Revolt of 1857 in Assam

Revolt of 1857 in Assam

The Revolt of 1857 is an important event in the history of India. It began on 10th may 1857 in Meerut with the mutiny of Indian soldiers or sepoys as the British used to call them. The unrest against the British rule that had been brewing for a long time now broke out into a revolt. The „mutiny of soldiers‟ soon spread like wild fire to large part of the country. The revolt was caused by wide spread discontent that the British policies in India had created. The policy of conquest pursued by the British had created unrest among many Indian rulers and chiefs. British had entered into agreements with them under a system of subsidiary alliance. Sind, Punjab and Awadh were annexed by this policy. The vigorous application of the Doctrine of Lapse by Dalhousie added to the discontent which the annexations had already caused.

In the nineteenth century Assam entered into a new political and socio-economic phase with the beginning of British Rule in Assam. The third decade of the nineteenth century brought political changes along with the treaty of Yandboo which was signed on twenty fourth February 1826 by general sir Archibald Campbell on British side and the governor of Ligaing Maha Ming Hla Hatin from the Burmese side. According to the clause of the treaty of the Yandboo the Burmese renounced its claim over Assam. The withdrawal of the Burmese provided the British with the opportunity to create spear of influence in the region .Thus the treaty of Yandboo marked the beginning of the new era in the history of Assam which brought socio-political changes in this region.Revolt of 1857 in Assam

British regime was welcomed by the common people of Assam as well as the noble of the Ahom Monarchy because the common people considered the Britishers as their saviour and the noble of the Ahom monarchy thought the coming of the British regime as temporary as they were totally unaware of the colonial mindset of the British. The interest of the ruling classes of Assam greatly affected by the British colonial policies as mentioned by S.L Baruah , its new administrative measures introduced by the British gave a serious blow to the old aristocracy. The abolition of the slavery in 1843 made the situation worse and pushed its members down to the level of ordinary rayats

The old aristocracy could not cope up with the new administrative system introduced by the British. They not only lost their privileges but also lost the chances to work in the new administrative structure because the new government preferred the man of ability who were mostly the Bengali people. In this situation the old aristocracy strongly felt that they could get back their privileges only after restoring the Ahom monarchy. Moreover 500 Assamese exservicemen who were unemployed after king purander singh had been dethroned.

The policies of the new government affected the common people also. The administrative machinery introduced by the East India Company did not satisfy the subjects and nobles alike.Like the aristocratic class the mass had also lost their faith in the British Government as they believe that the British saved them from the Burmese but in course of time they came to know the real motive of their so called saviours. concerned only with collection of taxes, a new government was totally indifferent in improving the economy of the miserable rayats. Benudhar Sarma also stated that lands were reassessed. Provision was made for the realization of tolls from the users of the ghats and bazars. He further stated that British came to Assam only to deliver her people from the clutches of the Burmese, they fastened the Assamese slowly but surely to their own yoke; an artfull fellow indeed a devil in a doublet. As a colonial power it was obvious that the British were trying to fulfill their economic interest by every means. Francis Jenkins in 1853 admitted that the economic conditions for the Assamese people already suffered very much due to prolonged strife coupled with the invasion of the Burmese and their atrocities .The British regime gave more importance to the collection of taxes from the masses but the economic interest of the people were ignored by the British government which brought dissatisfaction among the common masses which later contributed as one of the causes of revolt of 1857 in Assam.

With the coming of the British the people of Assam came into direct contact with the neighboring states especially with Bengal which brought many socio-economic changes in the Society of Assam. It is a significant landmark in the Assamese society Assam remain aloof from the other parts of India. But the Colonial power brought Assam closer to other parts of India which helped Assamese people to know about the development of other places of India. The people of Assam closely followed the development of Education, culture and literature of Bengal. Infact Maniram Dewan, Kashinath Tamuliphukan, Joduram Deka Baruah and some other wrote articles in Bengali paper like Samachar darpan, Samachar chandraka published from Kolkata.

Maniram Dewan and the Revolt of 1857

Maniram was a man of ability having vast knowledge of social political knowledge of that period and also proved himself loyal to the British Empire by giving all the informations regarding the socio-economic and political conditions of the state. In 1828 Neufulle appointed him as Sirasatadar. Though Maniram at first appreciated the British rule in Assam but later he realized his fault when he was not given enough opportunity to extend his tea gardens at chinamara and chenglung. He was not allowed waste land at concessional rates like the European planters. In 1858 A.J Muffet Mills, the Judge of the Sadar Diwani Adalat came to visit Assam to get more information regarding the local states of adminstration. Kandeswar Singha submitted a memorandum claiming his rights to hold Assam on a triubutory basis under the Company rule but Mill rejected this claim.This report compelled Maniram to get rid of the foreign government and thereafter he went to kolkata. In kolkata he came in contact with many intellectuals and came to know the uprising of the sepoys in other parts of India and thereby planned to organise revolts in Assam against the British. Maniram suggested Kandeswar Singha to take the helpof the local sepoys stationed at Sibsagar and Dibrugarh to fulfill their purpose.

Maniram and Piyali Baruah must be counted as two of the brightest luminaries whose name posterity must remember with reverent care .The role of Piyali Baruah in the revolt of 1857 was decisive. Unlike Maniram from the very beginning Piyali did not support the British regime. The Chief planner of the revolt was Maniram Dewan but it was piyali who brought the plan to action. Infact Maniram cannot be termed as perfect organizer because he never appeared before the people with his plans and actions. Amulya Chandra Sarma had stated that the socibility of piyali Baruah made him popular among all sections of the people. The other important orgainser of the Revolt were bahadur gaon Burha, formud Ali, Madhumalik, Dutiram Baruah. The revolt was planned to be orgainsed during the Durga puja but an incident took place which led to opening up of the whole plan before the British government and also changed the scenario of the Revolt in Assam. As a result of which the leaders were arrested one by one which destroyed the whole planning of the revolt in Assam.



The Revolt of 1857 in Assam was a major uprising against the British East India Company. It began in May 1857 and lasted for several months. The rebels were led by a number of different groups, including the Assamese, the Nagas, and the Khasis. The revolt was eventually suppressed by the British, but it had a significant impact on the history of Assam.

Causes of the revolt

The Revolt of 1857 was caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Economic hardship: The British East India Company had imposed a number of taxes on the people of Assam, which had led to widespread economic hardship.
  • Religious discrimination: The British East India Company had also discriminated against the Hindu and Muslim religions, which had angered many people in Assam.
  • Political oppression: The British East India Company had imposed a number of restrictions on the political rights of the people of Assam, which had led to resentment.
  • Military oppression: The British East India Company had also stationed a large number of troops in Assam, which had made the people feel like they were under occupation.

Course of the revolt

The Revolt of 1857 began in May 1857 when a group of soldiers in the British East India Company’s army mutinied. The mutiny quickly spread to other parts of India, including Assam. The rebels in Assam were led by a number of different groups, including the Assamese, the Nagas, and the Khasis. The rebels attacked British-held towns and villages, and they also killed a number of British officials.

The British East India Company responded to the revolt by sending a large number of troops to Assam. The British troops eventually suppressed the revolt, but it took several months. The revolt had a significant impact on the history of Assam, as it led to the British East India Company losing control of the region.

Results of the revolt

The Revolt of 1857 had a number of results, including:

  • The British East India Company lost control of Assam.
  • The British government took direct control of India.
  • The British government instituted a number of reforms in India, including the introduction of a new legal system and the establishment of a new educational system.
  • The British government also began to recruit more Indian soldiers into the British Indian Army.

Impact of the revolt on Assam

The Revolt of 1857 had a significant impact on the history of Assam. The revolt led to the British East India Company losing control of the region, and it also led to the British government instituting a number of reforms in India. The revolt also had a lasting impact on the people of Assam, as it led to a sense of resentment against the British.

Legacy of the revolt

The Revolt of 1857 is still remembered in Assam today. The revolt is commemorated every year on May 10, which is known as Assam Day. The revolt is also remembered in a number of historical documents and contemporary accounts. The revolt has also been the subject of a number of modern scholarly works, and it has also been represented in popular culture.

Notable figures involved in the revolt

A number of notable figures were involved in the Revolt of 1857, including:

  • Mangal Pandey: Mangal Pandey was a sepoy in the British East India Company’s army who was one of the first to mutiny in 1857.
  • Rani Lakshmibai: Rani Lakshmibai was the queen of the Indian state of Jhansi, and she was one of the leading figures in the revolt.
  • Nana Sahib: Nana Sahib was the adopted son of the last Peshwa of the MARATHA EMPIRE, and he was one of the leaders of the revolt in the city of Kanpur.
  • Tatya Tope: Tatya Tope was a Maratha general who was one of the leading figures in the revolt.

Historical documents related to the revolt

A number of historical documents are related to the Revolt of 1857, including:

  • The Indian Mutiny: A History of the Sepoy War of 1857 by John William Kaye
  • The Sepoy Mutiny: A History of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 by George Bruce Malleson
  • The Indian Mutiny: A Narrative of the Outbreak and Massacre at Meerut, and of the Mutinies at Delhi, Agra, and Other Places by William Hodson

Contemporary accounts of the revolt

A number of contemporary accounts of the Revolt of 1857 were written, including:

  • The Delhi Diary of Hodson of Hodson’s Horse by William Hodson
  • The Indian Mutiny: A Diary by George Bruce Malleson
  • The Indian Mu

What was the Revolt of 1857?

The Revolt of 1857, also known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Sepoy Mutiny, or the First War of Indian Independence, was a major uprising in India against the rule of the British East India Company. The revolt began on 10 May 1857 at Meerut, in the North-Western Provinces of British India, and spread rapidly to other parts of the country. The rebels were motivated by a variety of factors, including religious and economic grievances, as well as a desire for independence from British rule. The revolt was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a profound impact on the history of India.

What were the causes of the Revolt of 1857?

The causes of the Revolt of 1857 were complex and varied. Some of the most important factors include:

  • Religious and economic grievances: Many Indian people were unhappy with the British East India Company’s policies, which they saw as favoring Christians and Europeans over Hindus and Muslims. The Company also imposed high taxes on the Indian people, which led to widespread POVERTY.
  • A desire for independence: Many Indian people wanted to be free from British rule. They felt that the British were exploiting India and its Resources, and that they were not treating the Indian people with respect.
  • The introduction of new cartridges: The British East India Company introduced new cartridges that were greased with animal fat. This was seen as a religious insult to both Hindus and Muslims, as they believe that it is wrong to eat or touch the flesh of any animal.
  • The role of Mangal Pandey: Mangal Pandey was a sepoy (soldier) in the British East India Company’s army. He was one of the first to rebel against the British, and his actions inspired others to join the revolt.

What were the events of the Revolt of 1857?

The Revolt of 1857 began on 10 May 1857 at Meerut, in the North-Western Provinces of British India. A group of sepoys (soldiers) in the British East India Company’s army refused to use new cartridges that were greased with animal fat. They were arrested and punished, which led to further unrest among the sepoys. On 11 May 1857, the sepoys at Meerut mutinied and killed their British officers. The revolt then spread to other parts of the country, including Delhi, Agra, Lucknow, and Kanpur.

The rebels were initially successful, but the British were eventually able to suppress the revolt. The last major rebel stronghold, Gwalior, fell to the British in June 1858. The revolt had a profound impact on the history of India. It led to the end of the British East India Company’s rule in India, and it paved the way for the establishment of British rule in India.

What were the consequences of the Revolt of 1857?

The Revolt of 1857 had a profound impact on the history of India. It led to the end of the British East India Company’s rule in India, and it paved the way for the establishment of British rule in India. The revolt also led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, both British and Indian. The revolt had a lasting impact on the relationship between India and Britain, and it continues to be a source of debate and controversy today.

What is the legacy of the Revolt of 1857?

The Revolt of 1857 is a complex and controversial event in Indian history. It is often seen as a turning point in the country’s history, and it continues to be debated and discussed today. The revolt had a profound impact on the relationship between India and Britain, and it continues to shape the country’s politics and society.

The following are multiple choice questions about the Revolt of 1857 in Assam:

  1. The Revolt of 1857 was a major uprising in India against the British East India Company. It began in Meerut on May 10, 1857, and spread to other parts of the country, including Assam.
  2. The revolt was led by a number of different groups, including the Mughals, the Rajputs, and the Sikhs.
  3. The revolt was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a significant impact on the history of India.
  4. The revolt led to the end of the British East India Company’s rule in India and the establishment of the British Raj.
  5. The revolt also led to the creation of the Indian National Congress, which would later lead India to independence.

Which of the following is not a true statement about the Revolt of 1857?
(A) The revolt was a major uprising in India against the British East India Company.
(B) The revolt began in Meerut on May 10, 1857.
(C) The revolt was led by a number of different groups, including the Mughals, the Rajputs, and the Sikhs.
(D) The revolt was ultimately successful.
(E) The revolt had a significant impact on the history of India.

The correct answer is (D). The revolt was ultimately unsuccessful. The British East India Company was able to suppress the revolt and maintain its rule in India. However, the revolt did have a significant impact on the history of India. It led to the end of the British East India Company’s rule in India and the establishment of the British Raj. It also led to the creation of the Indian National Congress, which would later lead India to independence.

Which of the following is not a true statement about the impact of the Revolt of 1857?
(A) The revolt led to the end of the British East India Company’s rule in India.
(B) The revolt led to the establishment of the British Raj.
(C) The revolt led to the creation of the Indian National Congress.
(D) The revolt had a significant impact on the history of India.
(E) The revolt was ultimately successful.

The correct answer is (E). The revolt was ultimately unsuccessful. The British East India Company was able to suppress the revolt and maintain its rule in India. However, the revolt did have a significant impact on the history of India. It led to the end of the British East India Company’s rule in India and the establishment of the British Raj. It also led to the creation of the Indian National Congress, which would later lead India to independence.

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