Forest- Types and Conservation

Forest Biodiversity, forming a complex ecosystem. Plantation is different from natural forest as these planted species are often of same type and doesn’t support a variety of natural biodiversity. Forests provide various natural Services and products. Many forest products are used in day-today life. Besides these, forests play important role in maintaining ecological balance & … Read more

Forest Types And Conservation Of Forest And Forest Resources

 Forest- Types and Conservation of Forest and Forest Resources A forest is a complex ecosystem which is predominantly composed of trees, shrubs and is usually a closed canopy. Forests are storehouses of a large variety of life forms such as Plants, mammals, birds, insects and reptiles etc. Also the forests have abundant Microorganisms … Read more

Classification Based on Climate

Classification Based on Climate Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over a long period of time. It is determined by factors such as latitude, altitude, and proximity to water. Climate can have a significant impact on the types of plants and animals that can live in a particular area. It can also … Read more

Types of Climate

Understanding the Diversity of Earth’s Climate: A Journey Through Types The Earth’s climate is a complex and dynamic system, shaped by a multitude of factors including solar radiation, atmospheric composition, ocean currents, and landforms. This intricate interplay results in a wide range of climatic conditions across the globe, each with its unique characteristics and ecological … Read more

Biogeographic Zones

Unlocking Earth’s Biodiversity: A Journey Through Biogeographic Zones The Earth’s surface is a tapestry of diverse ecosystems, each harboring unique life forms adapted to specific environmental conditions. This intricate web of life is not randomly distributed but rather organized into distinct biogeographic zones, reflecting the influence of geographical, climatic, and historical factors. Understanding these zones … Read more

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