Emancipation of the Depressed class

Emancipation of the Depressed class Liberal Discourse of Emancipation The use of ‘Liberty’ to describe the physical ‘ability to do what I want’, the power to satisfy our wishes, or the extent of the choice of alternatives open to us has been deliberately fostered as part of the socialist argument. Once this identification of freedom … Read more

Empowerment of the Depressed class through religion and education

Empowerment of the Depressed class through religion and Education Empowerment of the Depressed class through education View of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar about Education  “It is the education which is the right weapon to cut the social slavery and it is the education which will enlighten the downtrodden masses to come up and gain social … Read more


Migration has been defined as crossing of the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period of time. It includes the movements of refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people as well as economic migrants. Internal migration refers to a move from one area (a province, district or Municipality) to another within one … Read more


In societal development, conception of empowerment has vital role. This phrase is linked with

Chemical Reaction

The Rate of a Chemical Reaction can be defined as the amount of the reaction which occurs in unit time. The rate of a reaction is measured by choosing certain properties of the reaction which will indicate how far the reaction has gone, and whose magnitude can be observed with time without disturbing the reaction. … Read more

Environmental degradation: its causes, effects and remedies.

The major causes of the Environmental Degradation are modern Urbanization, industrialization, over-Population Growth, deforestation etc. Environmental pollution refers to the degradation of quality and quantity of natural Resources. Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of “enoughness” in his saying “the earth provides enough to satisfy every persons need but not for every person’s greed” According to World Commission … Read more

Persuasive Communication

Persuasion Persuasion is an umbrella term of influence. Persuasion can attempt to influence a person’s beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s (or a group’s) Attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, … Read more

Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change

Concept Of Social Legislation Legislation is an instrument to control, guide and restrain the behaviour of individuals and groups living in Society. Individuals and groups left in absolute freedom may clash with each other in the pursuit of their self interest at the cost of others.They cause grave harm to society leading to chaos. Legislation … Read more

Human resource development

Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization, and teachers and educational institutions as socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument of Social Change, three things are important: the agents of change, the content of change, and the social background of those who are sought to be changed, i.e. students. Educational institutions … Read more

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