Soil Conservation Planning On Watershed Basis

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Soil conservation planning on watershed basis

Watershed development activity was taken up in the country prior to independence in the state of Maharashtra (then Bombay state) as a scarcity relief work during drought years in which contour binding programme for conservation of moisture and control of soil erosion was mostly undertaken, After independence, during the second five-year plan, soil conservation research, demonstration and training centers were established in different agroecological zones.

A watershed is a geo-hydrological unit, which drains into common point. The watershed approach is a project based ridge to valley approach for in situ soil and water conservation, forestation etc. Unit of development will be a watershed area of about 500 hectares each in watershed development projects. However, the actual area of a project may vary keeping in view the geographical location, the size of village etc. The thematic maps generated from satellite data for different themes such as land use/land cover, hydro geo morphology, soils etc. may be used for selection of a watershed area.

The Watershed Development Programme is the basic need for integrated development and management of the land and water Resources which provide life support for rural communities. Thus the prospects for agriculture in the dry land areas are severely constrained by the specific feature of their natural resource endowments and the changed context. In a situation of low pressure on resources, viability was possible through traditional land cultivation practices. Watershed Development Programme ensures supply of water to every field, removes hunger and POVERTY from poor areas, provide green cover over denuded areas, bring in more rains and improve the Environment. Watershed Development Programme is also described as a programme that holds the key to solve problems of EMPLOYMENT, economy, ECOLOGY, export and Equity.

Activities for Watershed Development A meeting of the Gram Sabha/Ward Sabha shall be convened for preparation of the Action Plan/Watershed Treatment Plan, on the basis of the information generated from the benchmark survey of the watershed areas and detailed Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) exercises. After general discussion, the Gram Panchayat will prepare a detailed Action plan/Treatment Plan for integrated development of the watershed area under the guidance of the Watershed Development team and submit the same to the Project Implementation Agency (PIA). The Watershed Development Team should utilize various thematic maps relating to land and Water Resources development in the preparation and finalization of the Action plan/Watershed Treatment Plan. This Action Plan shall necessarily mention the clear demarcation of the watershed with specific details ofsurvey numbers, ownership details and a map depicting the location of proposed work/activities. The Project Implementation Agency (PIA), after careful scmtiny, shall submit the Action Plan for Watershed Development for approval of the Zilla Parishad or District Rural Development Agency. The approved plan shall be the basis for release of funds, monitoring, review, evaluation etc. by the Zilla Parishad/District Rural Development Agency, State Government and Central Government. The Action Plan/Watershed Treatment Plan should be prepared for all the arable and nonarable land including degraded forestlands, government and community lands and private lands. The items, inter-alia, which can be included in the Action plan/Watershed Treatment Plan, are:

  • Development ofsmall water harvesting structures such as low-cost farm ponds, nalla bunds, check-Dams, percolation tanks and other ground water recharge measures.
  • Renovation and augmentation of water sources, desolation of village tanks for drinking water/Irrigation/Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries development etc.
  • Afforestation including block plantations, agro-Forestry and horticultural development, shelterbelt plantations, sand dune stabilization etc.
  • Land development including in-situ soil and moisture conservation measures like contour and graded bunds fortified by plantation, bench terracing in hilly terrain, nursery rising for fodder, timber, fuel wood, Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture and non-timber forest product species.
  • Repair, restoration and up-gradation of existing common property assets and structures in the watershed to obtain optimum & sustained benefits from previous public investments.

National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA)

During the Sixth Five-year Plan the department of Agriculture and cooperation launched a pilot project for propagation of water conservation and harvesting in rainfed areas (in 19 watersheds) located in 15 states. The main objectives were water harvesting and water conservation. Besides, the Ministry of Rural Development selected 23 watersheds in drought prone areas for soil and water conservation. In 1983-84 two World Bank aided projects were started in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Garhwal region of Uttar Pradesh. These projects showed the potentials of vegetative conservation measures to support Biomass/”>Biomass production. Based on these experiences, the National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) was launched during the Seventh Five-year plan in 99 selected districts of the country.

Integrated Wastelands Development Programme (IWDP)

Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP), a centrally sponsored programme, has been under implementation since 1989-90, and was transferred to the erstwhile department of Wasteland Development (now Department of Land Resources) along with the National Wasteland Development Board in July, 1992, From 1st April 1995, the programme is being implemented through watershed approach under the common guidelines for Watershed Development. The development of wastelands and degraded lands under the programme is expected to promote the generation of employment in the rural areas besides enhancing the participation of people at all stages leading to Sustainable Development ofland and equitable sharing of the benefits.

Watershed Development Projects under Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS)

As per old guidelines of Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS), 50 Per cent of the funds released under Drought prone Area programme and Desert Development Programme and upto 40 Per cent of the funds released under Employment Assurance programme were supposed to be spent on watershed development projects and other related activities. Many Stats following it and a certain portion of the funds was spent on watershed development projects. These states have, in the meanwhile, created a liability for completion of watershed development projects under Employment Assurance. The total area taken up under Employment Assurance prior to 31.3.99 for completion of Watershed Development Projects comes to 63.50 lakh hectares for which central share funds will be released by the Department of Land Resource.



Soil conservation planning is the process of developing and implementing strategies to protect soil resources. It is a complex process that involves many different factors, including land use, Climate, and vegetation. Soil conservation planning is essential to protect soil from erosion, which can lead to a loss of productivity, water quality problems, and flooding.

There are many different methods of soil conservation, including terracing, contour farming, and cover Cropping. Terraces are built across the slope of the land to slow down the flow of water and prevent erosion. Contour farming is a method of planting crops in rows that follow the contour of the land. This helps to reduce the amount of water that runs off the land and prevents erosion. Cover cropping is a method of planting a cover crop, such as grass or legumes, between rows of crops. This helps to protect the soil from erosion and improve its fertility.

Soil conservation planning is an important part of Watershed Management. A watershed is an area of land that drains into a river or stream. Watershed management is the process of managing land and water resources within a watershed to protect water quality and quantity. Soil conservation is an important part of watershed management because it helps to prevent erosion and sedimentation, which can pollute water supplies.

Soil erosion is the process of soil being moved from one place to another by wind or water. Sedimentation is the process of soil particles being deposited in a new location. Erosion and sedimentation can cause a number of problems, including:

Soil conservation planning can help to prevent erosion and sedimentation by:

Soil conservation planning is an important part of protecting our environment and ensuring a sustainable future. By working together, we can conserve our soil resources and protect our water supplies.

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are a number of other things that can be done to conserve soil. These include:

Soil conservation is essential to protect our environment and ensure a sustainable future. By working together, we can conserve our soil resources and protect our water supplies.

What is soil conservation?

Soil conservation is the prevention of soil loss from erosion or reduced fertility caused by overgrazing and other poor land practices.

What are the benefits of soil conservation?

Soil conservation helps to protect water quality, prevent flooding, and reduce the risk of landslides. It also helps to improve crop yields and reduce the need for irrigation.

What are some common soil conservation practices?

Some common soil conservation practices include terracing, contour farming, and cover cropping.

What are some of the challenges of soil conservation?

One of the biggest challenges of soil conservation is the cost of implementing and maintaining conservation practices. Another challenge is the need to change the behavior of farmers and other landowners who may not be aware of the importance of soil conservation or who may not be willing to change their practices.

What are some of the successes of soil conservation?

There have been many successes in soil conservation. For example, in the United States, soil erosion rates have been reduced by more than 50% since the 1930s. This is due in part to the implementation of conservation practices such as terracing and contour farming.

What are some of the future challenges of soil conservation?

One of the biggest future challenges of soil conservation is the need to adapt to Climate Change. Climate change is expected to lead to more extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, which can increase the risk of soil erosion. Another challenge is the need to address the growing demand for food and other resources, which can put pressure on land resources and lead to increased soil degradation.

What can I do to help conserve soil?

There are many things you can do to help conserve soil. Some simple things you can do include:

You can also support organizations that are working to conserve soil.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of soil erosion?
    (A) Sheet erosion
    (B) Rill Erosion
    (C) Gully Erosion
    (D) Wind erosion

  2. Which of the following is the most effective way to prevent soil erosion?
    (A) Plant trees and shrubs
    (B) Cover the soil with mulch
    (C) Build terraces
    (D) All of the above

  3. Which of the following is the most common type of Soil Pollution?
    (A) Chemical pollution
    (B) Sediment pollution
    (C) Organic pollution
    (D) Radioactive pollution

  4. Which of the following is the most effective way to prevent soil pollution?
    (A) Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers
    (B) Properly dispose of waste
    (C) Protect forests and grasslands
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is the most common type of soil degradation?
    (A) Salinization
    (B) Alkalinization
    (C) Acidification
    (D) All of the above

  6. Which of the following is the most effective way to prevent soil degradation?
    (A) Improve irrigation practices
    (B) Apply lime to the soil
    (C) Plant salt-tolerant crops
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is the most common type of soil contamination?
    (A) Heavy Metal contamination
    (B) Organic contamination
    (C) Radioactive contamination
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is the most effective way to prevent soil contamination?
    (A) Properly dispose of hazardous waste
    (B) Monitor soil quality
    (C) Clean up contaminated sites
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is the most common type of soil conservation practice?
    (A) Contour farming
    (B) Strip cropping
    (C) Terrace farming
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is the most effective way to conserve soil?
    (A) Use sustainable agricultural practices
    (B) Protect forests and grasslands
    (C) Reduce soil erosion and pollution
    (D) All of the above

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