Software and application of PC software packages: Software definition, Type of software and its Knowledge of Word processing, Spreadsheets and Power point presentation software packages

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Software is a set of programs, which is designed to perform a well-defined function. A program is a sequence of instructions written to solve a particular problem.

There are two types of software −

System Software

Application Software

System Software

The system software is a collection of programs designed to operate, control, and extend the processing capabilities of the computer itself. System software is generally prepared by the computer manufacturers. These software products comprise of programs written in low-level languages, which interact with the hardware at a very basic level. System software serves as the interface between the hardware and the end users.

Some examples of system software are Operating System, Compilers, Interpreter, Assemblers, etc.

Application Software

Application software products are designed to satisfy a particular need of a particular Environment. All software applications prepared in the computer lab can come under the category of Application software.

Application software may consist of a single program, such as Microsoft’s notepad for writing and editing a simple text. It may also consist of a collection of programs, often called a software package, which work together to accomplish a task, such as a spreadsheet package.

Examples of Application software are the following −

Payroll Software

Student Record Software

Inventory Management Software

Income tax Software

Railways Reservation Software

Microsoft Office Suite Software

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint


Word Processing, Spread sheet and Power presentation


A word processor is a software program that is used to create a document, store it electronically, display it on a screen, modify it using commands and characters, and print it on a printer. It also processes paragraph indentation, margin size, font type, font size, font color, and spacing within the document being created. Word processors have replaced typewriters since they allow the user to make a change anywhere in the document without having to retype the entire page. Word processors also come equipped with “spell-check” functions eliminating the need for multiple editors and provide an immediate tool for grammatical correction. Some common word processors include Microsoft Word, AbiWord, Word Perfect, and Open Office.

Three basic functions lay the foundation for most of the customization that is needed to create many word documents.

Character Formatting

Character formatting changes the appearance of individual characters and relates to the size, font, color, and overall style of the letters or numbers being used. Character formatting also involves underlining, italicizing, and making bold those characters being used. This is great for making a word stand out or for underlining book titles.

Paragraph Formatting

Paragraph formatting adjusts the spacing, alignment, and indentation of the paragraphs being formed. Spacing refers to the amount of lines left blank in between the lines being processed. A good example of this is double-spacing which is commonly used in an educational setting where a student has to write a paper for a specific instructor. Commonly double-spacing is used so that the instructor can make corrections to the document without having to mark over the actual words on the paper. Alignment refers to the way the paragraph is positioned in regards to the left and right margins. A left alignment is most commonly used when creating a word document and this setting aligns the words being formed to be flush with the left margin. A center alignment is usually used for titling a paper.

Page Formatting

Page formatting refers to the width of the margins, the size of the paper being used, and the orientation of the page. The standard margin is 1.25 inches on both the left and right but these can be customized to suit need and preference. The paper size Options reflect what can be used in the printer, and the orientation indicates whether the document will use the traditional or landscape positioning on that paper. Traditional orientation is 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall whereas landscape is the exact opposite at 11 inches wide by 8.5 inches tall.



Word processing tools


Some of the basic tools that are employed in word processing programs that help to make the application more user friendly are tables, graphics, and templates. These tools allow for minimal effort and excellent results when adding features like these to a word document.


Tables are used for organizing information and are composed of rows and columns in which data is placed. This is great for comparing and contrasting information as it’s condensed and presented in a straight forward fashion. Tables can also be used for laying out entire documents, such as a resume, where information is sectioned off from one another. In this example, the entire report is formulated to a table instead of a small section as mentioned earlier.


Graphics are pictures, drawings, clip art, or other images that can be inserted into a document from other programs or from stored data on a computer. This makes for easy illustrations where a picture, or pictures, would suffice better than words or tables to highlight a point. Graphics tools also allow the user to manipulate the images that have been imported by changing the color, contrast, brightness, and size of the image, among other things. The customization process of these images in a word processor provide for an easy and quick avenue of explanation concerning the topics at hand.


Another useful tool are Templates. These are preprogrammed arrangements of ideas and/or illustrations that are known to serve a purpose and are already organized for the user to interact with. Most often this means “filling in the blanks” and some common templates that should be recognized are resumes, business cards, identification cards, fax cover sheets, memos, invoices, and newsletters




A spreadsheet is a group of values and other data organized into rows and columns similar to the ruled paper worksheets traditionally used by bookkeepers and accountants.” The spreadsheet software is mandatory to create computerized spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel is a form of a spreadsheet. There are many terms one must have to know to create a spreadsheet. A worksheet is the single spreadsheet document. A workbook allows multiple worksheets to be saved together in a single spreadsheet file. Worksheets are divided into rows and columns. The intersection of a row is called a cell. One must enter content into the active cell, or current cell; it has a border around it to make it be easily identified. Data is entered directly into worksheet cells by clicking a cell to make it the active cell. Labels, constant values, formulas, and functions are the data that is entered into a cell. Before one enters a formula or function into a cell, one must begin with some type of mathematical symbol, usually the equal sign = Spreadsheets are used to organize and calculate data. There is a maximum number of rows and columns in a spreadsheet which varies depending on the version of software you have. It is essential to know how to use spreadsheets for school, work, Sports, or anything that requires data!

Tables, graphics, and templates are all available to a user with application software, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PowerPoint. Tables are ways a user can organize data and information at their convenience. According to Microsoft Word, there are now many different available options for users who are looking for various kinds of tables. These different options include the following: the Graphic Grid, Insert Table, Draw Table, insert a new or existing Excel Spreadsheet table, and Quick Tables. The concept of using tables for data input is relatively simple. In order for a user to insert a table, the user must first open Microsoft Word. Once they have done this, they must click the “table” button to customize the table to achieve their needs. The overall format for a table consists of a large (or small) grid that can be altered by the amount of information the user has, ex. four columns five rows. Next, the user must insert the table into the word document by selecting “insert table” from the dropdown menu. Microsoft Excel contains pivot tables that are tables that include data from a spreadsheet with columns and rows that can be specifically selected.  Graphics in Microsoft Word are pictures, or clip art that are able to be inserted into a Microsoft Word document, Excel Spreadsheet, PowerPoint slide, or any other Office application. the most common graphic used in Excel is graphs. You can create graphs based on data taken from your spreadsheet. Graphics are inserted into these Office Applications to enhance the information presented in a Word Document, Excel worksheet, or PowerPoint slide. A user can insert their own picture through their office documents; add clip art, shapes, SmartArt, screenshot, or Word Art. Templates are pre-constructed document layouts whose primary use is to assist a user in creating a specific type of document in a convenient amount of time. The different options of templates vary, but a few of the following are common ones used every day: agendas, brochures, calendars, flyers, fax covers, and many more. Templates are used to save a user time, and confusion in creating their document.

Using of Spreadsheet


A chart can be created as its own object or embedded within the sheet itself. This is helpful when a user needs to analyze data or represent changing data. Some form of charts are: lines graphs, scatter plot charts, bar charts, Venn diagram charts, and the list goes on.


A function is a pre-programmed mathematical formula to allow the user to make calculations based on the data input. The functions under spreadsheets are there to perform a simple calculation by using a certain value, called arguments.

There are many different reasons to have functions on spreadsheets. One would be for arithmetic functions to process numerical data. The next would be statistical functions that use analysis tools and averaging tools. This would be useful for finding the Average of the numbers in a certain row/column on a spreadsheet. The next function is date that processes and converts dates. This function could be used to put the sequential dates in order on the spreadsheet.


A formula identifies the calculation needed to place the result in the cell it is contained within. This means a cell has two display components; the formula itself and the resulting value. Typically, a formula consists of five expressions: value, references, arithmetic operations, relation operations, and functions. By using these expressions, formulas can help to make tables, solve math problems, calculate a mortgage, figure out accounting tasks, and many other business-related tasks that use to be done tediously on paper

Cell Referencing

Cell referencing refers to the ability to utilize a cell or range of cells in a spreadsheet and is commonly used to create formulas to calculate data. Formulas can retrieve data from one cell in the worksheet, different areas of the worksheet, or different cells throughout an entire workbook.


Pivot Tables

One the most powerful features available in the Microsoft Office spreadsheet program Excel, is pivot tables. Pivot tables allow you to manipulate large amounts of raw data. It makes it easy to analyze the data in different ways, with a simple click and drag. Vast quantities of data can be summarized in a variety of ways. Calculations can be performed by row or column. Data can be filtered or sorted automatically by any or all of the fields. Excel can even recommend a basic layout of a pivot table based on the type of data selected.



Powerpoint is a Microsoft Office software used to present information and work as a visual aide. Powerpoint make it easy to organize and present information in a visually appealing way such as charts, pictures, tables, video clips, and sounds. Various Designs and color themes come are built in the software and ready to use. The slides themselves come with several options of pre-loaded layouts, using features such as bullet points, pictures, captions, and titles – These are easy to drag and drop to make rearranging very easy. The idea of a digital visual is to help a presenter engage their audience and display their ideas in a more simple form. One feature that comes in handy is the ability to print the slides so either the presenter or audience can be informed ahead of time of what to expect. Powerpoint also has a notes feature in which you can input notes you may need for your presentation. The notes feature also allows you to print out the notes page with the slide show on it which is known as notes view. You can also adjust the size of the slide on the notes view so that all of your notes fit on the page and looks presentable. If all of your notes do not fit on the notes page provided, it will spill over to the next page. If you know their is a lot of wording, you can make a duplicate slide and hide it in the presentation, so you will have more room for your notes! Teachers, employers, and computer users all over the world have now become accustomed to using PowerPoint as their “go-to” visual aide. The image on the right shows a presenter using a powerpoint as a visual aide.

The PowerPoint presentation graphics program provides the user with several assortment tools and operations for creating and editing slides. With those tools, one is able to add new or delete old slides that are previewed in the slide thumbnail tab area, usually found on the left side of the screen. One is also able to switch to the slide outline tab, which contains only the title and the main text included in the slide. If desired, using the Insert tab, the user can perform additional operations like exporting images, along with adding formatted tables, shapes, symbols, charts, and much more to better express their message. Additionally, to customize the PowerPoint to make it even more dynamic and presentable, text can be animated, and a unique transition can be added to the slides. With animation, text can be set to appear in a specific way in the slide during a slide show. Tons of special effects are provided for the user, including animations to make the text to fly, dissolve, fly, float, or bounce in. Similarly, one is also able to apply special effects to specific slides to transition from one slide to another in a specific manner. Additionally, Microsoft PowerPoint allows recorded Narration to be played back as the slideshow is being presented, along with speaker notes. Furthermore, most presentation graphics programs also allow the user to print those speaker notes for the targeted audience’s convenience.


Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. Software can be thought of as the “logic” that drives a computer. It is a collection of instructions that tells the computer what to do. Software can be divided into two main categories: system software and application software. System software is responsible for managing the computer’s hardware and Resources. Application software is designed to perform specific tasks, such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations.

System software is the most basic type of software. It is responsible for managing the computer’s hardware and resources. The most important type of system software is the operating system. The operating system is responsible for tasks such as managing the file system, scheduling tasks, and providing a user interface. Other types of system software include device drivers, utility programs, and system utilities.

Device drivers are programs that allow the computer to communicate with peripheral devices, such as printers and scanners. Utility programs are designed to perform specific tasks, such as disk defragmentation and file compression. System utilities are programs that provide additional functionality to the operating system, such as file management and security.

Application software is designed to perform specific tasks. Some common types of application software include word processing software, spreadsheet software, presentation software, and Database software. Word processing software is used to create and edit documents. Spreadsheet software is used to create and analyze data. Presentation software is used to create and deliver presentations. Database software is used to store and manage data.

Word processing software is a type of application software that allows users to create and edit documents. Word processing software typically includes features such as text formatting, spell checking, and grammar checking. Some popular word processing software programs include Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, and Google Docs.

Spreadsheet software is a type of application software that allows users to create and analyze data. Spreadsheet software typically includes features such as cell formulas, charts, and graphs. Some popular spreadsheet software programs include Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, and Google Sheets.

Presentation software is a type of application software that allows users to create and deliver presentations. Presentation software typically includes features such as slide shows, animations, and transitions. Some popular presentation software programs include Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides.

Database software is a type of application software that allows users to store and manage data. Database software typically includes features such as data entry, data retrieval, and data analysis. Some popular database software programs include Microsoft Access, Oracle, and MySQL.

Software is an essential part of the modern world. It is used in almost every aspect of our lives, from the computers we use at work to the smartphones we use to stay connected. Software is constantly evolving, and new and innovative software programs are being developed all the time. As software continues to evolve, it will have an even greater impact on our lives.

Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. Software can be thought of as the “logic” that drives a computer, in contrast to the “hardware” that physically makes up the device.

There are many different types of software, each with its own purpose. Some common types of software include:

  • Operating systems: These are the programs that control the basic functions of a computer, such as managing files, running programs, and communicating with hardware devices.
  • Application software: This is the software that users interact with directly, such as word processors, spreadsheets, and web browsers.
  • System software: This is the software that supports the operation of other software, such as drivers and utilities.
  • Games: These are programs designed for entertainment.
  • Educational software: This is software designed to help people learn new things.
  • Business software: This is software designed to help businesses manage their operations.

Word processing software is a type of application software that allows users to create and edit documents. Common features of word processing software include the ability to type text, insert images, format text, and print documents.

Spreadsheet software is a type of application software that allows users to create and edit spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are documents that contain data organized into rows and columns. Spreadsheet software can be used to perform calculations, analyze data, and create charts and graphs.

Presentation software is a type of application software that allows users to create and deliver presentations. Presentations are typically made up of slides, which can contain text, images, charts, and graphs. Presentation software can be used to create presentations for business meetings, school projects, and other purposes.

Here are some frequently asked questions about software and its application:

  • What is software? Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. Software can be thought of as the “logic” that drives a computer, in contrast to the “hardware” that physically makes up the device.
  • What are the different types of software? There are many different types of software, each with its own purpose. Some common types of software include operating systems, application software, system software, games, educational software, and business software.
  • What is word processing software? Word processing software is a type of application software that allows users to create and edit documents. Common features of word processing software include the ability to type text, insert images, format text, and print documents.
  • What is spreadsheet software? Spreadsheet software is a type of application software that allows users to create and edit spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are documents that contain data organized into rows and columns. Spreadsheet software can be used to perform calculations, analyze data, and create charts and graphs.
  • What is presentation software? Presentation software is a type of application software that allows users to create and deliver presentations. Presentations are typically made up of slides, which can contain text, images, charts, and graphs. Presentation software can be used to create presentations for business meetings, school projects, and other purposes.
  • What are the benefits of using software? Software can provide many benefits, including:
    • Increased productivity: Software can help users to be more productive by automating tasks and providing tools that make it easier to complete tasks.
    • Improved accuracy: Software can help to improve accuracy by providing features that check for errors and by providing templates that can be used to create documents and presentations.
    • Enhanced creativity: Software can help users to be more creative by providing tools that allow them to experiment with different ideas and by providing templates that can be used to create unique documents and presentations.
    • Increased Communication: Software can help users to communicate more effectively by providing tools that allow them to share documents and presentations online and by providing features that allow them to collaborate on projects.
  • What are the risks of using software? Software can also pose some risks, including:
    • Viruses and malware: Viruses and malware are malicious programs that can damage computers and steal data.
    • Privacy concerns: Software can collect data about users, which can be used to track users’ activities or to sell to advertisers.
    • Security risks: Software can have security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers to gain access to computers or to steal data.
  • How can I protect myself from the risks of using software? There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from the risks of using software, including:
    • Use antivirus software to scan your computer for viruses and malware.
    • Keep your software up to date with the latest security patches.
    • Be careful about what software you download and install.
    • Be aware of the privacy implications of using software.
    • Use strong passwords and keep them safe.
    • Be careful about what information you share online.
  1. What is software?
    (A) The physical parts of a computer system
    (B) The instructions that tell a computer what to do
    (C) The data that is stored on a computer
    (D) The people who use computers

  2. What are the two main types of software?
    (A) System software and application software
    (B) Hardware and software
    (C) Data and software
    (D) Programs and files

  3. System software is used to do what?
    (A) Run application software
    (B) Manage the computer’s resources
    (C) Store data
    (D) All of the above

  4. Application software is used to do what?
    (A) Run the computer
    (B) Manage the computer’s resources
    (C) Store data
    (D) Perform specific tasks

  5. What is a word processing program?
    (A) A program that allows you to create and edit documents
    (B) A program that allows you to create and edit spreadsheets
    (C) A program that allows you to create and edit presentations
    (D) A program that allows you to create and edit databases

  6. What is a spreadsheet program?
    (A) A program that allows you to create and edit documents
    (B) A program that allows you to create and edit presentations
    (C) A program that allows you to create and edit databases
    (D) A program that allows you to enter and manipulate data in a table format

  7. What is a presentation program?
    (A) A program that allows you to create and edit documents
    (B) A program that allows you to create and edit spreadsheets
    (C) A program that allows you to create and edit databases
    (D) A program that allows you to create and edit presentations, such as slideshows

  8. What are some of the benefits of using word processing software?
    (A) You can create and edit documents quickly and easily
    (B) You can format your documents to look professional
    (C) You can share your documents with others easily
    (D) All of the above

  9. What are some of the benefits of using spreadsheet software?
    (A) You can enter and manipulate data easily
    (B) You can create charts and graphs to visualize your data
    (C) You can share your spreadsheets with others easily
    (D) All of the above

  10. What are some of the benefits of using presentation software?
    (A) You can create presentations that are visually appealing
    (B) You can easily add text, images, and Videos to your presentations
    (C) You can share your presentations with others easily
    (D) All of the above

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