Punjab Tax and Economic Reform

Punjab Tax and Economic Reform   Tax is very important very important part of government revenues. But sometimes it is necessary to reform the tax structure keeping eye on current economic conditions. We will learn about Tax and Economic Reforms in Punjab in the following paragraphs. Fiscal Reforms in Punjab Monetary changes frame a vital piece … Read more

Goa : Trade and Commerce

Goa : Trade and Commerce Goa is situated on the west coast of the country with impressive socio economic indicators. The Structure of economic activities changes over time due to changes in structure of production and demand in the economy. There are lot of sectors that contributes to the trade and commerce of the state. … Read more

Assam: Trade and Commerce

Assam: Trade and Commerce:- As Assam is the gateway of north-eastern India, the trade links of all the States like Meghalaya, Manipur , Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Tripura with the rest of the countries are though Assam. Their trade is mostly conducted through the markets of Assam. So out of all the commodities which … Read more

Assam :industrial development

The Assam economy and development depend on the production of the state. The economy is prevalently agrarian in nature. The government makes continuous efforts to develop the already existing agrarian economy and to improve the other sectors of the economy in the state of Assam. Almost 63 percent of the Society of Assam earns its living from … Read more

Haryana trade and commerce

Haryana Trade and Commerce Haryana is a key destination of manufacturing part of auto manufacture sectors. Haryana is a preferred destination for auto majors and auto-component manufacturers. The state is host to many large automotive players. Gurgaon has emerged as a preferred destination for the IT Industry in North India, with more than 400 IT … Read more

Industrial Development of Haryana

Industrial Development of Haryana Industrialization plays a crucial role in the Economic Development of an economy. It accelerates economic Growth of a State and thereby increases the contribution of Industry Sector in the State Domestic Product by way of increase in the production and EMPLOYMENT. Haryana is among the northern most states in India and … Read more

Policies and Performance of Industry

Objectives: To create high quality world class Horticulture, Floriculture, Bio-technology etc. To provide assured, good quality, uninterrupted and affordable power for industries. To simplify and rationalize labour laws and procedures in tune with the current day requirements To promote Small scale, Cottage and Khadi and Village Industries and Handicrafts Silk and Handloom sectors To address … Read more

Essence of Ethics

Essence of Ethics Ethics   comes from Greek word “ethos” means character, habit, culture, ways of behaviour etc. Ethics is also called “moral philosophy”. The word “moral” comes from Latin word “mores” which signifies customs, character, behaviour, etc. Thus ethics may be defined as the systematic study of human actions from the point of view of … Read more

Gujarat Trade and Commerce

Gujarat Trade and Commerce The Growth story of Gujarat is one of a state punching above its weight. With only 6 per cent of India’s land mass and barely 5 per cent of its Population, Gujarat has managed to account for 7.6 per cent of the country’s GDP and 22 per cent of its exports. … Read more

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