
Here is a list of subtopics without any description for solifluction:

  • Active layer
  • Gelifluction
  • Heave
  • Hydrostatic pressure
  • Ice lens
  • Permafrost
  • Pingo
  • Stratified drift
  • Taliks
  • Thermokarst
  • Tor
  • Vegetation mat
  • Water table
    Solifluction is a type of mass movement that occurs in areas with permafrost. It is a slow, downslope movement of SoilSoil and rock that is caused by the thawing and freezing of the active layer. The active layer is the top layer of soil that thaws during the summer and freezes again during the winter.

Gelifluction is a type of solifluction that occurs when the active layer is saturated with water. The water causes the soil to become saturated and lose its strength, which allows it to move downhill.

Heave is a type of solifluction that occurs when the active layer is frozen. The freezing of the soil causes it to expand, which can push up objects on the surface.

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure that is exerted by water that is trapped in the soil. The hydrostatic pressure can cause the soil to move downhill.

Ice lens is a lens-shaped body of ice that forms in the soil. The ice lens can cause the soil to move downhill.

Permafrost is ground that remains frozen for at least two years. Permafrost is found in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, as well as in high-altitude areas.

Pingo is a dome-shaped hill that forms when water that is trapped in the permafrost freezes. Pingos can be up to 100 meters tall.

Stratified drift is a type of glacial deposit that is composed of layers of sand, gravel, and clay. Stratified drift is found in areas that have been glaciated.

Talik is a layer of unfrozen ground that is found within permafrost. Taliks can form when there is a source of heat, such as a stream or a hot spring.

Thermokarst is a type of landform that forms when permafrost melts. Thermokarst features include thaw lakes, pingos, and taliks.

Tor is a small hill or mountain that is composed of resistant rock. Tors are found in areas that have been glaciated.

Vegetation mat is a layer of vegetation that covers the ground in permafrost areas. The vegetation mat helps to insulate the ground and prevent it from thawing.

Water table is the level at which the ground is saturated with water. The water table can fluctuate depending on the amount of PrecipitationPrecipitation and the amount of EvaporationEvaporation.

Solifluction is a significant process in permafrost areas. It can cause the movement of soil and rock, which can damage InfrastructureInfrastructure and ecosystems. Solifluction can also contribute to the formation of thermokarst features.

There are a number of ways to mitigate the effects of solifluction. One way is to reduce the amount of vegetation in permafrost areas. This will help to expose the ground to the sun and allow it to thaw more quickly. Another way to mitigate the effects of solifluction is to build structures that can withstand the movement of soil and rock.
Active layer

The active layer is the top layer of soil that thaws in the summer and freezes again in the winter. It is typically 1-3 meters thick, but can be much thicker in some areas. The active layer is important because it is where most plant life grows.


Gelifluction is a type of soil movement that occurs in permafrost areas. It is caused by the thawing and freezing of the active layer, which causes the soil to become saturated with water. The saturated soil then flows downhill, like a slow-moving mudslide.


Heave is a type of frost heave that occurs when water freezes in the soil. The ice crystals expand as they freeze, which causes the soil to heave upwards. Heave can damage buildings and other structures.

Hydrostatic pressure

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted by a fluid at rest. In the case of permafrost, hydrostatic pressure is exerted by the water that is trapped in the soil. The hydrostatic pressure can cause the soil to compact and become unstable.

Ice lens

An ice lens is a lens-shaped body of ice that forms in the soil. It is caused by the freezing of water that has seeped into the soil. Ice lenses can cause the soil to heave and damage buildings and other structures.


Permafrost is ground that remains frozen for at least two years. It is found in the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as in high-altitude areas. Permafrost can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Heave: When the ground freezes, it expands. This can cause buildings and other structures to crack and shift.
  • Thermokarst: When the ground thaws, it can collapse. This can create SinkholesSinkholes and other features.
  • Water: Permafrost can hold a lot of water. When the ground thaws, this water can cause flooding and erosion.


A pingo is a dome-shaped hill that forms when water freezes in the ground. It is typically found in permafrost areas. Pingos can grow to be very large, and they can cause damage to buildings and other structures.

Stratified drift

Stratified drift is a type of glacial deposit that is made up of layers of sand, gravel, and silt. It is typically found in areas that have been affected by glaciers. Stratified drift can be used to build roads and other structures.


A talik is a patch of unfrozen ground that occurs within permafrost. It is typically found in areas where there is a lot of water, such as near rivers or lakes. Taliks can be important for plant life, as they provide a place for plants to grow during the winter.


Thermokarst is a type of landform that forms when permafrost thaws. It is typically found in permafrost areas. Thermokarst can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Heave: When the ground thaws, it expands. This can cause buildings and other structures to crack and shift.
  • Sinkholes: When the ground thaws, it can collapse. This can create sinkholes and other features.
  • Water: Permafrost can hold a lot of water. When the ground thaws, this water can cause flooding and erosion.


A tor is a small, isolated hill that is made of resistant rock. It is typically found in areas that have been affected by glaciers. Tors can be important for plant life, as they provide a place for plants to grow in areas that are otherwise too dry or too cold.

Vegetation mat

A vegetation mat is a layer of plant material that covers the ground. It is typically found in areas that have a lot of moisture, such as near rivers or lakes. Vegetation mats can help to protect the soil from erosion and provide a home for a variety of plants and animals.

Water table

The water table is the level at which the ground is saturated with water. It is typically found below the surface of the ground. The water table can fluctuate depending on the amount of rainfall and the amount of evaporation.
1. The active layer is the zone of the soil that thaws in the summer and freezes in the winter. True or False?
2. Gelifluction is the slow downslope movement of soil under the influence of gravity and frost action. True or False?
3. Heave is the upward movement of soil caused by the growth of ice lenses. True or False?
4. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted by a fluid at rest. True or False?
5. An ice lens is a lens-shaped body of ice that forms in the ground when water freezes. True or False?
6. Permafrost is ground that remains frozen for at least two years. True or False?
7. A pingo is a conical hill of ice that forms when water rises to the surface through a crack in the permafrost. True or False?
8. Stratified drift is a type of glacial deposit that is composed of layers of sand, gravel, and clay. True or False?
9. A talik is a patch of unfrozen ground that occurs within permafrost. True or False?
10. Thermokarst is a type of landform that forms when permafrost melts. True or False?
11. A tor is a small, isolated hill or rock that is formed by the weathering of a larger rock. True or False?
12. A vegetation mat is a layer of plant material that covers the ground. True or False?
13. The water table is the surface below which the ground is saturated with water. True or False?

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. True
13. True

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