Food bio-technology

Food Bio Technology Biotechnology is defined in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity, i.e. “any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or Derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use” Biotechnology as applied to Food Processing in most developing countries makes use of microbial inoculants to enhance properties … Read more

Telangana Industries

Telangana Industries Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal, clinical and botanical products constitute about 29% of the GVA within the manufacturing sector, followed by manufacture of electrical equipment (11%), manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (9 %) and manufacturing of food products (9 %). In terms of Investment, manufacture of pharmaceuticals, other non-metallic mineral products, rubber and … Read more

Ethical, social, legal and IPR (intellectual property rights) issues related to biotechnological development.

Biotechnology through Genetic engineering has made Food Crops more resistant to disease, but the mere act of modification of the naturally selected food crops may actually disturb the delicate balance of Fermentation (C) Tissue Culture (D) Cloning Which of the following is an example of a genetically modified organism? (A) A tomato that is resistant … Read more

Biotechnology in agriculture -bio-fertilizers

Biotechnology in agriculture For about 10,000 years , farmers have been improving wild Plants and animals through the selection and breeding of desirable characteristics. This breeding has resulted in the domesticated plants and animals that are commonly used in crop and Livestock agriculture. In the twentieth century, breeding became more sophisticated, as the traits that … Read more

Bio-pesticides, Bio-fuels

Biopesticides Plants, growing in the wild or in cultivation, face numerous threats from insects, bacteria, viruses, and Fungi, as well as from other plants. Biopesticides are inert substances or living organisms that can help protect plants from such threats. Chemical pesticides can offer similar protection but, by contrast, are neither alive nor made by living … Read more

Hybrid seed production with R&D

Seed is the true carrier of technology. In India, three sets of institutions produce seeds:research institutions and agricultural universities; public sector seed producing corporations; andprivate sector firms including multinationals. The last decade has seen two main developmentsin seed market. One, production of quality seed has risen at a rapid rate after 2005-06. And two,public sector … Read more

Production of Hybrid seeds and their processing techniques

Seed is the true carrier of technology. In India, three sets of institutions produce seeds:research institutions and agricultural universities; public sector seed producing corporations; andprivate sector firms including multinationals. The last decade has seen two main developmentsin seed market. One, production of quality seed has risen at a rapid rate after 2005-06. And two,public sector … Read more

Biotechnology: Definition, uses in Sector of Health and Medicine, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Industry and Environment.

Concept of Biotechnology The term ‘Biotechnology’ may Sound futuristic, but it is nearly as old as civilization itself. We have begun growing crops and raising animals 10,000 years ago to provide a stable supply of food and clothing. We have been using the biological processes of Microorganisms for 6,000 years to make useful food products … Read more


Biotechnology is defined as the industrial application of living organisms and their biological processes such as biochemistry, Microbiology, and Genetic engineering, in order to make best use of the Microorganisms for the benefit of mankind. Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, … Read more

Tissue Culture

 Tissue culture Tissue culture, a method of biological research in which fragments of tissue from an animal or plant are transferred to an artificial Environment in which they can continue to survive and function. The cultured tissue may consist of a single cell, a Population of cells, or a whole or part of … Read more

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