Resistance to Colonial Rule; Peasant; Tribal and Cultural Renaissance

<<2/”>a >a href=””>Civil Rebellions and Tribal Uprisings The backbone of the rebellions, their mass base and striking power came from the rack-rented peasants, ruined artisans and demobilized soldiers CAUSES The major cause of the civil rebellions was the rapid changes the British introduced in the economy, administration and land revenue system. The revenues were enhanced by increasing taxes. Thousands of zamindars and poligars lost control over their land and its revenue either due to the extinction of their rights by the colonial state or by the forced sale of their rights over land because of their inability to meet the exorbitant land revenue demanded.

Wahabi Shah Abdul Aziz & Saiyed Ahmad Raebarelvi. Objective was to reform the Muslim
Movement Society& convert ‘Dur-ul-Harb’ (Non-Islamic community) into ‘Dar-ul-Islam’.
Origianlly the movement was started in Arabia by Muhammad Ibn-Aba-e-Wahid.
Its main centre was Patna, Sittana (NW province).
Kuka Bhai Ram Singh (Disciple of Bhai Balak Singh). It is also called Namdhari Mission.
Movement Bhai Ram Singh asked his followers to worship cow & run langars, wear white clothes
& not use any foreign commodity or service. Bhai Ram Singh was deported to Burma.
Santhal Siddhu, Khanhu, Chand & Bhareo (four sons of Chulu Santhal of Raj Mahal district).
Rebellion Under the Permanent Settlement of 1793 the lands of Santhal passed to Zamidars &
1855-56 later to European Indigo planters. 10,000 santhals were killed in this rebellion. After
this the area was put under the direct control of the Governor General & was named
Santhal Paragana.

Vasudeo Balwant Phadke was born in Maharashtra. He left the army & became a revolutionary. Later deported to Aden & died in 1883. He may be justly called the father of militant nationalism in India.


Kisan Launched by Lala Lajpat Rai & Ajit Singh. The passing of the 1906 Punjab Land
Movements Revenue Act & heavy increase in water tax caused panic. The poem of Banke Dayal,
‘Pagri Sambhal O Jatta’ became famous. Lala & Ajit Singh were sentenced to 6 months
prison. Later the DSP of Layalpur Clough was assassinated. Ajit Singh escaped to
France while Bhai Parmanand’s house search yielded a book on bomb making.
Moplah Khilafat movement in Malabar incited communal feelings in Muslim peasants directed
Rebellion towards Hindu land holders.



Resistance to Colonial Rule

The Indian subcontinent was ruled by the British East India Company from the mid-18th century until the early 20th century. During this time, there were a number of resistance movements against British rule.

The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 was the first major uprising against British rule. It was a revolt by Indian soldiers (sepoys) of the British East India Company against their British officers. The mutiny began in Meerut, India, on May 10, 1857, and quickly spread to other parts of the subcontinent. The mutiny was eventually suppressed by the British, but it had a profound impact on the history of India.

The Indian National Congress (INC) was founded in 1885 by a group of Indian intellectuals and lawyers. The INC was a political organization that aimed to achieve independence for India from British rule. The INC played a leading role in the Indian independence movement.

The Non-Cooperation Movement was a mass movement launched by the INC in 1920. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi, who called for Indians to boycott British goods and institutions. The Non-Cooperation Movement was a major turning point in the Indian independence movement.

The Civil Disobedience Movement was a mass movement launched by the INC in 1930. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi, who called for Indians to disobey British laws and regulations. The Civil Disobedience Movement was a major success for the INC, and it led to the British government granting India limited self-government.

The Quit India Movement was a mass movement launched by the INC in 1942. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi, who called for the British to quit India. The Quit India Movement was the largest and most successful mass movement in the Indian independence movement. It led to the British government granting India independence in 1947.


Peasant revolts have been a common feature of Indian history. These revolts have been caused by a variety of factors, including economic exploitation, social oppression, and political injustice.

One of the most famous peasant revolts in Indian history was the Santhal Rebellion of 1855. The Santhals were an indigenous people who lived in the Jharkhand region of India. They were exploited by the British East India Company, which forced them to work on plantations for little pay. The Santhals revolted against the British in 1855, and they were eventually defeated. However, their revolt is remembered as a symbol of resistance against oppression.

Another famous peasant revolt was the Tebhaga Movement of 1946-47. The Tebhaga Movement was a peasant uprising in the Bengal region of India. The peasants were demanding that they be given two-thirds of the crop they produced, instead of the one-third they were currently receiving. The Tebhaga Movement was successful in forcing the government to make some concessions to the peasants.

Tribal and Cultural Renaissance

The Bhakti Movement was a religious movement that originated in India in the 12th century. The Bhakti Movement was a reaction to the Brahmanical orthodoxy of the time. The Bhakti saints preached a message of love and devotion to God, and they rejected the caste system. The Bhakti Movement had a profound impact on Indian Society, and it helped to spread the message of Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism to the masses.

The Sufi Movement was a mystical movement that originated in the Middle East in the 8th century. The Sufi saints preached a message of love and devotion to God, and they emphasized the importance of inner experience. The Sufi Movement had a profound impact on Indian society, and it helped to spread the message of Islam to the masses.

The Renaissance in Bengal was a period of intellectual and cultural revival that took place in Bengal in the 19th century. The Renaissance in Bengal was led by a group of intellectuals who were inspired by the European Renaissance. The Bengali Renaissance had a profound impact on Indian society, and it helped to spread the message of Western Education and culture to the masses.

The Dravidian Movement was a political and social movement that originated in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu in the early 20th century. The Dravidian Movement was a reaction to the Brahminical dominance of Indian society. The Dravidian Movement demanded social and political Equality for the non-Brahmin castes, and it also called for a Dravidian identity. The Dravidian Movement had a profound impact on Indian society, and it helped to spread the message of social Justice and equality to the masses.

Resistance to Colonial Rule

  • What is resistance to colonial rule?

Resistance to colonial rule is any form of opposition to the control of a country by a foreign power. This can take many forms, including Armed Rebellion, political protests, and cultural boycotts.

  • Why did people resist colonial rule?

People resisted colonial rule for a variety of reasons. Some people felt that colonial rule was unjust and oppressive. Others felt that it was a threat to their culture and way of life. Still others resisted because they wanted to be free to govern themselves.

  • What were some of the methods used to resist colonial rule?

There were many different methods used to resist colonial rule. Some people engaged in armed rebellion. Others organized political protests and boycotts. Still others worked to preserve their culture and way of life.

  • What were the results of resistance to colonial rule?

The results of resistance to colonial rule varied. In some cases, it led to independence. In other cases, it led to reforms that improved the lives of the people. In still other cases, it led to violence and repression.


  • What is a peasant?

A peasant is a person who works in agriculture, especially as a farmer or laborer on a small farm. Peasants are typically poor and have little social status.

  • What are the characteristics of peasants?

Peasants are typically subsistence farmers, meaning that they grow enough food to feed themselves and their families. They often live in rural areas and have little contact with the outside world. Peasants are typically illiterate and have little education.

  • What are the roles of peasants in society?

Peasants play an important role in society by providing food for the Population. They also help to maintain the Environment by farming in sustainable ways. Peasants can also be a source of political and Social Change.

Tribal and Cultural Renaissance

  • What is a tribal renaissance?

A tribal renaissance is a revival of interest in traditional tribal culture. This can include a renewed focus on traditional arts, crafts, and languages. It can also include a return to traditional ways of life, such as hunting and gathering.

  • What are the causes of a tribal renaissance?

There are many factors that can contribute to a tribal renaissance. One factor is the loss of traditional land and Resources. This can lead to a sense of cultural loss and identity crisis. Another factor is the influence of Western culture. This can lead to a feeling of alienation and a desire to return to traditional ways.

  • What are the effects of a tribal renaissance?

A tribal renaissance can have a number of positive effects. It can help to preserve traditional culture and languages. It can also help to strengthen tribal communities and promote self-determination. However, it can also lead to conflict with other groups, such as the government or developers.

  • What are some examples of tribal renaissances?

There are many examples of tribal renaissances around the world. One example is the Maori renaissance in New Zealand. This renaissance began in the 1970s and has led to a renewed focus on Maori culture and language. Another example is the Native American renaissance in the United States. This renaissance began in the 1960s and has led to a renewed focus on Native American culture and language.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a reason for the decline of the Mughal Empire?

(A) The death of Aurangzeb
(B) The rise of regional powers
(C) The economic decline of the empire
(D) The Mughals’ failure to adapt to new technologies

(D) The Mughals were quick to adopt new technologies, such as gunpowder and firearms.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a feature of the Indian Renaissance?

(A) A revival of interest in Indian culture
(B) The development of new forms of art and literature
(C) The spread of education to a wider range of people
(D) The Rise of Nationalism

Answer (D) The Indian Renaissance was not a nationalist movement. It was a cultural movement that sought to revive Indian culture and values.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a reason for the Indian Rebellion of 1857?

(A) The British East India Company’s monopoly on trade
(B) The British government’s annexation of Indian territories
(C) The British government’s introduction of new taxes
(D) The British government’s refusal to allow Indians to hold high office

Answer (A) The British East India Company did not have a monopoly on trade. It was one of many companies that traded with India.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a result of the Indian Rebellion of 1857?

(A) The British government took direct control of India
(B) The Indian National Congress was founded
(C) The British government abolished the practice of sati
(D) The British government introduced a new education system

Answer (B) The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885, 28 years after the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a feature of the British Raj?

(A) The British government ruled India directly
(B) The British government introduced a new education system
(C) The British government built a Network of railways and canals
(D) The British government allowed Indians to hold high office

Answer (D) The British government did not allow Indians to hold high office. The highest-ranking Indian official in the British Raj was the Viceroy, who was appointed by the British government.

Question 6

Which of the following is not a reason for the independence of India?

(A) The Indian National Congress’s demand for independence
(B) The Second World War
(C) The British government’s decision to grant India independence
(D) The Indian people’s desire for independence

Answer (B) The Second World War did not directly lead to the independence of India. However, it did weaken the British Empire and make it more difficult for the British to rule India.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a feature of the Republic of India?

(A) It is A Secular State
(B) It is a democratic state
(C) It is a federal state
(D) It is a socialist state

Answer (D) India is not a socialist state. It is a Mixed Economy, with both private and public sectors.

Question 8

Which of the following is not a problem facing India today?

(B) Illiteracy
(C) Corruption
(D) Terrorism

Answer (D) India has not been affected by terrorism to the same extent as some other countries. However, there have been some terrorist attacks in India, most notably the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Question 9

Which of the following is not a goal of the Indian government?

(A) To reduce poverty
(B) To improve education
(C) To fight corruption
(D) To promote Hindutva

Answer (D) The Indian government is not officially committed to promoting Hindutva, which is a Hindu nationalist ideology. However, some members of the government have been accused of promoting Hindutva.

Question 10

Which of the following is not a reason for India’s economic Growth?

(A) The rise of the IT Industry
(B) The growth of the manufacturing sector
(C) The increase in foreign Investment
(D) The government’s Economic Reforms

Answer (C) Foreign investment has not been a major factor in India’s economic growth. In fact, foreign investment has declined in recent years.

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