Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh

Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh

  • The area covered by Himachal Pradesh lies in most complicated geological regions of
  1. Outer or sub-Himalayan zone,
  2. Lower Himalayan zone,
  3. Higher Himalayan zone,
  4. Tethys Himalayan zone.
  • The highest relative relief (more than 5,100 m) is found in the eastern part of the state, covering the western part of Kinnaur, the northeastern margin of Shimla, and the southeastern extreme of Kullu districts.
  • In the peripheral area of this belt, a very narrow belt showing high relative relief (between 3,400 and 4,200 m) is noticeable.
  • Another belt of high relative relief (between 2,400 and 3,300 m) extends over the state from north to southeast direction and it includes the northeastern part of Chamba, Bara Bhangal area of Kangra, western and southwestern portions of Lahaul and Spiti, eastern part of Shimla, and major portions of Kinnaur and Kullu districts.
  • In the northwestern portion of the state, the relative relief is mainly between 2,000 and 2,700 m. In the northern, central, and southeastern parts of the state, the value of relative relief ranges between 1,300 and 2,000 m.
  • The areas with comparatively low relative relief, between 600 and 1,300 m, are the northwestern and central parts of Kangra, the eastern portion of Hamirpur and Bilaspur districts, the most part of Mandi, the entire Solan district, the western and central portions of Shimla district, and the northwestern and central parts of Sirmaur district. Relative relief less than 600 m is found in the western and southern margins of the state.
  • Located entirely in the western Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh not only has diversity in relief features but also in slope of the land.
  • Nearly 70 % of the state area is covered by steep to very steep sloping land, about 19 % is covered by moderate to moderately steep slope, and only about 11 % is covered by gentle to nearly level slopes. A
  • lmost the entire districts of Lahaul and Spiti and Kinnaur (except a narrow strip along the rivers) have rock outcrops and very steep slopes.
  • The district of Chamba, northern Kangra, Kullu and parts of Shimla, and Sirmaur and Solan districts are characterized by steep slopes and moderately steep slopes.
  • Moderate sloping land is seen along the river valleys in the Kullu and Shimla districts. Level to gentle sloping land is limited to the southern Kangra and parts of Mandi district, the dun valleys of Una, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan and Sirmaur districts.

Topography of Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh

  • On the basis of elevation and slope, geographers have grouped Himachal Pradesh into three distinct topographical regions. These are:
  1. Shiwalik Hills,
  2. Mountains— Lesser Himalaya, Greater Himalaya and Trans Himalaya,
  3. Valleys—Shiwalik dun valleys, fluvial, and glacio-fluvial valleys, and
  4. Mountain Passes.

Shiwalik Hills:

  • These are the outermost ranges separating Himachal Himalaya from the Punjab plain. The altitude ranges from 600 to 1,200 m.
  • These ranges are the youngest of the Himalayan ranges and are made up of tertiary sediments consisting of sand, clay, and boulder conglomerates brought down by the rivers from the main Himalayan ranges situated further north.
  • They are composed almost entirely of tertiary and upper tertiary sedimentary river deposits.
  • Shiwalik are prone to erosion and their morphology comprises of highly dissected and rugged residual terrain, hogback ridges, earth pillars, rilled eath buttresses of conglomerate formations, talus cones, choe divides and terraces etc.
  • The duns or valleys are drained by Network of streams and rivers.
  • This zone is about 50 km wide in the west and about 80 km wide in Kangra valley and again tapers to smaller width in Nalagarh and Kyarda Duns in east.
  • The crest line are known by many names like Hathi Dhar, Sikandar Dhar, Chaumukhi range, Solasinghi Dhar, Ramgarh Dhar, Naina Devi Dhar and Dharti Dhar.


  • Deep gorges and V-shaped valleys, abruptly rising bare crags and sharp pyramidal peaks of the Greater Himalaya, which are in contrast to the even crest line of the Shiwalik hills, characterize this zone.
  • The mountains of Himachal can be classified in three categories, viz., Lesser Himalaya, Greater Himalaya, and Trans Himalaya.

Lesser Himalaya:

  • The Middle or Lesser Himalaya is located north of Shiwalik range.
  • They form an intricate and rugged mountain system about 60–80 km wide and 1,000–4,000 m high.
  • Several peaks rise to nearly 5,000 m and remain snow covered throughout the year.
  • The Lesser Himalaya lies between the “main boundary” and the “central Himalayan” thrusts.
  • Most of this zone consists of granite and other crystalline rocks of unfossiliferous sediments.
  • Similar to the Shiwalik range, Lesser Himalaya are not a continuous range but consist of a number of smaller ranges like Dhauladhar, Pir Panjal, Churdhar, and Shimla ranges.
  • The Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal ranges are conspicuous and quite distinct in the west and form the southern and northern watershed of Ravi Basin.
  • Dhauladhar extends further east into the Beas valley and crosses the Satluj river near Rampur.
  • Pir Panjal forming the southern watershed of the Chandrabhaga in Chamba and Lahaul Spiti districts joins the Great Himalayan range north of Deo Tibba and Rupi Valley (Parbati River).
  • Some minor ranges of lesser Himalaya are Dagni Dhar, Mani Mahesh and Dhog Dhar in the Ravi valley; Jalori Dhar and Shikari Dhar in Beas and Satluj basins and Nagtibba range, Mussourie range and Shimla hills in the Yamuna basin east of the great Himalayan Divide

Great Himalaya or Central Zone

  • These are the highest mountain ranges that run across the nort eastern border of himachal through Lahaul Spiti and Kinnaur districts.
  • The elevation of the great Himalaya ranges between 5000 and 7000 m, and it has several passes having elevations between 4500m.
  • This towering snow-clad mountain wall is a store house of many Glaciers and acts as a source of many rivers; it also plays an important role in governing the climatic condition of the state as it acts as a barrier against the northward movement of the southwest monsoon.
  • It forms the northern watershed of the Chandrabhaga (Chenab) basin and separates it from Spiti basin and further east it forms watershed between Spiti and Beas basins. It is cut across by Sutlej before it enters the Utter Pradesh Himalaya with extension to Badrinath/Kedarnath.


  • Beyond the almost inaccessible snow-covered Great Himalayan ranges lies the cold arid region of Kinnaur, Lahaul, and Spiti.
  • The trans-Himalayan area of the Spiti valley is composed of continuous series of highly fossiliferous marine residue rocks of earliest Palaeozoic to the Eocene age.
  • The Average elevation of the Trans-Himalaya is over 3,000 m.
  • This region is cold and arid because the Monsoon Winds cannot reach here because of the lofty Greater Himalayan range. Zanskar range is the most prominent range of the Trans-Himalaya, separating Spiti and Kinnaur from Tibet.

Valleys in Himachal Pradesh:

  • The state has number of valleys of various elevations, which are formed by tectonic forces as well as by the work of rivers and glaciers.
  • The valleys of Himachal can be grouped into:
  1. Shiwalik duns,
  2. Fluvial, glacio-fluvial valleys of outer, inner, and greater Himalaya.
  • The Kangra valley is the most prominent valley of the outer Himalaya.
  • The Kangra valley is an extensive dun-type valley of tectonic origin located between the Dhauladhar range in the north and the Shiwalik in the south.Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh
  • This beautiful valley extends down the southern slopes of the Dhauladhar range, covered with forests of pines, tea gardens, and terraced fields.
  • The valleys at higher elevation are found along the major rivers and their tributaries.
  • The major rivers like Beas, Ravi, Chenab, Sutlej, Pabbar etc which originate from glaciers and meanders through these valleys.
  • The examples are Kullu valley, Sangla valley, Pin valley, Hangrang valley, Pattan valley, Chamba valley, Pangi valley etc.

Major Mountain Passes in Himachal Pradesh:

Himachal Pradesh, being a hilly state, is bounded on many sides by high hills and there are several inhabited valleys enclosed around by high mountains.

  1. Kundi ki jot -Kaniara and Chinota of Chamba dist.
  2. Bohar pass –Boh in Kangra and Basu or Bakan in Chamba.
  3. Indrar pass —Dharamsala (Kangra district) and Chinota
  4. Satnalo pass —Bandla (Kangra district) and Bara Bauao.
  5. Talang pass —In the head of Bangana river, between Narwana or Jiya (Kangra district) and Traita.
  6. Kuronw and Sultanpur passes –In the mountain ranges of Lahaul and Kullu dist.
  7. Bara Lacha passes— Lies between Zingzingbar and Lingti encamping grounds (Height is estimated to be between 16221 and 16500 feet)
  8. Kugti pass —Bara Bhangal tribal area
  9. Kwagpur pass —Between villages of Sungra in Kinnaur and Teri in Spiti


Glaciers in Himachal Pradesh

  • There are more than 5,230 glaciers in the Himalaya, out of which nearly 2,550 glaciers are in Himachal Pradesh.
  • The glaciers of Himachal hold 387.3 cubic km of ice reserves.
  • This much of ice reserves can cater 18 % of fresh water demand of India. Most glaciers in Himachal (945 glaciers) are in the Satluj basin, followed by Chenab and Beas.
  • They are natural reservoirs of fresh water which feed the north Indian rivers.
  • They are located in altitudes of over 4,000 m above msl in the Pir Panjal, Greater Himalaya, Dhauladhar, and Zanskar ranges.
  • A majority of them are small in size, with accumulation zone of 2–4 km2 . They are linear in form, varying in length from 2 to 25 km.
  • The major glaciers in Chenab basin are Bara Shigri, Samudra Tapu, Mulkila, Ghhudong, Miyar, Chota Shigri, and Sona Pani.
  • The largest four glaciers in Beas basin are Dudhen, Sara Umga, Trichu, and Dibhika.
  • The state comes under the environmental influence of glaciers, directly or indirectly.
  • Existing glaciers are merely the shrunken remnants of the previously much more extensive alpine glaciers of the Pleistocene ice age.
  • Garwood has suggested that in Kangra valley glaciers came down to the elevation as low as 610 m.
  • On the basis of analysis of deposits found in the Kangra valley, Sharma maintained that this area has experienced three major glacial phases. Evidences bearing the presence of glaciers in the past in the form of moraines, ice transported blocks, smoothened and striated rock surfaces, U-shaped valleys, hanging valleys, Glacial lakes and glacial- fluvial deposits are preserved in different parts of the state.
  • Evidences of glacier Recession in the present day are obvious. Various governmental and non-governmental organisations e.g. Geological Survey of India, Luknow in their study on “Glacier recession in Himalayas”; Dr. Kulkarni and associates from Marine and Water Resources Group, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad (2002), have studied the effects of climatic variations on snow and glaciers in the Himachal Himalaya.


Himachal Pradesh is a state in the Indian Himalayas. It is bordered by the states of Jammu and Kashmir to the north, Punjab to the west, Haryana and Uttarakhand to the south, and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China to the east. The state has a Population of over 7.7 million people and a land area of over 55,000 square kilometers. The capital of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla.

Himachal Pradesh is a mountainous state with a diverse landscape. The state is home to the Dhauladhar Range, the Pir Panjal Range, and the Zanskar Range. The state also has a number of rivers, including the Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, Yamuna, Tons, and Markanda.

The Climate-of-himachal-pradesh/”>Climate of Himachal Pradesh varies from temperate to alpine. The temperature in the state ranges from 20 degrees Celsius in the summer to -20 degrees Celsius in the winter. The rainfall in the state ranges from 1,000 mm in the lower hills to 5,000 mm in the higher hills.

The Soils of Himachal Pradesh are mainly of three types: alluvial, loamy, and sandy. The alluvial soils are found in the lower hills. The loamy soils are found in the middle hills. The Sandy soils are found in the higher hills.

The Vegetation of Himachal Pradesh is mainly of three types: coniferous, deciduous, and alpine. The coniferous forests are found in the higher hills. The deciduous forests are found in the middle hills. The alpine forests are found in the higher hills.

The wildlife of Himachal Pradesh is mainly of three types: mammals, birds, and reptiles. The mammals of Himachal Pradesh include the snow leopard, the Himalayan tahr, the musk deer, the red fox, and the blue sheep. The birds of Himachal Pradesh include the monal, the kokla, the tragopan, the pheasant, and the snowcock. The reptiles of Himachal Pradesh include the python, the cobra, the viper, and the lizard.

The Minerals of Himachal Pradesh include iron Ore, copper ore, lead ore, zinc ore, and limestone. The iron ore is found in the Kullu district. The copper ore is found in the Kinnaur district. The lead ore is found in the Hamirpur district. The zinc ore is found in the Mandi district. The limestone is found in the Kangra district.

Himachal Pradesh is a popular tourist destination. The state is known for its natural beauty, its wildlife, and its culture. The major tourist attractions of Himachal Pradesh are the Shimla, Kullu, Manali, Dharamshala, and Chamba.

Shimla is the capital of Himachal Pradesh. It is a popular tourist destination due to its colonial architecture, its scenic location, and its pleasant climate.

Kullu is a valley in Himachal Pradesh. It is a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful scenery, its temples, and its festivals.

Manali is a town in Himachal Pradesh. It is a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful scenery, its temples, and its monasteries.

Dharamshala is a town in Himachal Pradesh. It is the home of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile. It is a popular tourist destination due to its temples, its monasteries, and its cultural attractions.

Chamba is a town in Himachal Pradesh. It is a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful scenery, its temples, and its forts.

Himachal Pradesh is a beautiful and diverse state with a rich history and culture. It is a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty, its wildlife, and its culture.

1. What is the capital of Himachal Pradesh?

The capital of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla.

2. What is the population of Himachal Pradesh?

The population of Himachal Pradesh is 8,793,929 (2011 census).

3. What is the language spoken in Himachal Pradesh?

The Official Language of Himachal Pradesh is Hindi. However, there are many other languages spoken in the state, including Punjabi, Pahari, and Gaddi.

4. What is the religion of Himachal Pradesh?

The majority of the population of Himachal Pradesh is Hindu. However, there are also significant Muslim, Christian, and Sikh minorities.

5. What is the economy of Himachal Pradesh based on?

The economy of Himachal Pradesh is based on agriculture, tourism, and hydroelectric power.

6. What are some of the tourist attractions in Himachal Pradesh?

Some of the tourist attractions in Himachal Pradesh include the following:

  • The Shimla hills
  • The Kullu Valley
  • The Manali Valley
  • The Spiti Valley
  • The Kinnaur Valley
  • The Dhauladhar Range
  • The Great Himalayan National Park
  • The Pin Valley National Park
  • The Kedarkantha National Park
  • The Chandratal Lake
  • The Rohtang Pass
  • The Solang Valley
  • The Jispa Valley
  • The Kalpa Valley
  • The Nako Lake
  • The Tabo Monastery
  • The Lahaul Valley
  • The Spiti Valley

7. What are some of the festivals celebrated in Himachal Pradesh?

Some of the festivals celebrated in Himachal Pradesh include the following:

  • The Dussehra festival
  • The Diwali festival
  • The Holi festival
  • The Baisakhi festival
  • The Janmashtami festival
  • The Navratri festival
  • The Shivratri festival
  • The Teej festival
  • The Magh Mela festival
  • The Kullu Dussehra festival
  • The Manali Dussehra festival
  • The Kinnaur Dussehra festival
  • The Lahaul Dussehra festival
  • The Spiti Dussehra festival

8. What are some of the famous people from Himachal Pradesh?

Some of the famous people from Himachal Pradesh include the following:

  • Virbhadra Singh, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh
  • Prem Kumar Dhumal, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh
  • Shanta Kumar, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh
  • Yashwant Sinha, former Finance Minister of India
  • Vijay Singh, former Foreign Minister of India
  • Thakur Hari Singh, Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Virbhadra Singh, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh
  • Prem Kumar Dhumal, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh
  • Shanta Kumar, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh
  • Yashwant Sinha, former Finance Minister of India
  • Vijay Singh, former Foreign Minister of India
  • Thakur Hari Singh, Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir

9. What are some of the challenges faced by Himachal Pradesh?

Some of the challenges faced by Himachal Pradesh include the following:

10. What are some of the opportunities for Himachal Pradesh?

Some of the opportunities for Himachal Pradesh include the following:

Himachal Pradesh is a state in northern India. It is bordered by the Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir to the north, Ladakh to the northeast, Uttarakhand to the east, Uttar Pradesh to the southeast, Haryana and Punjab to the south, and the Pakistani province of Punjab to the west. The state has a population of over 8 million people and a land area of 55,673 square kilometers. The capital of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla.

The state is divided into 12 districts: Chamba, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kinnaur, Kullu, Lahaul and Spiti, Mandi, Sirmaur, Solan, Shimla, and Una. The official language of Himachal Pradesh is Hindi.

The economy of Himachal Pradesh is based on agriculture, tourism, and Forestry. The state is a major producer of apples, potatoes, and rice. Tourism is also a major Source Of Income for the state. Himachal Pradesh is home to several popular tourist destinations, including Shimla, Manali, and Dharamshala.

The climate of Himachal Pradesh varies from temperate to alpine. The southern parts of the state have a humid subtropical climate, while the northern parts have a cold desert climate. The average temperature in the state ranges from 10 degrees Celsius in the winter to 30 degrees Celsius in the summer.

The state is home to a variety of wildlife, including snow leopards, Himalayan tahr, and musk deer. The forests of Himachal Pradesh are home to a variety of trees, including deodar, cedar, and pine.

Himachal Pradesh is a beautiful and diverse state with a rich history and culture. The state is a popular tourist destination and is home to a variety of wildlife. The economy of Himachal Pradesh is based on agriculture, tourism, and forestry. The state is a major producer of apples, potatoes, and rice.


  1. Which of the following is not a district of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Chamba
    (B) Hamirpur
    (C) Kangra
    (D) Punjab

  2. The official language of Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Hindi
    (B) English
    (C) Punjabi
    (D) Urdu

  3. The economy of Himachal Pradesh is based on:
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Tourism
    (C) Forestry
    (D) All of the above

  4. Himachal Pradesh is home to a variety of wildlife, including:
    (A) Snow leopards
    (B) Himalayan tahr
    (C) Musk deer
    (D) All of the above

  5. The climate of Himachal Pradesh varies from:
    (A) Temperate to alpine
    (B) Tropical to subtropical
    (C) Cold desert to hot desert
    (D) None of the above

  6. The state is home to a variety of trees, including:
    (A) Deodar
    (B) Cedar
    (C) Pine
    (D) All of the above

  7. Himachal Pradesh is a popular tourist destination and is home to a variety of:
    (A) Historical sites
    (B) Religious sites
    (C) Natural beauty
    (D) All of the above

  8. The state is a major producer of:
    (A) Apples
    (B) Potatoes
    (C) Rice
    (D) All of the above

  9. The capital of Himachal Pradesh is:
    (A) Shimla
    (B) Manali
    (C) Dharamshala
    (D) None of the above

  10. The population of Himachal Pradesh is over:
    (A) 5 million
    (B) 10 million
    (C) 15 million
    (D) 20 million

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