Social Determinants And Consequence Of Economical Development

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Social determinants of Economic Development and impact of economic consequences remain subject of discussion among the sociologists.

In the beginning development was defined solely in terms of economic perspectives. It is looked at as a process whereby there is a steady increase in the level of real income per head in a country.

In the broadest sense, economic development might be viewed as ‘any Growth in real income per capita from whatever source, say Robert Faris. Bach has described it as “growth in the total a output of goods and Services in the economy.

According to Novack, it is continuous substantial increase in per capita consumption of goods and services”. The substantial consumption of economic goods is possible only when there is substantial production of economic goods and substantial production these days depends upon greater use of technologies.

According to scholars, economic development refers to the process, whereby people of a country utilize the Resources available to bring about a sustained growth in per capita production of goods and services. Sustained growth of per capita income is a feature of economic development.

However, non-economic or social dimension has been’ added to the concept of economic development by UNO. According to UNO, “Development concerns not only man’s material needs, but also improvement of social conditions of his life. Development is, therefore, not only economic growth but growth plus change – social, cultural and institutional as well as economic”.

As the process of economic development is a continuous process, it needs to create chain of reactions of such forces which may set in motion the process of income generating in the economy. The process of economic development requires suitable Climate for its initiation, maintenance and acceleration.

The gigantic task of economic development can be influenced by group of factors such as economic, political, administrative and social. Gunar Myrdal has pointed out six important factors affecting development: output and income, conditions of production, levels of living, Attitude towards life and work, institutions and politics. The first three refer to economic factors, the next two to non-economic factors, and the last one to a mixed category.

Social factors play important roles in economic development. This has been of late realisation on the part of social scientist. The social determinants of economic development include various Social Institutions such as the family, class structure, caste, religion, traditions, attitudes, beliefs and culture etc.

In fact, it is difficult to compartmentalize human factors into economic and non-economic, since development is the result of inter-play of these factors. Although economic factors are significant, social factors are more dynamic and powerful which determines economic development to a great extent. Let us discuss some of the important social determinants of economic development.

The rate and nature of economic development are profoundly influenced by factors such as the adaptability of Society, its attitudes to innovation and change. The rate of economic development is also influenced by the attitudes of the traditional elite to social and political changes.

The cultural context surrounding the production systems, the relations between various groups participating into the economic processes and a favourable cultural context in society determine the structure of the economy decisively. An open and progressive society with healthy Environment makes a positive contribution to development.

A rigid, retrograde social system hinders economic development in many ways. A mobile, receptive outward looking social system is conducive for economic development.

Democratic norms and its full application are important factors for development. The type of Government and its relationship with the masses in the domain of policy making for development a assumes importance for all round development.

Advancement in technology is hindered in developing countries due to lack of Education of people. Education motivates and inspires individuals to actively participate in the process of economic development. In fact, education brings revolutions in ideas of economic progress.

Traditional values are not conducive to economic development. Social mobilisation is an essential prerequisite of economic development. Social mobilisation implies the process in which major clusters of Old social, economic and psychological commitments are eroded and broken. In addition, cultural flexibility is necessary for the introduction of any new norms and values.

Economic development not only requires institutional changes but also changes at personal level….sustenance of economic development depends upon certain personal traits. Instead of being fatalistic, religious and immobile, individuals should be mobile, activists and innovational in nature.

Better Health conditions and availability of medical facilities, reduction in mortality rates and birth rates can have positive contribution to economic development. Rapid Population growth impede economic growth in underdeveloped areas.

Until not long ago, the term development was used to refer economic growth. But the importance of non-economic dimensions of development – political, social, cultural and human, is being increasingly realised now. Although economists themselves were the first to recognise the importance of human factors in economic development, it was sociologists who brought into focus the social dimensions of development.

To begin with sociologists devoted their attention to the social determinants and consequences of economic development. For works on a sociological approach to economic development, one may refer to B.F. Hoselitz, Sociological Aspects of Economic growth; S.N. Eisenstadt, Essays on Sociological Aspects of Political and Economic Development; Neil J. Smelser, The Sociology of Economic life etc. Only from their sustained interest in the sociological bearings of economic development did they derive the notion of social development.

The meaning of economic development has broadened over the years, as is evident from the following conceptions, which have emerged in that order: economic development as economic growth, economic development as change in the social and political structures accompanying economic growth, and economic self-reliance. Until recently, Western economists tended to identify economic development with economic growth, as measured by the rate of increase of per capita income or product.

The trickledown effect of overall per capital GNP growth was expected to provide more jobs and economic opportunities, ensuring wider diffusion of the benefits of growth. But in the Third World countries things did not work out in this way, the economists had predicted. The benefits of growth remained confined to small sections of the population. It became increasingly clear that the concept of economic development cannot solve the major problems of POVERTY, hunger and Malnutrition.

Hence, the concept of economic development has been enlarged to refer to economic Equality and self- reliance along with economic growth. Several non-economic issues, e.g. education, housing, EMPLOYMENT, social welfare have been incorporated to the major objectives in the development strategies.

Now development is no longer identified with mere increase in gross national product or per capita NATIONAL INCOME. It has acquired a broader concept. According to J.N. Khosal “it needs to be conceived as a dynamic process directed towards transforming an entire society (not merely some segments of it) enmeshing together its economic, social, political and administrative aspects for an all round, balanced, upward change”.



Economic development is the process of increasing the economic well-being and prosperity of a nation’s citizens. It is often measured by the gross domestic product (GDP), which is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a given year.

There are many factors that contribute to economic development, including:

  • Investment in education and Human Capital: A well-educated workforce is essential for economic growth. Education helps people develop the skills they need to be productive workers and entrepreneurs.
  • Investment in Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE: Infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and Airports, is essential for the movement of goods and people. It also helps to attract businesses and investment.
  • Favorable policies: Governments can promote economic development by adopting policies that encourage investment, innovation, and trade.
  • Natural Resources: Countries with abundant natural resources, such as oil and Minerals, can use these resources to generate economic growth.

Economic development can have a number of positive social consequences, including:

  • Reduced poverty: Economic growth can lead to higher incomes and reduced poverty.
  • Improved health: Economic development can lead to better access to healthcare and improved Nutrition, which can lead to better health outcomes.
  • Increased education: Economic development can lead to increased investment in education, which can lead to higher levels of education among the population.
  • Improved social mobility: Economic development can create opportunities for people to move up the economic ladder, which can lead to a more equitable society.
  • Reduced inequality: Economic development can lead to a more equitable distribution of income, which can reduce inequality.

However, economic development can also have some negative social consequences, such as:

  • Environmental Degradation: Economic development can lead to environmental degradation, such as pollution and deforestation.
  • Social unrest: Economic development can lead to social unrest, as people may feel that they are not benefiting from the fruits of economic growth.
  • Political instability: Economic development can lead to political instability, as people may demand change from their governments.
  • Crime: Economic development can lead to an increase in crime, as people may turn to crime to make a living.

Overall, economic development can have both positive and negative social consequences. It is important to carefully consider the potential consequences of economic development before implementing policies to promote it.

In addition to the social consequences, economic development can also have a number of environmental consequences. These include:

  • Increased resource consumption: Economic development often leads to increased consumption of natural resources, such as water, minerals, and fossil fuels. This can put a strain on the environment and lead to depletion of resources.
  • Increased pollution: Economic development often leads to increased pollution, as factories and other businesses produce more waste. This can pollute the air, water, and land, and harm human health.
  • Climate Change: Economic development is a major contributor to climate change. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the Atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the planet to warm. This can lead to a number of negative consequences, such as rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, and changes in agricultural patterns.

It is important to take steps to mitigate the environmental consequences of economic development. These include:

  • Investing in RENEWABLE ENERGY: Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, do not produce greenhouse gases and can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Improving Energy Efficiency: We can reduce our energy consumption by improving the efficiency of our homes, businesses, and vehicles.
  • Reducing waste: We can reduce the amount of waste we produce by recycling and composting.
  • Protecting forests: Forests play an important role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We can help to protect forests by reducing deforestation and planting trees.

Economic development is a complex issue with both positive and negative consequences. It is important to carefully consider the potential consequences of economic development before implementing policies to promote it. We also need to take steps to mitigate the environmental consequences of economic development. By doing so, we can ensure that economic development is sustainable and benefits all of society.

Social Determinants of Health

  • What are social determinants of health?
    Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies, and political systems.

  • What are the main social determinants of health?
    The main social determinants of health are:

  • Income and social status
  • Education
  • Employment and working conditions
  • Social support networks
  • Physical environment
  • Personal health practices and coping skills
  • Biological factors
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Disparities in health care

  • How do social determinants of health affect health?
    Social determinants of health affect health in a number of ways. For example, people who are poor are more likely to live in areas with poor air quality, which can lead to respiratory problems. People who are unemployed are more likely to experience Stress, which can lead to health problems such as heart disease and stroke. People who have low social support are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and drinking, which can also lead to health problems.

  • What can be done to address social determinants of health?
    There are a number of things that can be done to address social determinants of health. These include:

  • Investing in education and employment opportunities
  • Creating a more equitable distribution of income
  • Promoting healthy environments
  • Addressing social isolation and stigma
  • Providing access to quality health care

Consequences of Economic Development

  • What are the consequences of economic development?
    The consequences of economic development can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, economic development can lead to increased income, improved health, and better education. On the negative side, economic development can lead to environmental degradation, social inequality, and political instability.

  • What are some of the positive consequences of economic development?
    Some of the positive consequences of economic development include:

  • Increased income: Economic development can lead to increased income for individuals and families. This can improve their standard of living and provide them with more opportunities.
  • Improved health: Economic development can lead to improved health outcomes for individuals and populations. This is due to a number of factors, including better access to health care, improved nutrition, and a healthier environment.
  • Better education: Economic development can lead to better education outcomes for individuals and populations. This is due to a number of factors, including increased investment in education, improved access to education, and a higher demand for skilled workers.

  • What are some of the negative consequences of economic development?
    Some of the negative consequences of economic development include:

  • Environmental degradation: Economic development can lead to environmental degradation, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. This is due to a number of factors, including increased resource consumption, increased pollution, and changes in land use.
  • Social inequality: Economic development can lead to social inequality, as the benefits of development are often not shared equally. This can lead to poverty, crime, and social unrest.
  • Political instability: Economic development can lead to political instability, as it can lead to changes in the balance of power and social structure. This can lead to conflict, violence, and instability.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of social determinants and consequences of economic development:

  1. Which of the following is not a social determinant of health?
    (A) Income
    (B) Education
    (C) Occupation
    (D) Social support

  2. Which of the following is not a consequence of economic development?
    (A) Increased life expectancy
    (B) Improved health outcomes
    (C) Reduced poverty
    (D) Increased inequality

  3. Which of the following is the most important social determinant of health?
    (A) Income
    (B) Education
    (C) Occupation
    (D) Social support

  4. Which of the following is the most important consequence of economic development?
    (A) Increased life expectancy
    (B) Improved health outcomes
    (C) Reduced poverty
    (D) Increased inequality

  5. Which of the following is the most effective way to improve health outcomes?
    (A) Increase income
    (B) Increase education
    (C) Improve access to healthcare
    (D) Reduce poverty

  6. Which of the following is the most effective way to reduce poverty?
    (A) Increase income
    (B) Increase education
    (C) Improve access to healthcare
    (D) Increase employment opportunities

  7. Which of the following is the most effective way to improve social support?
    (A) Increase income
    (B) Increase education
    (C) Improve access to healthcare
    (D) Increase social networks

  8. Which of the following is the most effective way to reduce inequality?
    (A) Increase income
    (B) Increase education
    (C) Improve access to healthcare
    (D) Increase social mobility

  9. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining health outcomes?
    (A) Genetics
    (B) Environment
    (C) Lifestyle
    (D) Access to healthcare

  10. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining economic development?
    (A) Natural resources
    (B) Human capital
    (C) Infrastructure
    (D) Technology

I hope these MCQs are helpful!

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