Major cities of Punjab

At present there are total 168 statutary towns in Punjab and another 69 census towns. Thus there are total 237 towns (or say cities) in Punjab. The list of statutary towns include 10 Municipal Corporations, 96 Municipal Councils, 59 Nagar Panchayats and 3 Cantonment Boards. Bathinda with 21 towns is the district with largest number of towns. Pathankot, … Read more

Bundelas, Sikhs, Jats and Satnamis

Bundelas, Sikhs, Jats and Satnamis Bundelas The Bundelas are a Rajput clan of central India. The families belonging to this clan ruled several small states in the Bundelkhand region from the 16th century. Mythical origin The mythical accounts of the Bundela dynasties trace their ancestry to the Suryavansha (solar dynasty). An example of such an … Read more

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