State Information Commission

State Information Commission

The State Information Commission (SIC) is an independent body established by the Right to Information Act, 2005 to ensure the implementation of the Act in the state. The SIC is headed by a Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and two Information Commissioners (ICs). The CIC and ICs are appointed by the President of India on the recommendation of a selection committee headed by the Chief Justice of the High Court of the state.

The SIC has the following functions:

  • To receive complaints from citizens about the non-compliance of the RTI Act by public authorities.
  • To investigate complaints and take appropriate action, including issuing directions to public authorities to comply with the Act.
  • To promote awareness about the RTI Act among citizens.
  • To provide guidance and training to public authorities on the implementation of the Act.

The SIC is a quasi-judicial body and its decisions are binding on public authorities. The SIC can also impose penalties on public authorities for non-compliance of the RTI Act.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Right to Information Act?

The Right to Information Act, 2005 is an Act of the Parliament of India to provide for setting up of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions to provide for the right of access to information under the control of public authorities to the citizens of India.

  1. What are the functions of the State Information Commission?

The functions of the State Information Commission are to:

  • Receive complaints from citizens about the non-compliance of the RTI Act by public authorities.
  • Investigate complaints and take appropriate action, including issuing directions to public authorities to comply with the Act.
  • Promote awareness about the RTI Act among citizens.
  • Provide guidance and training to public authorities on the implementation of the Act.
  1. What are the powers of the State Information Commission?

The State Information Commission has the following powers:

  • To summon any person and examine him or her on oath.
  • To require the production of any document or other material from any person.
  • To enter any public place or building.
  • To take any evidence on affidavit.
  • To issue directions to public authorities to comply with the RTI Act.
  • To impose penalties on public authorities for non-compliance of the RTI Act.
  1. How can I file a complaint with the State Information Commission?

You can file a complaint with the State Information Commission by submitting a written application to the Commission. The application should be accompanied by a copy of the RTI application that was made to the public authority, and a copy of the reply received from the public authority.

  1. What is the procedure for filing a complaint with the State Information Commission?

The procedure for filing a complaint with the State Information Commission is as follows:

  1. You can file a complaint with the State Information Commission by submitting a written application to the Commission.
  2. The application should be accompanied by a copy of the RTI application that was made to the public authority, and a copy of the reply received from the public authority.
  3. The application should be submitted to the Commission in person or by post.
  4. The application should be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 100.
  5. The Commission will register your complaint and investigate it.
  6. The Commission will issue a notice to the public authority and give it an opportunity to respond to the complaint.
  7. The Commission will hear the arguments of both parties and decide the complaint.
  8. The Commission’s decision will be binding on the public authority.

  9. What are the remedies available if the State Information Commission does not act on my complaint?

If the State Information Commission does not act on your complaint, you can file a writ petition in the High Court of the state.

  1. What is the time limit for filing a complaint with the State Information Commission?

You can file a complaint with the State Information Commission within 30 days of the date of receipt of the reply from the public authority.

  1. What is the penalty for non-compliance of the RTI Act?

The penalty for non-compliance of the RTI Act is a fine of up to Rs. 25,000 or imprisonment for up to three years, or both.


  1. The Right to Information Act was passed in the year:
    (a) 2000
    (b) 2002
    (c) 2005
    (d) 2008

  2. The Right to Information Act provides for the setting up of:
    (a) A Central Information Commission
    (b) State Information Commissions
    (c) Both (a) and (b)

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