Social Disorganisation

Social Disorganization-Anomie and Alienation

The social disorganization theory is one of the most important theories developed by the Chicago School, related to ecological theories. The theory directly links crime rates to neighborhood ecological characteristics; a core principle of social disorganization theory is that place matters. In other words, a person’s residential location is a substantial factor shaping the likelihood that that person will become involved in illegal activities. The theory suggests that, among determinants of a person’s later illegal activity, residential location is as significant as or more significant than the person’s individual characteristics (e.g., age, gender, or race). For example, the theory suggests that youths from disadvantaged neighborhoods participate in a subculture which approves of delinquency, and that these youths thus acquire criminality in this social and cultural setting.

Larry Gaines and Roger Miller state in their book Criminal Justice in Action that “crime is largely a product of unfavorable conditions in certain communities”. According to the social disorganization theory, there are ecological factors that lead to high rates of crime in these communities, and these factors linked to constantly elevated levels of “high school dropouts, Unemployment, deteriorating infrastructures, and single-parent homes” (Gaines and Miller). The theory is not intended to apply to all types of crime, just street crime at the neighborhood level. The theory has not been used to explain organized crime, corporate crime, or deviant behavior that takes place outside neighborhood settings.

Thomas and Znaniecki

  1. I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki’s The Polish Peasant in Europe and America(1918–1920) introduced the idea that a person’s thinking processes and attitudes are constructed by the interaction between that person’s situation and his or her behavior. Attitudes are not innate; rather, they stem from a process of acculturation. Any proposed action will have social importance to an individual both because it relates to the objective situation within which the subject has to act, and because it has been shaped by attitudes formed through a lifetime of social and cultural experiences.

This is based on the “four wishes” of the Thomas theorem, viz., “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences”. These four wishes are the desire for new experiences, the desire for recognition, the desire for domination, and the desire for security. Combined with the cultural values of a pre-existing situation, the four wishes give rise to certain attitudes which are subjectively defined meanings and shared experience, strongly emphasised and embodied in specific institutions.

The root of new attitudes arises from the formation of new relationships and interaction between the person and the world outside the community. For example, the emergence of economics as an independent sphere reflected the tendency to reduce quality to a quantity in barter transactions and led to the development of Money.

Park and Burgess

Robert E. Park and Ernest Burgess (1925) developed a theory of urban ECOLOGY which proposed that cities are environments like those found in nature, governed by many of the same forces of Darwinian evolution; i.e. competition, which affects natural Ecosystems. When a city is formed and grows, people and their activities cluster in a particular area (this is the process of “concentration”). Gradually, this central area becomes highly populated, so there is a scattering of people and their activities away from the central city to establish the suburbs (this is “dispersion”).

They suggested that, over time, the competition for land and other scarce urban Resources leads to the division of the urban space into distinctive ecological niches, “natural areas” or zones in which people share similar social characteristics because they are subject to the same ecological pressures. As a zone becomes more prosperous and “desirable”, property values and rents rise, and people and businesses migrate into that zone, usually moving outward from the city center in a process Park and Burgess called “SUCCESSION” (a term borrowed from plant ecology), and new residents take their place.

At both a micro and macro level, Society was thought to operate as a super organism, where change is a natural aspect of the process of Growth, and is neither chaotic nor disorderly. Thus, an organized area is invaded by new Elements. This gives rise to local competition, and there will either be succession or an accommodation which results in a reorganization. But, during the early stages of competition, there will always be some level of disorganization because there will be disruption to (or breakdowns in) the normative structure of the community, which may or may not lead to deviant behavior. Thus, although a city was a physical organization, it also had social and moral structures that could be disorganized.

Anomie and Alienation

Karl Marx first outlined his theory of alienation in The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844) and refers to a define set of social relationships that were first formed in feudal societies which then became disrupted by modern industrial society. Marx himself said when discussing the topic of alienation “The worker becomes poorer the more wealth he produces and the more his production increases in power and extent. The worker becomes an ever cheaper commodity the more goods he creates. The Devaluation of the human world increases in direct relation to the increase in value of the world of things. Labour does not only create goods; it also produces itself and the worker as a commodity, and indeed in the same proportion as it produces goods”. Anomie however, is defined by Emile Durkheim as a change in “normalness” and a breakdown of social regulations.

Durkheim became interested in the social condition characterised by a breakdown of ‘norms’ governing social interactions. “The state of anomie is impossible wherever organs solidly linked to one another are in sufficient contact, and in sufficiently lengthy contact. Indeed, being adjacent to one another, they are easily alerted in every situation to the need for one another and consequently they experience a keen, continuous feeling of their mutual dependence.”. Durkheim went on to develop his interest of anomie further when he began his research into ‘Suicide’, where he suggested that when a person’s ‘norms’ and rules that regulate their lifestyle become week, this can lead to a form of suicide which he called ‘Anomic Suicide’.

Marx believed that there were four degrees of alienation that break down the fundamental link that human beings have to their self defining qualities. Firstly there is ‘product alienation’ which Marx believed was alienating to the worker because the products that they produce do not reflect their creative energies and are merely objects produced by the command of the employer. Which he argues was present in industrialised society but not in feudal societies as a result of capitalism and its economic gain fuelled society. Secondly, Marx said that alienation could come from ‘act of production’. This, according to Marx is linked to ‘product alienation’ as the product of labour is alienating then so is the act of production. So in capitalist societies people have no choice but to work and feel alienated to meet their basic needs. Marx’s work stated that “The worker feels himself only when he is not working; when he is working he does not feel himself. his labour is therefore not voluntary but forced”. Thirdly, Marx suggested that there was alienation due to ‘common purpose’. He outlined that this happened when a worker’s social relationships become debased and they are taken from a cooperative social dimension, for example on factory lines and in open offices. Finally the fourth alienation type that Marx wrote about was ‘alienation from humanity’. Marx believed that this happened when a person worked long hour days -as Marx wrote in the Victorian society this was extremely common- and together with the three other forms of alienation; a person lost their sense of humanity and became alienated from their own inner self.

Durkheim however argued that anomie in the division of labour alike that of alienation, deprived individuals of a sense of connection with society. Durkheim believed that this sense of deprivation caused people to become disorientated and anxious and saw anomie as one of the social factors that influenced suicide.

He argued that there were four types of suicide: Altruistic, Anomic, Egoistic and Fatalistic. Altruistic suicide being too much social integration, for example suicide bombers give up their life for the needs of their social group . Egoistic suicide, in Durkheim’s terms was due to insufficient regulation. This can be seen in societies such as religious groups; Durkheim found that suicide was higher in the Protestant religion than it was in Catholic religious groups. He believed that this was due to the Catholic religion having a more strict regulations, so therefore people believed that it was ‘against god’ to commit suicide and also with the Catholic society being greater regulated, he believed that this closer connected society made the people have a greater sense of community and moral values so did not feel the need to commit suicide.


Social disorganization is a sociological theory that analyzes the relationship between social structure and crime. The theory posits that social disorganization is the root cause of crime, and that it is caused by a breakdown in social norms and values. This breakdown can be caused by a number of factors, including POVERTY, unemployment, and racial segregation.

One of the most well-known theories of social disorganization is the broken windows theory. This theory argues that visible signs of crime and disorder, such as broken windows, graffiti, and abandoned buildings, create an Environment in which crime is more likely to occur. This is because these signs signal to potential criminals that the area is not well-regulated and that crime is tolerated.

Another theory of social disorganization is the collective efficacy theory. This theory argues that crime is more likely to occur in areas where there is a low level of social cohesion and trust. This is because people in these areas are less likely to intervene in crime or to report it to the police.

The culture of poverty theory argues that poverty is self-perpetuating because it creates a culture that values crime and violence. This culture is passed down from generation to generation, and it makes it difficult for people to escape poverty.

Delinquency is a term used to describe criminal behavior by young people. It is often seen as a sign of social disorganization, as it is more likely to occur in areas with high levels of poverty, unemployment, and crime.

Gangs are groups of young people who engage in criminal activity. They are often formed in areas with high levels of social disorganization, and they provide a sense of belonging and identity for their members.

Incivility is a term used to describe minor acts of disorder, such as littering, vandalism, and public drinking. It is often seen as a sign of social disorganization, as it can create an environment in which crime is more likely to occur.

Neighborhood effects are the ways in which the characteristics of a neighborhood can affect the well-being of its residents. These effects can be positive or negative, and they are often mediated by social disorganization.

Social control is the process by which society regulates the behavior of its members. It can be formal, such as the police and the courts, or informal, such as social norms and values. Social control is important for preventing crime, and it is often weakened in areas with high levels of social disorganization.

Social isolation is the state of being cut off from social networks and support. It is often associated with poverty, unemployment, and mental illness. Social isolation can make people more vulnerable to crime, as they may be less likely to have people to turn to for help.

Strain theory argues that crime is caused by a feeling of strain or frustration that results from a gap between what people want and what they can achieve. This strain can be caused by a number of factors, including poverty, unemployment, and discrimination.

A subculture is a group of people who share a set of values and norms that are different from the dominant culture. Subcultures can be positive or negative, and they can sometimes contribute to crime.

Violence is the use of physical force to harm another person. It can be caused by a number of factors, including social disorganization, poverty, and mental illness. Violence is a serious problem in many societies, and it is important to understand the factors that contribute to it.

Social disorganization is a complex issue with a number of causes. It is important to understand these causes in order to develop effective strategies for preventing crime.

What is social disorganization?

Social disorganization is a sociological theory that states that crime is more likely to occur in communities with weak social Bonds. This can be due to a number of factors, such as poverty, unemployment, and racial segregation.

What are the causes of social disorganization?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to social disorganization, including:

  • Poverty: Poverty can lead to a number of problems, such as unemployment, crime, and drug abuse. These problems can weaken social bonds and make it difficult for communities to function effectively.
  • Unemployment: Unemployment can lead to poverty, which can in turn lead to the problems mentioned above. Unemployment can also lead to social isolation and a lack of opportunities for people to connect with others.
  • Racial segregation: Racial segregation can lead to a lack of diversity in communities, which can make it difficult for people to understand and appreciate each other’s cultures. This can lead to conflict and social unrest.
  • Lack of social cohesion: Social cohesion is the feeling of belonging to a community and having a shared sense of identity. When social cohesion is low, people are less likely to trust each other and cooperate with each other. This can make it difficult for communities to solve problems and address challenges.

What are the effects of social disorganization?

Social disorganization can have a number of negative effects on communities, including:

  • Increased crime: Crime is more likely to occur in communities with weak social bonds. This is because people are less likely to intervene in criminal activity when they do not feel connected to their community.
  • Decreased economic opportunity: Economic opportunity is often limited in communities with social disorganization. This is because businesses are less likely to invest in communities where there is a high crime rate and a lack of social cohesion.
  • Poor Health outcomes: People who live in communities with social disorganization are more likely to experience poor health outcomes. This is because they are more likely to be exposed to violence, pollution, and other environmental hazards.
  • Decreased educational attainment: Children who grow up in communities with social disorganization are more likely to drop out of school and have lower educational attainment. This is because they are more likely to live in poverty, attend low-quality schools, and experience violence and trauma.

What are the solutions to social disorganization?

There are a number of things that can be done to address social disorganization, including:

  • Investing in Education: Education is one of the most important things that can be done to improve the lives of people who live in communities with social disorganization. By investing in education, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and create opportunities for people to succeed.
  • Creating jobs: Jobs are essential for providing people with a sense of purpose and economic security. By creating jobs in communities with social disorganization, we can help to reduce poverty and crime.
  • Promoting social cohesion: Social cohesion is essential for building strong communities. By promoting social cohesion, we can help to create a sense of belonging and shared identity.
  • Addressing the root Causes of Poverty: Poverty is one of the root causes of social disorganization. By addressing the root causes of poverty, we can help to create a more just and equitable society.

What is the future of social disorganization?

The future of social disorganization is uncertain. However, there are a number of things that can be done to address the problem, such as investing in education, creating jobs, and promoting social cohesion. By taking these steps, we can help to create stronger and more resilient communities.

  1. Which of the following is NOT a factor that contributes to social disorganization?
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Lack of education
    (C) High crime rates
    (D) Strong social bonds

  2. Which of the following is an example of a social disorganization theory?
    (A) Strain theory
    (B) Control theory
    (C) Labeling theory
    (D) Social disorganization theory

  3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a socially disorganized area?
    (A) High crime rates
    (B) High unemployment rates
    (C) High poverty rates
    (D) Strong social bonds

  4. Which of the following is a possible consequence of social disorganization?
    (A) Increased crime rates
    (B) Decreased educational attainment
    (C) Increased drug use
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is NOT a policy that has been proposed to address social disorganization?
    (A) Increased police presence
    (B) Increased funding for education
    (C) Increased funding for social Services
    (D) Increased funding for prisons

  6. Which of the following is a criticism of social disorganization theory?
    (A) It is too simplistic.
    (B) It is too focused on individual factors.
    (C) It is too focused on structural factors.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. Which of the following is an example of a successful program that has been implemented to address social disorganization?
    (A) The Chicago Area Project
    (B) The Mobilization for Youth program
    (C) The Harlem Children’s Zone
    (D) All of the above.

  8. Which of the following is a criticism of social disorganization programs?
    (A) They are too expensive.
    (B) They are not effective.
    (C) They are not sustainable.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Which of the following is a promising new approach to addressing social disorganization?
    (A) Community policing
    (B) Problem-oriented policing
    (C) Broken windows policing
    (D) All of the above.

  10. Which of the following is a criticism of promising new approaches to addressing social disorganization?
    (A) They are not effective.
    (B) They are not sustainable.
    (C) They are not appropriate for all communities.
    (D) All of the above.

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