Mineral Resources of West Bengal

Mineral Resources of  West Bengal   Major Mineral Resources: The state of West Bengal has an important position in mineral production of the country. In terms of value, the state accounts for 3.8% of mineral production in India and occupies the seventh position. Various metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits have been located both in the … Read more

Minerals in Meghalaya

Minerals in Meghalaya Meghalaya is endowed with sizeable deposits of a number of valuable minerals. Coal, limestone, uranium, granite, kaolin, clay and glass sand are the principal minerals. A brief account of mineral Resources is as follows: Limestone An extensive bed of limestone occurs in the Southern part of the State from Jaintia Hills in … Read more

Minerals in Nagaland

Minerals in Nagaland According to the base document of the 8th CGPB committee on geology and mineral Resources, Ministry of Mines, Nagaland has her biggest limestone deposit at Nimi in Tuensang district. The thickness of limestone varies from 9 m to 120m. The geology and mining department of Nagaland has established a reserve of 111.07 … Read more

Natural and power resoures of Orrisa

Characteristic and Power assets of Odisha   Characteristic Resources of Odisha:   Assets in Odishacan be separated into following four classes:   a) Minerals, b) Forest, c) Water and d) Land Resources   Odisha has a lot of a wide range of common assets like minerals, backwoods, water and land. We will talk about all … Read more

Minerals of Odisha

Minerals of Odisha Odisha topped among all the states as it contributed above 10% to total mineral production in the country. The value of principal minerals produced remained at Rs. 22567.67 crore, an increase of 31.64% over the previous year period. The value of minor minerals remained Rs. 85.68 crores. Coal, bauxite, chromite, iron & … Read more

Mineral Resources of Tamil Nadu

Mineral Resources of Tamil Nadu   Tamil Nadu is the leading holder of country’s resources of vermiculite, magnetite, dunite, rutile, garnet, molybdenum and ilmenite. The State accounts for the country’s 81% lignite,75% vermiculite, 69% dunite, 59% garnet, 52% molybdenum and 30% titanium Minerals resources. Important minerals that are found to occur in the State are … Read more

Minerals of Haryana for Haryana PSC

Minerals of Haryana A host of mineral occurrences have enriched the state of Haryana. The minerals occurring in this state are primarily china clay, limestone, dolomite, quartz/ silica sand, quartzite, slate. Other minerals, such as, barytes, calcite, feldspar, marble, copper, tin and tungsten are noteworthy. Among building stones, granite, slate, marble, quartzite and sandstone are … Read more

Economy growth of Jharkhand & Others policies of Jharkhand

  economy Growth of Jharkhand has been slow in comparison with the national Average. The economy depends mostly on mineral Resources, industries, agricultural, and tourism sectors. The State’s Gross Domestic Product amounted to US $ 14 billion in 2004, which moved to US $ 22.46 billion in 2010-11. Jharkhand‘s per capita income increased by 40.82 … Read more

Mineral Resources of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is the principal holder of country’s andalusite & diaspore Resources and possesses 78% andalusite 37% diaspore and 10% pyrophyllite. Important Minerals occurring in Uttar Pradesh are: coal in Singrauli coalfields,Sonbhadra district. diaspore & pyrophyllite in Hamirpur, Jhansi, Lalilpur and Mahoba districts. Naini area of Allahabad contains High quality of silica sand, an important … Read more

Minerals in Himachal Pradesh

Minerals in Himachal Pradesh The state of Himachal Pradesh with numerousglaciers, a large Network of perennial streams/rivers,extensive vegetative cover has following naturalresources. Nearly the entire area of Himachal Pradeshhas been covered by systematic geological mappingwith the reported occurrence of a number of nonmetallic,metallic and other minerals. A variety ofminerals are known from the state but … Read more

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