The Age Of Buddha Important Cites In Uttar Pradesh

 Sarnath About 10 km. from the holy city of Varanasi, Sarnath is the place where more than 2,500 years ago Buddha delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. An imposing conical structure, 34 meters in height, called Dhamek stupa signifies the “seat of the holy Buddha.” There are also the ruins of Dharmarajika … Read more

Tribe, Religion, Linguistic features

Populations-Tribe, Religion, Linguistic features Tribal Population Tribal peoples constitute 8.6 percent of India’s total population, about 104 million people according to the 2011 census (68 million people according to the 1991 census). This is the largest population of the tribal people in the world. One concentration lives in a belt along the Himalayas stretching through … Read more


 Rise of Mahayana and Development of Art (Gandhara, Mathura and other Schools)     Mahayana

6.The Mauryas

   Foundation of the Mauryan Empire: The foundation of the Maurya Empire in 321 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya was a unique event in history. Particularly in view of the fact that it was found shortly after Alexander’s victorious campaigns in North-West India during 327 B.C. – 325 B.C. There … Read more

The Kushana Dynasty

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Under the rule of Kanishka, The Kushana empire reached its maximum territorial limits. This empire extended from the Central Asia to the northern India, while including Varanasi, Kaushambi and Sravasti in Uttar Pradesh region. The Kushanas patronized the Gandhara and the Mathura schools … Read more

Growth Of Buddhism In Andhra Pradesh

Growth Of Hinduism. As a result of their efforts, Buddhism began to grow in popularity in Andhra Pradesh. The current state of Buddhism in Andhra Pradesh is one of growth and vitality. There are now over 10 million Buddhists in Andhra Pradesh, and the religion is continuing to grow. The Buddhist community in Andhra Pradesh … Read more


  Foundation of the Mauryan Empire: The foundation of the Maurya Empire in 321 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya was a unique event in history. Particularly in view of the fact that it was found shortly after Alexander’s victorious campaigns in North-West India during 327 B.C. – 325 B.C. There is no unanimity with regard to … Read more

Buddhism : An introduction

Buddhism is a world religion and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha (literally the Enlightened One or Awakened One). Siddhārtha Gautama was the historical founder of Buddhism. After asceticism and meditation, he discovered the Buddhist Middle Way—a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and … Read more

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