Rural tank rejuvenation

Rural tank rejuvenation

A tank is a low, earthen bund constructed across a shallow valley to hold the rainfall runoff from its catchment area. Tanks may be either isolated or in cascades. In a cascade, when the upper tank gets filled, the spill over the surplus weir is led into the tanks lower down, one below the other as a cascade until the last tank spills into a drain or a river. Tanks have been the main source of Irrigation in many parts of India from time immemorial. India experiences extremes of Climate within its 329 million hectares (ha) of geographical area. Rainfall pattern is neither predictable nor uniform over space and time. The incidence of rainfall is also seasonal, occurring mainly during the southwest monsoon (June to September) in most of the country except the rain shadow areas of the western ghats (steep mountainous range), notably Tamil Nadu. Being confined to a few monsoon months, rainfall behavior is highly erratic.

South and Eastern Indian tanks and ponds (tanks are mostly constructed over the land and have hydrological continuity from one to the other in cascading form while the ponds are mostly dug out and isolated) are known for their antiquity. They were created essentially as multiple-use structures for irrigation, Livestock, and human uses. In addition, innumerable small water holding structures called ponds have been in existence in many North Indian states and constructed even after Independence. Although these ponds are primarily meant for inland freshwater aquaculture, they have also been used for irrigated agriculture, livestock, and other domestic use.

South India has more tanks because of its geography, climate, and terrain situations. Most of the land lying between western ghats and the eastern coast misses the intensive rainfall of the dependable south-west monsoon. But the north-east monsoon, which is less dependable, brings more rain over these areas. However, the north-east monsoon is often accompanied by Cyclones-2/”>Cyclones and pours heavily in short spells. Unless this rain water is collected and stored, these areas will have acute water shortage and drought during the rest of the year. Hence tanks have come into existence in this part of the country in large numbers.

The geological formation of south India is of hard granite gneisses, which helps reduce deep percolation from tanks and ponds. This may be yet another reason for the existence for more tanks in southern peninsular India than in the north. The north-east monsoon is more active in the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and they also have the maximum number of tanks. The southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu put together have around 143,000 tanks, constituting nearly 50% of the tanks in India.

South Indian tanks are inextricably linked to the socio-cultural aspects of rural communities and have historically been an indispensable part of the village habitat. The layout, structure, and construction of these tanks bring out the ingenuity of past generations who constructed the tanks suitably fitting to the gradual fall of the contours. As small-scale irrigation systems, these tanks are easily adaptable to the system of decentralized village administration they have. The precise shape and size of each tank seem to have been determined by the terrain. The overflow of one tank moves into the lower down tank and so on up to the sea or drain. Building this highly interconnected system would have also required civil engineering skills of a high order. Maintaining such an extensive dispersed system and sharing the waters need extraordinary social and managerial skills. The sharing of tank water and other usufructs is perhaps the essence of democratic functioning that prevailed then.

These tanks have many special features. The tank is recognized as having at least four different functions in irrigated agriculture—water conservation, Soil conservation, flood control, and protection of ECOLOGY of the surrounding area. There are evidences of well-developed irrigation systems in literatures, epigraphs, and as remnants of structures. Behind these existing indigenous systems of irrigation are thousands of years of tradition.

Tank Rehabilitation Project in Orissa

There are traditional tank systems in the western and southern parts of Orissa, which were under the Madras presidency during the British rule. Nearly 40% of the total minor irrigation (MI) schemes are located in this region. Even after the independence these MI projects (MIPs) were maintained by the Rural Engineering Department, which was formed in 1962 and later in 1980, the MI Organization was established for the schemes having more than 40 ha of ayacut and less than 2,000 ha.

Tank rejuvenation in Karnataka

Karnataka has 36,672 tanks with a command area of around 690,000 ha distributed in 27 districts. About 90% of these tanks have a command of less than 40 ha. The actual irrigated area is about 35% of the total registered potential of tanks. Since 1997, minor irrigation activities are handled by the Department of Minor Irrigation (DMI). The administrative perception of a tank seems to be purely in engineering and technical terms while expertise from other fields (e.g., agronomy, hydrology, watershed and social sciences) for a holistic management of tanks is woefully missing. The DMI looks after the tanks with command area of 40– 2,000 ha, while tanks with less than 40 ha command area are in the care of zilla (district) panchayat, and those with above 2,000 ha are with medium and major irrigation departments. One of the major reasons for the decline in tanks is lower budgetary allocations, both on capital Investment and maintenance, and repairs.

The government of Karnataka recognizes the importance of tank rehabilitation. However, no holistic planning or management has been contemplated for the sustainability of the benefits. Neither the improvement of catchment of the tanks to increase the flow but to arrest the flow of silt nor the need for hydrological analysis based on existing data and available technology have been considered as integral to the tank rehabilitation package. Moreover, the linkages between irrigation and agriculture, Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture, Safe drinking water, etc., need to be more clearly established to help ensure that improved water management translates into concrete improvement in livelihoods.

The government of Karnataka amended the Karnataka Irrigation Act 1965 in 2000 to provide scope for establishing WUCS for command areas extending from 500 to 700 ha. The analysis of operational feasibility revealed that establishing an institution on command area basis by clubbing more than one tank under a cooperative act would be a nonviable proposition. The government of Karnataka has changed this provision through an Act in 2002, which provided organizing tank users’ groups (TUGs) under the Societies Registration Act for individual tanks. In a significant and far-reaching step toward strengthening rural Decentralization, the government of Karnataka has transferred all the tanks having a command area of up to 40 ha to the control of gram (village) panchayats with effect from April 2004 and is in the process of evolving required operational guidelines for gram panchayats to function effectively.,

Rural Tank Rejuvenation

Rural tanks are an important source of water for agriculture and domestic use in rural areas. However, many rural tanks are in poor condition due to sedimentation, leakage, and encroachment. This can lead to a shortage of water, which can have a negative impact on the livelihoods of people living in rural areas.


The objectives of rural tank rejuvenation are to:

  • Restore and improve the condition of rural tanks
  • Increase the availability of water for agriculture and domestic use
  • Improve the livelihoods of people living in rural areas


There are a variety of methods that can be used to rejuvenate rural tanks. These include:

  • Desilting: This involves removing the sediment that has accumulated at the bottom of the tank. This can be done manually or using machinery.
  • Repairing leaks: Leaks in the tank can be repaired using a variety of methods, such as using cement or rubber.
  • Planting trees around the tank: Trees can help to improve the water quality of the tank and also provide shade for people and animals.

Expected outcomes

The expected outcomes of rural tank rejuvenation are:

  • Increased availability of water for agriculture and domestic use
  • Improved livelihoods of people living in rural areas
  • Reduced Water Pollution
  • Improved water quality


There are a number of challenges that can be faced when rejuvenating rural tanks. These include:

  • Lack of funding: Rejuvenating rural tanks can be a costly process. This can be a challenge for governments and NGOs that are working to improve the water supply in rural areas.
  • Lack of technical expertise: Rejuvenating rural tanks requires technical expertise. This can be a challenge for governments and NGOs that do not have the necessary staff.
  • Lack of community participation: The success of rural tank rejuvenation depends on the participation of the community. This can be a challenge if the community is not aware of the benefits of rejuvenating the tank or if they do not trust the government or NGO that is carrying out the work.

Way forward

There are a number of ways to overcome the challenges of rural tank rejuvenation. These include:

  • Mobilizing funding: Governments and NGOs can mobilize funding from a variety of sources, such as international donors, the private sector, and local communities.
  • Building technical capacity: Governments and NGOs can build technical capacity by training staff and hiring experts.
  • Engaging the community: Governments and NGOs can engage the community by conducting awareness campaigns and involving them in the planning and implementation of the work.


Rural tank rejuvenation is an important process that can improve the lives of people living in rural areas. However, there are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure the success of this process. By mobilizing funding, building technical capacity, and engaging the community, governments and NGOs can overcome these challenges and make a real difference in the lives of people living in rural areas.

Case study: The rejuvenation of the Cheyyar tank in Tamil Nadu, India

The Cheyyar tank is a large tank located in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The tank was built in the 17th century and is an important source of water for agriculture and domestic use in the surrounding area. However, the tank had fallen into disrepair in recent years due to sedimentation, leakage, and encroachment.

In 2013, the Tamil Nadu government launched a project to rejuvenate the Cheyyar tank. The project was funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Tamil Nadu Water and Sanitation Department. The project involved desilting the tank, repairing leaks, and planting trees around the tank.

The project was completed in 2016 and has had a significant impact on the lives of people living in the area. The tank is now able to store more water, which has improved the water supply for agriculture and domestic use. The project has also created jobs and improved the Environment.

The rejuvenation of the Cheyyar tank is a successful example of how rural tank rejuvenation can improve the lives of people living in rural areas. The project has demonstrated that with the right funding, technical expertise, and community participation, rural tank rejuvenation can be a successful and sustainable process.

What is rural tank rejuvenation?

Rural tank rejuvenation is a process of restoring old, unused tanks to their original condition. This can be done by cleaning the tank, repairing any damage, and refilling it with water.

Why is rural tank rejuvenation important?

Rural tank rejuvenation is important because it can help to improve the Quality Of Life in rural areas. Tanks that are in good condition can provide a source of water for drinking, bathing, and irrigation. They can also be used to store rainwater, which can be used during dry periods.

How can I rejuvenate a rural tank?

There are a few things you can do to rejuvenate a rural tank:

  1. Clean the tank. This can be done by using a brush and soapy water. Be sure to rinse the tank thoroughly after cleaning.
  2. Repair any damage. If the tank has any cracks or leaks, you will need to repair them before you can refill the tank.
  3. Refill the tank with water. Once the tank is clean and repaired, you can refill it with water. Be sure to use clean water that is safe to drink.

What are the benefits of rural tank rejuvenation?

There are many benefits to rural tank rejuvenation. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved water quality: Rural tanks that are in good condition can provide a source of clean, safe water.
  • Increased access to water: Rural tank rejuvenation can help to increase access to water in rural areas. This can be especially beneficial for people who live in areas where there is a shortage of water.
  • Improved sanitation: Rural tank rejuvenation can help to improve sanitation in rural areas. This can help to reduce the risk of waterborne diseases.
  • Increased agricultural productivity: Rural tank rejuvenation can help to increase agricultural productivity. This is because tanks can be used to store water for irrigation.
  • Improved Economic Development: Rural tank rejuvenation can help to improve economic development in rural areas. This is because tanks can be used to store water for industrial purposes.

What are the challenges of rural tank rejuvenation?

There are a few challenges associated with rural tank rejuvenation. Some of the challenges include:

  • Cost: Rural tank rejuvenation can be expensive. This is because it requires the purchase of materials and the hiring of workers.
  • Labor: Rural tank rejuvenation can be labor-intensive. This is because it requires the removal of debris, the repair of damage, and the refilling of the tank.
  • Time: Rural tank rejuvenation can take time. This is because it requires the completion of several steps.

How can I get involved in rural tank rejuvenation?

There are a few ways you can get involved in rural tank rejuvenation. Some of the ways include:

  • Volunteer your time: You can volunteer your time to help with rural tank rejuvenation projects.
  • Donate Money: You can donate money to organizations that are working to rejuvenate rural tanks.
  • Advocate for rural tank rejuvenation: You can advocate for rural tank rejuvenation by contacting your elected officials.

What are some Resources for rural tank rejuvenation?

There are a few resources available for rural tank rejuvenation. Some of the resources include:

  • The Rural Community Assistance PARTNERSHIP (RCAP): RCAP is a non-profit organization that provides technical assistance and training to rural communities. RCAP can provide information and resources on rural tank rejuvenation.
  • The National Rural Water Association (NRWA): NRWA is a non-profit organization that represents rural water systems. NRWA can provide information and resources on rural tank rejuvenation.
  • The USDA Rural Development: USDA Rural Development is a federal agency that provides financial assistance to rural communities. USDA Rural Development can provide funding for rural tank rejuvenation projects.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of rural tank rejuvenation, water conservation, and Sustainable Development:

  1. Which of the following is not a benefit of rural tank rejuvenation?
    (A) Increased water supply for irrigation and drinking
    (B) Improved soil Health and crop yields
    (C) Reduced flooding and erosion
    (D) Increased greenhouse gas emissions

  2. Which of the following is the most common type of rural tank?
    (A) Earthen tank
    (B) Concrete tank
    (C) Ferrocement tank
    (D) Plastic tank

  3. Which of the following is the most effective way to conserve water?
    (A) Repairing leaks in pipes and fixtures
    (B) Taking shorter showers
    (C) Fixing dripping faucets
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is not a sustainable development goal?
    (A) Eradicating POVERTY and hunger
    (B) Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages
    (C) Achieving Equality/”>Gender Equality and empowering all Women and girls
    (D) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

  5. Which of the following is the most important thing that individuals can do to help achieve sustainable development?
    (A) Reduce their consumption of resources
    (B) Recycle and compost
    (C) Support sustainable businesses
    (D) All of the above

I hope these questions were helpful!

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