Soils in West Bengal

Soils in West Bengal The soils of Bengal have been studied widely by different scholars. The studies carried out so far lead to the convenient grouping of soils as (i) Laterites, (ii) Red Earths, (iii) Tarai soils, (iv) Alluvial soils and (v) The Coastal soils   To attain scientific management of regional Resources and sustainable … Read more


  The major physiographic divisions of West Bengal are as follows: Extra peninsular mountainous terrain of Darjeeling Himalayas Piedmont plain of North Bengal comprising Bhabar-Terai belt Peninsular shield area of South-Western Bengal Gondwana platform Vast low-lying alluvial tract of the southern and eastern part Coastal tract of Bengal basin The northern mountainous terrain covers Darjeeling … Read more

Soils of Odisha

Soils of Odisha Soil is the top layer of the earth’s surface in which Plants can grow and develop, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with decayed organic matter and having the capability of retaining water. Soil Profile The soil profile is defined as a vertical section of the soil that is exposed by … Read more

Tamil Nadu Rivers and Drainage System 2

Thamirabarani River Originates: In Western Ghats In Tirunelveli District Tributaries: River Servalar, Pachaiyar And Chittar The river Tambaraparani (Now people call Tambaraparani as Thamirabarani) originates on the eastern slopes of Western Ghats in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The origins of Tambarabarani and its tributaries are situated at the peaks called “Aduppukkal Mottai”, “Agathimalai” and “Cherumunji Mottai”, at … Read more

Soils of Tamilnadu

Soil is one of the most important non-renewable basic Resources on the earth’s surface. The major soil groups of Tamil Nadu are: Red soils, (62 per cent) Black soils (12 per cent) Laterite soils (3 per cent) and Coastal soils (7 per cent) The red soils are further classified as: Red loamy (30 per cent) … Read more

Soils of Punjab

 Soils of Punjab:-   Definiton of Soil: Soil may be defined as a thin layer of earth crust which serves as a natural medium for the Growth of the Plants.Soil is our prime natural and economic resource because we derive everything that we need in our life from it. The word “Soil” originated from the … Read more

Relief and Structure of Goa

Relief and Structure of Goa Goa is almost entirely covered by rocks of the Goa Group belonging to the Dharwar Super Group of the ArchaeanlProterozoic age, except for a narrow strip at the north-eastern corner occupied by Deccan Trap of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene age. The Goa Group consisting of green ‘schist species of metamorphic … Read more

Soil of Assam

  The soils of Assam are very rich in content of nitrogen and organic matter. The alluvial soils of the Brahmaputra and the Barak valley are highly fertile and are very much suitable for raising of varieties of crops round the year such as Cereals, pulses, oilseeds, Plantation Crops etc. The well drained, deep, acidic … Read more

Soils of Haryana

Soils of Haryana An overview of Haryana Soil Soil in Haryana is formed almost entirely of alluvium. The state is situated towards the depressions of the rivers Ganges and Indus. Haryana State is a broad level plain standing nearly on the watershed between the basins of the two rivers. Haryana state is a vast ground of … Read more

Gujarat: Soils

  Below is the analysis of soils of Gujarat regionwise: Central Gujarat: The Soils of central Gujarat varies from shallow to deep Soil depth class. The deep & very deep soil depth are found in western part, where as shallow soil depth belongs to eastern part. The soils are fine to coarser and well to … Read more

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