Social Reforms Movements in Muslim Community: Wahabi Movement & Aligarh Movement

Social Reforms Movements In Muslim Community: Wahabi Movement & Aligarh Movement


The Muslims reformers in India launched many religious movements. Some tried to revive the religion and other tried to reform the religion. During the 19th century religion reforms movement were on the peak. Movements like Deoband Movement, Ahamadiya movement, Aligarh Movement;Wahabi Movement has influenced the masses and made them think about their religion and their status.

In this ARTICLE, we will discuss about Wahabi movement and Aligarh Movement.


Wahabi Movement


Timings of movement:

Wahabi movement expands from 1820 to 1870.

Foundation of movement:

Saiyad Ahmad was the leader of movement in India who was influenced by the teaching of Abdul Wahab of Arab and saint shah Waliullah.

Objective of movement:

Wahabi movement was a reformist movement, which tried to do away with UN-Islamic practices in Islam. It was a Islamic purifying movement. However, later the movement turned against Sikh and British Imperials.

Important events of movement:

Saiyad Ahmad led a countrywide movement to spread his movement. He wanted to make India from Dar-ul-Hurb to Dar-ul-Islam. Dar-ul-Hurb means land of Kafirs.

Syed Ahmed criticized all changes and innovations in Islam and encouraged a return to the pure Islam and Society of Arabia of the Prophet’s times.

For the achievement of the desired objectives, Syed Ahmad looked for

  • the correct leader,
  • a proper association and
  • a safe territory from where he wanted to launch his Jihad.

At first, he revolted against the Sikh kingdom ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In 1830 they captrured Peshawar but they lost it to Sikhs in 1831 after the battle of Balakot.

After the inclusion of Punjab in 1849 in East India Company British was the target of Wahabi Movement.

Wahabi revolted against British in 1860s but British understood the upcmongdanger. They suppress the movement after attacking Wahabi bases in Sathana, Bihar.

Effect of movement:

Wahabi Movement spread the word of religion in Islam and it accepted Islam as the most important religion in the world. The British in 1870 altogether suppressed the movement.

Aligarh Movement


Foundation of movement:

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan launched the Aligarh movement. He started the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh in 1875, which was later, become center of Aligarh Movement.

Objective of movement:

Unlike Wahabi movement Aligarh movement was a revivalist movement; which sought change in religion as the need of the hour. Aligarh movement saw western Education necessary for the development of individual.

Important events of movement:

The Aligarh Movement was the drive for modern Muslim education.

Itplayed an important role to Indian Muslims by its political foresightedness.

From the early stages, the movement was political in nature.  In 1886 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan founded the All India Muhammadan Educational Conference i to promote more broadly the educational aims of Aligarh Movement.

New trend in Urdu literature was due to Aligarh Movement. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and his association accepted and promoted simple style, which helped Muslims to understand the main purpose of the movement. It discarded the old writing style of Urdu, which was not for the common people.

The Aligarh Movement promoted adoption of a historical and moral Attitude, which influenced the life of the Indian Muslim.

It helped scholars to leave the romantic style of prose and poetry.

Urdu Defense Associationconsidered asderivative of the Aligarh Movement.

The DeobandSchool was opposed to the movement as Aligarh Movement. They considered it as supporters of the British


Effect of movement:

The Wahabi movement and other movements before 1857 saw Muslims anti- British. After the revolt, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan thought to have support of British in the development of Islam and Muslims in India.

Aligarh Movement gave political representation to Muslims and improved their social condition.










The Wahhabi movement was a religious revivalist movement that began in Arabia in the eighteenth century. It was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who sought to return Islam to its original purity by purifying it of what he saw as innovations and corruptions. The Wahhabis were particularly opposed to the practice of saint worship, which they saw as a form of idolatry.

The Wahhabi movement quickly gained popularity in Arabia, and by the early nineteenth century it had conquered much of the region. The Wahhabis were also active in spreading their message to other parts of the Muslim world, and they had a significant impact on the development of Islamic thought in the nineteenth century.

The Wahhabi movement has been controversial since its inception. Some Muslims have praised the Wahhabis for their efforts to purify Islam, while others have criticized them for their intolerance and violence. The Wahhabis have also been accused of being extremists and of promoting a narrow and intolerant interpretation of Islam.

Despite the controversy, the Wahhabi movement has had a significant impact on the development of Islam in the modern world. The Wahhabis have helped to shape the Islamic revivalist movement, and their ideas have influenced many other Islamic movements, including the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

The Aligarh Movement was a social and educational reform movement that began in India in the late nineteenth century. It was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who sought to improve the condition of Muslims in India by promoting Western education and culture.

The Aligarh Movement was based on the belief that Muslims could only improve their condition by adopting Western education and culture. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan argued that Muslims needed to learn English and other Western languages in order to compete with Hindus in the modern world. He also believed that Muslims needed to adopt Western values such as Secularism-2/”>Secularism and Democracy.

The Aligarh Movement was successful in promoting Western education among Muslims in India. The Aligarh Muslim University, which was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, became a leading center of Western education for Muslims. The Aligarh Movement also helped to raise the social and economic status of Muslims in India.

However, the Aligarh Movement was not without its critics. Some Muslims accused Sir Syed Ahmad Khan of being too Westernized and of abandoning traditional Islamic values. Others argued that the Aligarh Movement was elitist and did not address the needs of the poor and uneducated Muslims.

Despite its critics, the Aligarh Movement had a significant impact on the development of Islam in India. The Aligarh Movement helped to create a new generation of Muslim intellectuals who were familiar with both Western and Islamic cultures. These intellectuals played a leading role in the Indian independence movement, and they also helped to shape the development of Islam in the modern world.

The Wahhabi movement and the Aligarh movement were two of the most important social reform movements in the Muslim community in the nineteenth century. Both movements sought to improve the condition of Muslims by promoting education and reform. However, the two movements had different approaches and different impacts. The Wahhabi movement was a religious revivalist movement that sought to return Islam to its original purity. The Aligarh movement was a social and educational reform movement that sought to improve the condition of Muslims by promoting Western education and culture. Both movements had a significant impact on the development of Islam in the modern world.

The Wahhabi movement was a religious reform movement that began in Arabia in the 18th century. The movement was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who sought to return Islam to what he believed was its original purity. The Wahhabis rejected many of the practices that had developed in Islam over time, such as saint worship and the veneration of tombs. They also called for a return to a strict interpretation of the Quran and the Sunnah.

The Wahhabi movement had a significant impact on the Muslim world. It inspired other reform movements, such as the Salafi movement, and it helped to shape the development of modern Islam.

The Aligarh movement was an educational and social reform movement that began in India in the 19th century. The movement was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who sought to improve the condition of Muslims in India. Khan believed that education was the key to improving the lives of Muslims, and he founded the Aligarh Muslim University to provide a modern education for Muslims.

The Aligarh movement had a significant impact on the Muslim world. It helped to promote education among Muslims and to raise their social and economic status. It also helped to create a sense of Muslim identity in India.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Wahhabi movement:

  1. What is the Wahhabi movement?
    The Wahhabi movement is a religious reform movement that began in Arabia in the 18th century. The movement was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who sought to return Islam to what he believed was its original purity. The Wahhabis rejected many of the practices that had developed in Islam over time, such as saint worship and the veneration of tombs. They also called for a return to a strict interpretation of the Quran and the Sunnah.

  2. What are the beliefs of the Wahhabi movement?
    The Wahhabis believe in a strict interpretation of the Quran and the Sunnah. They reject many of the practices that have developed in Islam over time, such as saint worship and the veneration of tombs. They also believe that Muslims should follow the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah literally.

  3. What is the history of the Wahhabi movement?
    The Wahhabi movement began in Arabia in the 18th century. The movement was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who sought to return Islam to what he believed was its original purity. The Wahhabis rejected many of the practices that had developed in Islam over time, such as saint worship and the veneration of tombs. They also called for a return to a strict interpretation of the Quran and the Sunnah.

  4. What is the impact of the Wahhabi movement?
    The Wahhabi movement has had a significant impact on the Muslim world. It has inspired other reform movements, such as the Salafi movement, and it has helped to shape the development of modern Islam.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Aligarh movement:

  1. What is the Aligarh movement?
    The Aligarh movement was an educational and social reform movement that began in India in the 19th century. The movement was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who sought to improve the condition of Muslims in India. Khan believed that education was the key to improving the lives of Muslims, and he founded the Aligarh Muslim University to provide a modern education for Muslims.

  2. What are the beliefs of the Aligarh movement?
    The Aligarh movement did not have a specific set of beliefs. Rather, it was a movement that sought to improve the condition of Muslims in India. The movement believed that education was the key to improving the lives of Muslims, and it promoted modern education for Muslims.

  3. What is the history of the Aligarh movement?
    The Aligarh movement began in India in the 19th century. The movement was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who sought to improve the condition of Muslims in India. Khan believed that education was the key to improving the lives of Muslims, and he founded the Aligarh Muslim University to provide a modern education for Muslims.

  4. What is the impact of the Aligarh movement?
    The Aligarh movement had a significant impact on the Muslim world. It helped to promote education among Muslims and to raise their social and economic status. It also helped to create a sense of Muslim identity in India.

Social Reforms Movements in Muslim Community: Wahabi Movement & Aligarh Movement

The Wahabi Movement was a religious reform movement that began in Arabia in the 18th century. The movement was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who sought to return Islam to its original purity. The Wahhabis believed that Islam had become corrupted by innovations and practices that were not in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah. They called for a return to a more literal interpretation of Islamic law and for the rejection of all forms of innovation.

The Wahabi Movement had a significant impact on the Muslim world. It inspired other reform movements, such as the Salafi Movement, and it helped to spread a more puritanical form of Islam. The Wahhabis also played a role in the unification of Arabia under the Leadership of Ibn Saud.

The Aligarh Movement was a social and educational reform movement that began in India in the 19th century. The movement was founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who sought to improve the condition of Muslims in India. Khan believed that Muslims could only improve their condition if they adopted Western education and culture. He founded the Aligarh Muslim University in 1875 to promote this goal.

The Aligarh Movement had a significant impact on the Muslim world. It helped to create a new generation of Muslim intellectuals who were familiar with both Western and Islamic cultures. These intellectuals played a leading role in the Indian independence movement and in the development of modern Islamic thought.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. The Wahabi Movement was founded by:
    (A) Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab
    (B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
    (C) Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
    (D) Muhammad Abduh

  2. The Wahhabis believed that Islam had become corrupted by:
    (A) innovations and practices that were not in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah
    (B) the influence of Western culture
    (C) the rule of the Mughal Empire
    (D) the Ottoman Empire

  3. The Wahabi Movement had a significant impact on the Muslim world by:
    (A) inspiring other reform movements
    (B) helping to spread a more puritanical form of Islam
    (C) playing a role in the unification of Arabia
    (D) all of the above

  4. The Aligarh Movement was founded by:
    (A) Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab
    (B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
    (C) Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
    (D) Muhammad Abduh

  5. The Aligarh Movement sought to improve the condition of Muslims in India by:
    (A) promoting Western education and culture
    (B) creating a new generation of Muslim intellectuals
    (C) playing a leading role in the Indian independence movement
    (D) all of the above

  6. The Aligarh Movement had a significant impact on the Muslim world by:
    (A) helping to create a new generation of Muslim intellectuals
    (B) playing a leading role in the Indian independence movement
    (C) developing modern Islamic thought
    (D) all of the above

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