Books/Articles & Authors (Modern)

      Ghulamgiri (challenged superiority of Brahmins)   Jyotiba Phule Tuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin (Gift to Monotheists in Persian)   Raja Rammohun Roy Dharma Tritiya Ratna, Ishvara & Life of Shivaji   Jyotiba Phule New Lamp for the Old (Series of Articles criticizing Congress)   Aurobindo Ghosh Doctrine of Passive Resistance (Articles in Bande Mataram)   Aurobindo … Read more


Rathore of Marwad Marwar was ruled by Rathores for centuries, current Rathore rule was established in year 1226 AD. Rathore arise from the Sanskrit word Rastrakoot .Ranbanka Rathores proudly carried their legacy till date by showing courage, chivalry and bravery at various points of time in history and even today they are maintaining the highest … Read more

Industrial Economy

Under Industrial Policy, keeping in view the priorities of the country and its Economic Development, the roles of the public and private sectors are clearly decided. Under the New Industrial Policy, the industries have been freed to a large extent from the licenses and other controls. In order to encourage modernisation, Stress has been laid … Read more

Rajasthan : Monsoon and Rainfall

Rajasthan : Monsoon and Rainfall Rainfall in large parts of the State is not only inadequate but also varies sharply from year to year and place to place. The Average rainfall of Rajasthan is 564.89 mm (1960 to 2009) compared to the all-India average of 1,100mm and a significant variation is seen across different regions. … Read more

Wetland Conservation Programme

    Wetlands are lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic system where the water table is usually near the water surface and land is covered by shallow water. Essential as: control floods, water treatment, recharging of water sources, reduce sediments, check Soil erosion, bulwark against encroachment by the sea, winter resort for birds and important … Read more

Global Warming

  An increase in the Average temperature of Earth’s near surface air and Oceans since the mid-20thcentury 4thassessment report of IPCC: global temperature increased 74+18 degree C during the 20thcentury. Caused by greenhouse gases Water vapour, Co2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone, CFCs (in order of abundance) Since the Industrial revolution, the burning of fossil fuels has increased … Read more


E — WASTE E-Waste is not hazardous if it is stocked in safe storage or recycled by scientific methods or transported from one place to the other in parts or in totality in the formal sector. The e-waste can be considered hazardous if recycled by primitive methods Survey was carried out by the Central Pollution … Read more


  Any – body of standing water, generally large enough in area and depth, irrespective of its hydrology, ECOLOGY, and other characteristics is generally known as lake. Ageing of Lakes The nutrient enrichment of the lakes promotes the Growth of algae, aquatic Plants and various Fauna. This process is known as natural eutrophication. Similar nutrient … Read more


  Deserts are formed in regions with less than 25 cm of annual rainfall, .or sometimes in hot regions where there is more rainfall, but unevenly distributed in the annual cycle. Lack’ of rain in the mid latitude is often due to stable high pressure zones; deserts in temperate regions often lie in “rain shadows”, … Read more


    Forest ecosystem includes a complex assemblage of different kinds of biotic communities. Optimum conditions such as temperature and ground moisture are responsible for the establishment of forest communities. Forests may be evergreen or deciduous which are distinguished on the basis of leaf into broad-leafed or needle leafed coniferous forests in the case of … Read more

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