Karnataka soil

  Eleven groups of Soil orders are found in Karnataka Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Spodosols, Alfisols, Ultisols, Oxisols, Aridisols, Vertisols, Andisols and Histosols. Depending on the agricultural capability of the soil, the Soil Types are divided into six types viz., Red, lateritic(lateritic soil is found in bidar and kolar district), black, alluvio-colluvial, forest and coastal soils. The common Types of Soil groups found in Karnataka are Red soils: Red … Read more

Concentrated Organic Manures

Concentrated Organic Manures Concentrated organic manures are a type of organic fertilizer that is made from animal waste. They are a good source of nutrients for plants, and they can help to improve SoilSoil health. Types of Concentrated Organic Manures There are many different types of concentrated organic manures, each with its own unique properties. … Read more


The Rise of Bio-fertilizers: A Sustainable Solution for Agricultural Growth The world’s population is growing, and with it, the demand for food. This puts immense pressure on agricultural systems to produce more food while simultaneously facing the challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. Conventional fertilizers, while effective in boosting crop yields, come … Read more

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