- Introduction:- Plains in the state of Punjab do not have any thick forests, the only available patches are of grass, small bush and shrubs. In the southern east part of state of Punjab and the areas of Hoshiarpur and Multan, the delicious mango fruit is grown. The other varieties of fruits that … Read more

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