Rise Of Maratha Power

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Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Shivaji Shahaji Bhosale) was the founder of strong Maratha Empire in the west part of India in 17th Century.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Shivaji Shahaji Bhosale) was born in the fort of Shivneri, near from city Junner (Pune District), in the year 1630 (19th February’ 1630). His mother Jijabai Bhosale named him Shivaji in the honor of goddess Shivai Devi. Chhatrapati Shivaji was devoted to his mother Jijabai Bhosale, who was extreme religious. This kind of Environment had put deep impact on Shivaji maharaj.

Expansion of Empire and Battles of Shivaji

  • In the 1659 Adilshah sent Afzalkhan with the army of 75000 soldiers to destroy Shivaji with his empire. Chhatrapati Shivaji killed Afzal Khan with full diplomatically. He signaled his troops to start the great assault on the Adilshahi Sultanate.
  • Shivaji defeated Kaltalf Khan, a sardar of Shahista Khan in the Battle of Umberkhind with few soldiers (Mavale).
  • Aurangjeb sent his maternal uncle Shahista Khan with powerful army over 1,50,000 on request of Badibegum Sahiba, Adishahi sultanate. In the April 1663Chhatrapati Shivaji personally made surprise attack on Shahista Khan in the LalMahal Pune.
  • Chhatrapati Shivaji sacked surat ,the wealthy city of Mughal Empire in 1664. Surat was the financial capital of mughal& trading centre.
  • Chhatrapati Shivaji agreed to give 23 forts and Rs. 4,00,000/- hone, to let his son Sambhaji become Mughal Sardar and ready to meet with Aurangjeb in the treaty of Purander between Chhatrapati Shivaji and Mirza Raje Jaisingh on behalf of Mughal.
  • Chhatrapati Shivaji gained lot of province till jinji in Karnataka after coronation in the period of 1677-1678.
  • Aurangjeb invited Chhatrapati Shivaji to Agra on occasion of his 50th birth anniversary. However, in the court on 1666 Aurangjeb made in stand behind military commanders of his court.Shivaji got angry and he refused gift which offered by Aurangjeb and stormed out of the court. He was house arrested by Aurangjeb .Chhatrapati Shivaji made supreme plan and succeed to escape from Agra.

Ashtpradhans of Shivaji

It was dministrative and advisory council set up by the Indian Shivaji which contributed to his successful military attacks on the Muslim Mughal Empire and to the good government of the territory over which he established his rule.

  • Peshwa- Prime Minister
  • Amatya- Finance Department
  • Sachiv- Home Secretary
  • Sumant- Foreign Secretary
  • Nyayadheesh- Judicial Magistarate
  • Senapati- Commander In chief
  • Panditrao- relifious matters
  • Mantri- Day to day activities

Revenue Administration

T he assessment of revenue was made after a careful survey and Classification of the lands according to their quality and yield. The share of the state was fixed at two-fifths of the gross produce. The cultivator was given the option of paying either in cash or kind.

Besides the land revenue, Shivaji had other sources of income, of which the most important were the chauth and sardeshmukhi. The chauth amounted to one-fourth of the standard revenue assessment of the place, while the sardeshmukhi was an additional levy of 10 per cent demanded from areas outside his kingdom because he claimed to be the hereditary sardeshmukh (chief headman) of the entire Maratha country. These taxes were levied on those living outside Maratha kingdom as a safeguard (a kind of protection Money) against Shivaji’s forces plundering or raiding their territory.

Marathas Consolidation and Northward Expansion

Age of Peshwas

Balaji Vishwanath

With Balaji Vishwanath in charge of the Maratha military and Kanhoji in charge of the Marathas Navy. This agreement set the course for Balaji Viswanatha’s rise as a Peshwa during his subsequent visit to Delhi with an army of 12,000 Marathas. During this visit to Delhi, on an invitation from the Syed brothers in their struggle with the Mughal Emperor Farrukhsiyyar, the Maratha forces led by Balaji Viswanath clashed with the forces of Mughal Emperor and defeated them. This was the first Maratha victory over the Mughals in Delhi. This event marks the asendency of the Marathas in Delhi an asendency that was to last for almost a century till they were supplanted by the British in 1803.

The Peshwas – Baji Rao, Balaji Baji Rao, Madha Rao
After Shahu, the de facto executive power passed into the hands of the hereditary Prime Ministers the Peshwas. Balaji Viawanath Bhatt was succeeded by his son Baji Rao the first. Baji Rao was a very able and ambitious soldier and he was the one who consolidated Maratha power in North India.

Baji Rao died at a relativey young age of 40 in the year 1740. His was succeeded by his son Balaji Baji Rao. Balaji Baji Rao played a tragic role in Maratha history and the fissiparous tendencies he let loose ultimately let to the downfall of the Maratha empire.
His first mistake was to go back on the agreement between his grandfather Balaji Viswanath Bhatt and Kanhoji Angre according to which the Peshwa was to have no direct control over the Maratha Navy. He attacked the his own navy and weakened one arm of the Maratha might.
During his rule, North India was invaded by Ahmed Shah Abdali first in 1756. Balaji Baji Rao then sent his brother Raghunath Rao along with Malharrao Holkar to defeat Abdali. Raghunath rao not only defeated Abdali but chased him up to the Khyber pass till Attock in Paktoonistan. .
This success of Raghunath Rao aroused the jealousy of Balaji Baji Rao’s wife Gopikabai, who started conspiring against Raghunath Rao to undermine his influence. This led to corresponding jealousy from Anandibai who was Ragunath Rao’s wife. The unfortunate fallout of this court intrigue ws to end in the disastrous 3rd battle of Panipat in 1761.

The 3rd Battle of Panipat
When Abdali launched his second invasion in 1759 the Marathas who after their successes in 1756 had been hibernating in Maharashtra and Central India again woke up and in alliance with the Jat King Suraj Mal of Bharatpur formed an alliance. This alliance led by Shrimant Sadshiv Rao Bhau and Shrimant Vishwas Rao (the Peshwa Shrimant Balaji Baji Rao’s son) won spectacular victories and captured Delhi and Kunjapura (where the Afghan treasury and armoury was located). Here the alliance developed cracks due to the Maratha insistence on not allowing the Jats to loot Delhi. This ultimately split the alliance and Suraj Mal withdrew from the alliance. The Marathas consequently marched upto Panipat, but instead of continuing their attacks to completely defeat the partly defeated Abdali and Najib Khan, they stayed put at Panipat, blocking the way of the Afghans back to Afghanistan. Seeing their way back to their homeland blocked, the Afghans now became restless. They in turn, decided to block the way of the Marathas back into the Deccan.
This stand-off continued for one whole year from the 14th of January 1760 up to the 14th of January 1761. This led to the fall in the morale of the stranded Marathas and ultimatley led to their defeat at Panipat.

The Afghans with Najib Khan meanwhile also recaptured Delhi and Kunjpura. On the decisive day of 14th January 1761 (Makar Sankranti), the Marathas decided to break-through the Afghan blockade and re-enter Deccan. The disastrous battle saw about one hundred thousand Maratha troops being slaughtered in a matter of eight hours. But the Afghans too suffered heavy losses and decided enough was enough and went back to Afghanistan never to return to India.
The defeat of the Marathas and the withdrawal of the Afghans created a power vacuum in North India in the period 1761-1790. It was this vacuum that was filled up by the rising British power. But more of this later.


The Rise of Maratha Power

The Maratha Empire was a Hindu empire that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was founded by Shivaji Maharaj, who led a rebellion against the Mughal Empire in the early 17th century. The Maratha Empire reached its peak under the Peshwas, who ruled from 1713 to 1818. The empire declined in the early 19th century, and was finally defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818).

Shivaji Maharaj was born in 1627 in Shivneri Fort, near Pune. He was the son of Shahaji Bhosale, a general in the Mughal army, and Jijabai, a Rajput princess. Shivaji was educated in both Hindu and Muslim traditions. He learned to ride horses and elephants, and to use firearms and swords. He also learned about Hindu history and culture.

In 1645, Shivaji’s father was killed by the Mughals. Shivaji then took over his father’s position as a general in the Mughal army. However, he soon became disillusioned with the Mughals, and in 1646 he launched a rebellion against them.

Shivaji’s rebellion was successful, and he soon established a Maratha kingdom in the Deccan region of India. He defeated the Mughals in several battles, and in 1674 he was crowned king of the Maratha Empire.

Shivaji was a brilliant military strategist and tactician. He was also a skilled diplomat and administrator. He built a strong and efficient army, and he established a System of Government that was based on Hindu law. He also promoted Education and Economic Development in his kingdom.

Shivaji Maharaj died in 1680. He was succeeded by his son, Sambhaji. Sambhaji was a capable ruler, but he was killed by the Mughals in 1689. After Sambhaji’s death, the Maratha Empire was ruled by a series of Peshwas, who were hereditary prime ministers.

The Peshwas were able to expand the Maratha Empire to its greatest extent. They defeated the Mughals in several battles, and they also conquered territory from the Adilshahi Sultanate and the Nizamshahi Sultanate.

The Maratha Empire reached its peak under the Peshwa Bajirao I (1720-1740). Bajirao was a brilliant military commander, and he led the Marathas to victory in many battles. He also expanded the Maratha Empire to include much of central and northern India.

After Bajirao’s death, the Maratha Empire began to decline. The Peshwas were unable to maintain the empire’s unity, and it was eventually divided into several smaller states. The Maratha Empire was finally defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818).

The Maratha Empire was a major power in India for over a century. It was founded by Shivaji Maharaj, who led a rebellion against the Mughal Empire. The Maratha Empire reached its peak under the Peshwas, who ruled from 1713 to 1818. The empire declined in the early 19th century, and was finally defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818).

Here are some frequently asked questions about the rise of Maratha power:

  1. Who were the Marathas?
    The Marathas were a Hindu warrior group from the Deccan Plateau in India. They were originally a small tribe, but they grew in power and influence during the 17th and 18th centuries.

  2. What were the causes of the rise of Maratha power?
    There are several factors that contributed to the rise of Maratha power. One factor was the decline of the Mughal Empire. The Mughals had been the dominant power in India for centuries, but they began to decline in the 17th century. This created a power vacuum that the Marathas were able to exploit.

Another factor was the Maratha’s military prowess. The Marathas were skilled warriors and they were able to defeat many of their enemies. They also had a strong cavalry, which was a key factor in their success.

Finally, the Marathas had a strong leader in Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji was a brilliant military strategist and he was able to unite the Maratha tribes under his Leadership. He also established a strong Maratha state that was able to resist the Mughals.

  1. What were the effects of the rise of Maratha power?
    The rise of Maratha power had a significant impact on India. The Marathas were able to defeat the Mughals and they established a powerful state in the Deccan Plateau. This state was able to resist the Mughals and it also played a role in the decline of the Mughal Empire.

The Marathas also had a significant impact on Indian culture. They promoted Hindu culture and they also helped to spread Marathi language and literature.

  1. What were the challenges faced by the Marathas?
    The Marathas faced several challenges during their rise to power. One challenge was the Mughal Empire. The Mughals were the dominant power in India and they were a formidable enemy. The Marathas were also challenged by other regional powers, such as the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Adilshahi of Bijapur.

Another challenge faced by the Marathas was internal division. The Maratha state was not always united and there were often disputes between different Maratha leaders. This made it difficult for the Marathas to achieve their goals.

Finally, the Marathas faced the challenge of the British East India Company. The British were a growing power in India and they were a threat to the Maratha state. The Marathas were eventually defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War.

  1. What was the legacy of the rise of Maratha power?
    The rise of Maratha power had a significant impact on India. The Marathas were able to defeat the Mughals and they established a powerful state in the Deccan Plateau. This state was able to resist the Mughals and it also played a role in the decline of the Mughal Empire.

The Marathas also had a significant impact on Indian culture. They promoted Hindu culture and they also helped to spread Marathi language and literature.

The Marathas were a powerful and influential force in Indian history. They played a major role in the decline of the Mughal Empire and they also helped to shape the modern Indian state.

  1. The Maratha Empire was founded by:
    (A) Shivaji Maharaj
    (B) Balaji Vishwanath
    (C) Sambhaji Maharaj
    (D) Shahu Maharaj

  2. The Maratha Empire reached its peak under the rule of:
    (A) Shivaji Maharaj
    (B) Balaji Vishwanath
    (C) Sambhaji Maharaj
    (D) Shahu Maharaj

  3. The Maratha Empire was finally defeated by the British in the:
    (A) Third Anglo-Maratha War
    (B) Fourth Anglo-Maratha War
    (C) Fifth Anglo-Maratha War
    (D) Sixth Anglo-Maratha War

  4. The Maratha Empire was a Hindu empire that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent in the 17th and 18th centuries.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  5. The Maratha Empire was founded by Shivaji Maharaj, who was a Hindu warrior king.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  6. The Maratha Empire reached its peak under the rule of Shahu Maharaj, who was the grandson of Shivaji Maharaj.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  7. The Maratha Empire was finally defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War, which was fought from 1817 to 1818.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  8. The Maratha Empire was a major power in India for over 100 years, and its influence can still be seen in the culture and politics of the region today.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  9. The Maratha Empire was a powerful military force, and its armies were known for their discipline and ferocity.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  10. The Maratha Empire was also a major economic power, and its trade networks extended throughout the Indian subcontinent.
    (A) True
    (B) False

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