Smart Cities Mission: Transforming India’s Urban Landscape

The Smart Cities Mission is a flagship urban renewal and development initiative launched by the Government of India in 2015. This ambitious program aims to transform selected cities into modern, sustainable, and citizen-friendly urban centers by harnessing the power of technology and innovative solutions.

Key Pillars of the Smart Cities Mission

The mission focuses on driving urban development across four key areas:

  • Core Infrastructure: Upgrading fundamental infrastructure, including water supply, sanitation, solid waste management, affordable housing, roads, and power supply.
  • Sustainable Environment: Promoting renewable energy, green buildings, efficient waste management, and focus on reducing pollution.
  • Smart Solutions: Integrating technology across various city functions like transportation, security, e-governance services, and public utilities.
  • Citizen Engagement: Encouraging citizen participation through data-driven decision-making and inclusive planning processes.

The Selection Process

The Smart Cities Mission adopted a competitive process known as the ‘Smart City Challenge.’ Cities across India competed based on their development plans, with 100 cities selected for the mission.

Success Stories and Examples

Several cities have demonstrated remarkable progress under the Smart Cities Mission:

  • Pune: Implementation of intelligent traffic management systems, smart street lighting, and a centralized command and control center.
  • Surat: Focus on citizen-centric e-governance, waste-to-energy initiatives, and redevelopment of public spaces.
  • Indore: Leading the way in solid waste management and sanitation, achieving India’s ‘cleanest city’ status for several years.

FAQs About the Smart Cities Mission

  • How are Smart Cities funded? Funding comes from a mix of central and state government grants, and public-private partnerships (PPPs).
  • What is the role of citizens in the mission? Citizen participation is crucial and is encouraged through platforms, consultations, and open data initiatives.


The core objective of the Smart Cities Mission is to:

A. Promote rapid urbanization

B. Increase agricultural production

C. Develop technologically advanced and sustainable cities

D. Reduce reliance on the service sector

Which of these is NOT a focus area of the Smart Cities Mission?

A. Smart transportation solutions

B. Affordable housing

C. Eradication of rural poverty

D. Citizen-centric e-governance

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