Religious tolerance and Secularism


India is a multi religious and multi cultural country from its known history.Greatness of our nation is highlighted by the unity in diversity maintained by various sections of Society/”>Indian Society.

Secularism in the multi-cultural, multi-lingual and plural society of India a significant role to play in reducing religious conflicts and persecution, upholding Human Rights and on the whole building a „strong‟ and „unified‟ nation.

Secularism has its origin in western countries and it is related to the separation of the church from the state, which gives the state a position of neutrality between different religions, while at the same time, it guarantees all citizens right to adhere any religion.

In Indian secularism emerged as a basic political ideology in the course of the Indian national struggle for independence. It emerged as the concept of Secular Nationalism in opposition to the nationalism based on the interests of one or the other of the religious communities, therefore also called Communalism.

Concept of secularism is based on two basic principles:

(i) Separation of religion from politics.

(ii) Acceptance of religion as purely and strictly private affairs of individuals having nothing to do with the state.

Communalism can be considered an ideology which states that society is divided into religious communities whose interests differ and are at times even opposed to each other. The antagonism practiced by members of one community against the people of other community and religion can be termed communalism.

Secularism even though in modern terms a new concept for India, but Emperor Ashoka was the first great emperor to announce, as early as third century B.C. that, the state would not prosecute any religious sect. In his 12th Rock Edit, Ashoka made an appeal not only for the toleration of all religion sects but also to develop a spirit of great respect toward them. He pleaded for restrain of criticism of other religious sects. He asked people to become perfect in the scriptures of other religions.

In Medieval India the Sufi and Bhakti movements bond the people of various communities together ? with love and peace. The leading lights of these movements were Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti, Baba Farid, ? Sant Kabir-2/”>Kabir Das, Guru Nanak Dev, Saint Tukaram and Mira Bai. They contributed to the development of a composite culture in such a manner that nobody dares to challenge them.

The Mughal emperor the great Akbar also to a great extent promoted the policy of toleration of different religions. His propagation of Din-e-Illahi (Divine faith) and Sulh-e-kul (Peace with all) were ? highly inspired by the spirit of secularism.

The idea of Secular Nationalism became dominant in the Indian national movement under the Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. It provided an ideological framework within which the many religious communities of India as well as the plurality of traditional linguistic caste and ethnic cultures (in the formation of which one or other of the religions had played a dominant role) could participate together with the adherents of secular ideologies like Liberalism and Socialism.

The British administration deliberately created rift between the two communities through favouring one against the other. The sphere head of resistance was flattened through offering more concessions and privileges. The Hindu community were generously supported and encouraged at a time when the Muslims rose against the British. Similarly the Muslim community got the patronage of the British when the Hindu nationalism was on the rise.

The ideology and practice of secularism has been most severely criticized by the Hindu fundamentalists. They attack secularism as the principle behind the appeasement of minorities, particularly Muslims. The rise of Hindu fundamentalists create fear in the minority and lead to the rise of communalism.

The communalist tries to divide the society on the basis of religion and they are not doing so for the sole good of the religion, but to attain materialistic benefits in the name of religion.

The Preamble to the Constitution of India signifies that India is A Secular State. The Preamble reflects the way of life adopted by Indian citizens for themselves after independence. In fact every civilization has also been a mirror of way of life as well as reflecting movement of human spirit. Religion in each civilizastion has indicated about the faith of human beings in absolute values and a way of life to realize them.,

Religious Tolerance

Religious tolerance is the acceptance of the religious beliefs and practices of others. It is the belief that people of different religions should be able to live together in peace and harmony, without one religion trying to impose its beliefs on others.

Religious tolerance has a long history. The ancient Greeks and Romans were tolerant of other religions, and allowed people to worship as they pleased. However, in the Middle Ages, religious tolerance declined, as Christianity became the dominant religion in Europe. Christians often persecuted other religions, such as Judaism and Islam.

In the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation began, and religious tolerance began to increase again. Protestants believed that people should be free to choose their own religion, and that the state should not interfere in religious matters. This led to the establishment of many Protestant countries, such as England and the Netherlands, which were tolerant of other religions.

In the 18th century, the Enlightenment led to a further increase in religious tolerance. Enlightenment thinkers believed that people should be free to think for themselves, and that religion should be a matter of personal choice. This led to the establishment of many secular countries, such as France and the United States, which are officially neutral in religious matters.

Today, religious tolerance is still a major issue in many parts of the world. In some countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Islam is the official religion and other religions are not tolerated. In other countries, such as India, there is a great deal of religious diversity, and people of different religions generally live together in peace.

Arguments for and against religious tolerance

There are many arguments for and against religious tolerance. Some people believe that religious tolerance is essential for peace and harmony. They argue that people of different religions should be able to live together in peace, without one religion trying to impose its beliefs on others.

Others argue that religious tolerance is not necessary, and that people should be free to follow their own beliefs. They argue that the state should not interfere in religious matters, and that people should be free to worship as they please.

There are also many arguments for and against secularism. Some people believe that secularism is essential for a free and democratic society. They argue that the state should be neutral in religious matters, and that people should be free to choose their own religion.

Others argue that secularism is not necessary, and that the state should be allowed to promote religion. They argue that religion can be a force for good in society, and that the state should support religious institutions.

Examples of religious tolerance

There are many examples of religious tolerance throughout history. One example is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was a Muslim empire that ruled over much of the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Europe from the 14th to the 20th centuries. The Ottoman Empire was tolerant of other religions, and allowed Christians and Jews to live and worship freely.

Another example is the United States. The United States is a secular country, and the government does not promote any particular religion. The United States is also a very diverse country, with people of many different religions. The United States has a long history of religious tolerance, and people of different religions generally live together in peace.

Challenges to religious tolerance

There are many challenges to religious tolerance. One challenge is religious extremism. Religious extremists believe that their religion is the only true religion, and that they must convert or destroy everyone who does not believe as they do. Religious extremism is a major problem in many parts of the world, and it is a major challenge to religious tolerance.

Another challenge to religious tolerance is intolerance from the majority religion. In some countries, the majority religion is intolerant of other religions. This can lead to discrimination, persecution, and even violence against people of minority religions.

Finally, religious tolerance can be challenged by political instability. In countries that are experiencing political instability, religious tolerance can be easily undermined. This is because political instability can lead to violence and chaos, and it can make it difficult to maintain order and stability.


Religious tolerance is an important issue in many parts of the world. There are many arguments for and against religious tolerance, and there are many challenges to religious tolerance. However, religious tolerance is essential for peace and harmony, and it is important to work to promote religious tolerance in all parts of the world.

What is religious tolerance?

Religious tolerance is the acceptance of other people’s religious beliefs, even if they are different from your own. It is the belief that everyone has the right to practice their religion freely, without fear of persecution or discrimination.

What are the benefits of religious tolerance?

Religious tolerance has many benefits, both for individuals and for society as a whole. For individuals, religious tolerance can lead to a greater sense of peace and understanding. It can also help to build stronger relationships between people of different faiths. For society as a whole, religious tolerance can promote social cohesion and stability. It can also help to protect human rights and promote Democracy.

What are the challenges of religious tolerance?

Religious tolerance is not always easy. There are many challenges that can make it difficult to achieve. One challenge is that people often have strong beliefs about their own religion, and they may find it difficult to accept that other people have different beliefs. Another challenge is that there is often a lot of misinformation and prejudice about other religions. This can make it difficult to have open and honest conversations about religion.

How can we promote religious tolerance?

There are many things that we can do to promote religious tolerance. One important thing is to educate ourselves about other religions. This can help us to understand and appreciate the beliefs of others. Another important thing is to have open and honest conversations about religion. This can help to break down stereotypes and build understanding. We can also support organizations that promote religious tolerance.

What is secularism?

Secularism is the separation of religion and government. It is the belief that the government should not interfere in religious affairs, and that religion should not interfere in government affairs.

What are the benefits of secularism?

Secularism has many benefits. It can help to protect religious freedom, promote Equality, and prevent religious conflict.

What are the challenges of secularism?

Secularism can also be challenging. It can be difficult to achieve a balance between religious freedom and the need for order and stability. It can also be difficult to prevent religious conflict, even in secular societies.

How can we promote secularism?

There are many things that we can do to promote secularism. One important thing is to educate ourselves about the importance of religious freedom and the dangers of religious conflict. Another important thing is to support organizations that promote secularism.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic of Religious tolerance and Secularism:

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a secular state?
    (A) The state does not endorse or promote any particular religion.
    (B) The state does not interfere in religious affairs.
    (C) The state does not discriminate against people on the basis of their religion.
    (D) The state provides financial support to religious institutions.

  2. Which of the following is an example of religious tolerance?
    (A) A Christian and a Muslim living in peace and harmony together.
    (B) A government that does not interfere in religious affairs.
    (C) A person who respects the beliefs of others, even if they are different from their own.
    (D) All of the above.

  3. Which of the following is an example of religious intolerance?
    (A) A person who tries to convert others to their religion by force.
    (B) A government that persecutes people of other religions.
    (C) A person who insults or ridicules the beliefs of others.
    (D) All of the above.

  4. Which of the following is the most important reason for religious tolerance?
    (A) It is a moral value.
    (B) It is necessary for peace and harmony in society.
    (C) It is required by law in many countries.
    (D) All of the above.

  5. Which of the following is the most important reason for religious intolerance?
    (A) It is a result of ignorance and prejudice.
    (B) It is a result of the desire to control others.
    (C) It is a result of fear and insecurity.
    (D) All of the above.

  6. Which of the following is the best way to promote religious tolerance?
    (A) Education and understanding.
    (B) Respect for the beliefs of others.
    (C) Dialogue and cooperation between people of different religions.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. Which of the following is the best way to combat religious intolerance?
    (A) By speaking out against it.
    (B) By reporting it to the authorities.
    (C) By supporting organizations that promote religious tolerance.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. Which of the following is the best way to prevent religious intolerance?
    (A) By promoting education and understanding.
    (B) By promoting respect for the beliefs of others.
    (C) By promoting dialogue and cooperation between people of different religions.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Which of the following is the best way to respond to religious intolerance?
    (A) By remaining calm and respectful.
    (B) By reporting it to the authorities.
    (C) By supporting organizations that promote religious tolerance.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. Which of the following is the best way to overcome religious intolerance?
    (A) By promoting education and understanding.
    (B) By promoting respect for the beliefs of others.
    (C) By promoting dialogue and cooperation between people of different religions.
    (D) All of the above.

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