Rajasthan: Natural Hazards

Rajasthan: Natural Hazards


Rajasthan: Natural Hazards


Types of Disasters and Disaster Risks in the State:-


Types of Disasters : Disasters are broadly categorized as Natural and Man-made


Natural Disasters are of several types, e.g. related to :-


(i) Drought (ii) Floods (iii) Earthquake (iv) Fire (including lightening) (v) Cloudburst (vi) Landslides (vii) Hailstorms (viii) Pest Attack (ix) Frost and Cold Wave


Man-made Disasters can also be of different types, e.g. related to:


  • Chemical (ii) Industrial (iii) Nuclear (iv) Riots (v) Biological (vi) Road/Rail/Boat/Air Accidents(vii) Terrorism (viii) Stampedes in festivals/fairs/crowd (ix) Epidemics


Disaster status in the State :-


Failure of Monsoon and recurrent drought makes the condition of the State more vulnerable. The drought is almost regular feature in the State, especially the western part, covered mostly by desert (60%) Many parts of Rajasthan fall under seismic zone II, III & IV. Some parts of Jalore, Sirohi, Barmer and Alwar districts fall under zone IV, whereas many parts of Bikaner, Jaisalmer. Barmer, Jodhpur, Pali, Sirohi,

Dungarpur, Banswara and Alwar districts fall under seismic Zone III. There are 15 river basins in all, in the State. The districts comprising these river basins (Ajmer, Alwar, Bharatpur, Baran, Bundi, Barmer,Chittorgarh, Jalore, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Jhalawar, Pali, Sirohi, Nagaur,Udaipur and Hanumangarh) have high flood potentiality.


The habitation/industrial areas of the State are quite prone to fire accidents. Disasters like hailstorm, frost and cold wave, locust attack, cyclone, cloud burst etc. also sometimes occur in some districts of the State. Sand storms and Cyclones-2/”>Cyclones occur very frequently in the desert districts of the State. Sometimes heavy crop damage is caused due to hailstorm & frost and consequently the rural areas face the problem of security of food and fodder severely. Potential of Chemical, industrial, nuclear disasters has increased substantially, due to rapid industrialization of the State.








Main Disasters of State



Rajasthan state lies in earthquake zones II, III and IV. Some area of Jalore, Sirohi, Barmer and Alwar districts fall in zone IV where as many parts of Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Barmer, Jodhpur, Pali, Sirohi, Dungarpur, Alwar, Banswara , fall in zone III.

Recent Earthquakes in the Area

09 April 2009. A moderate earthquake (M5.0-5.9 termed as moderate) struck the Thar Desert near Jaisalmer on 9 April 2009. It had a magnitude of Mb=5.1 and was felt in a large part of the region along the India- Pakistan border. The earthquake was centred 2 kms N of Mokal (27 kms NW of Jaisalmer) 166 kms NNW of Barmer.

26 Jan 2001. Bhuj quake of Kutch in 2001 was felt in many parts of Rajasthan as well. Its effect was felt more severely in Jalore, Barmer and Jaisalmer. Many buildings in these districts like schools, rest houses and privately owned buildings had developed huge cracks and had been rendered unsafe. Many other buildings developed cracks making them unsafe for further use without proper retrofitting. Many of the public buildings mainly schools are still lying in dilapidated conditions.

8 November 1991. A 5.4 magnitude earthquake near Jaisalmer caused some damage in the village of Konoi and was felt as far as New Delhi.

The area where Mangala processing terminal and the well pads are located lie in a MODERATE seismic zone (Zone III) and there are no incidents of severe seismic activities till date as per the records available with the local district authorities. However all its facilities are built to withstand earth quakes of the expected intensity in Zone III category.


The major NATURAL HAZARD in the region is drought brought about due to the hot arid Climate and very dry Sandy soils. Moderate to severe drought occurs every year. In 2009 alone, 269 villages in the Barmer Taluk were affected by drought.


Barmer region where the Cairn facilities are located are prone to frequent sandstorms which disrupt the normal functioning and operations.


Biological hazards facing Barmer comprise high temperatures (heat stroke), fires (burns), accidents and diseases. In terms of epidemics, Barmer has faced mainly small scale epidemics of swine flu, malaria and chikungunya. The main reason behind the limited spread of disease in this region is the sparse Population. Thus the impact scale of the epidemics is small, generally covering not more than 50 people. The single largest epidemic in recent years was the swine flu epidemic where 35 were infected of which 9 died. The other major disease is malaria which is endemic to the region due to the large-scale usage of open water storage tanks.


Floods are rare due to poor rainfall in the region but unusually high quantum of rain can result in flash floods as seen in Kawas region of Barmer district in 2006. In August 2006, the usually drought prone Barmer district was hit by flash floods. As of August 27, 2006, 103 deaths were reported in Rajasthan due to floods. The village of Kawas was the most affected and located close to Mangala Processing Terminal. The water level as on March 6, 2007 was about 3 feet to 10 feet above ground in Kawas. People had to live in make shift camps for several months. The loss included the death of 75,194 cattle and damage to Kharif crop was worth Rs.1300 crore. In Barmer Tehsil, Aati and Undkha villages alone nearly 600 people were affected by 2006 floods. In August 2006, unprecedented floods hit the region and destroyed many buildings and Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE Elements. It was for the first time in recorded history of 200 years that such severe flooding had taken place in this desert, normally known for its perennial droughts. Many school buildings in rural Barmer were destroyed or severely damaged, rendering them unusable and unsafe for occupation. Even after the rain stopped, the water did not drain out, because of an impermeable layer of subsurface gypsum. A layer of gypsum below the sandy surface prevented flood waters from seeping into the ground in the region, slowing down relief efforts. Gypsum is a mineral used in the building Industry. Bodies of thousands of cattle were floating in the flood waters, causing a foul smell in some areas and raising concern about the spread of disease in Barmer.


The high incidence of fires is due partly to the high temperatures during summer and partly to the presence of large numbers of kutcha (thatched) houses in the villages. The Percentage of temporary housing made from dried thatch is 57.8% thereby exposing a large percentage of the population to fire-related hazards. There is also a lack of proper fire safety awareness among the community members. Annually there are at least 10 – 15 villages badly affected by fire accidents in every taluk of Barmer District.

Other Hazards

Hazards and risks can potentially emanate from riots, civil strife, pilferage and sabotage and may be taken into consideration for disaster preparedness and management. The project area is about 100 -150 km away from the Indo–Pak border and hence the chances of collateral damage during a war are high. The proximity of the border also increases the Probability of terrorist attacks.

Traditional approach of Disaster Management:-


Previously, the approach to disaster management in the State was limited to undertaking response and relief activities, post disaster and providing initial assistance to the victims. Financial assistance from central government has also been sought usually for this purpose. This traditional method of providing relief was only a temporary arrangement, which was usually being adopted as a token measures. These activities were usually winded up after return of normalcy. This relief centric approach was devoid of any plan or policy for prevention and mitigation, although these are important aspects for management of any disaster.




The present State DISASTER MANAGEMENT Policy, in force, was prepared/notified prior to the enforcement of the DISASTER MANAGEMENT Act, 2005. Since then, the entire framework of Disaster Management has changed extensively under the overall guidance of National Disaster Management Authority. To assimilate this new thinking and as per the mandate and spirit provided by the DISASTER MANAGEMENT Act, 2005 and National DISASTER MANAGEMENT Policy, 2009; the pre disaster measures i.e. prevention, mitigation & preparedness and the post disasters measures i.e. relief, rehabilitation & reconstruction are to be incorporated in the New State DISASTER MANAGEMENT Policy, for achieving long lasting solutions of disasters.


Rajasthan Rahat Kosh:-


Rajasthan Rahat Kosh has been established on 20-1-2006 for providing relief in those natural calamities, which are not covered / permissible for relief expenditure under SDRF (CRF). A budget provision of Rs.25 lacs is being made in this fund, every year. Apart from this, funds could be mobilised in this ‘Kosh’ from public contribution.



Rajasthan is a state in northwestern India. It is the largest state in India by area, covering 342,239 square kilometers (132,139 sq mi). The state is bordered by the Indian states of Gujarat to the northwest, Haryana and Punjab to the north, Uttar Pradesh to the northeast, Madhya Pradesh to the east, and Gujarat and Maharashtra to the south. The western part of Rajasthan is arid and desert-like, while the eastern part is more fertile and hilly.

Rajasthan is home to a number of natural hazards, including earthquakes, floods, droughts, landslides, dust storms, heat waves, cold waves, wildfires, Tsunamis, cyclones, tornadoes, hailstorms, lightning strikes, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, geomagnetic storms, and space weather.

Earthquakes are a common occurrence in Rajasthan. The state is located in a seismically active zone, and earthquakes of varying magnitudes have been recorded in the state throughout history. The most recent major earthquake in Rajasthan occurred in 2001, when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the state, killing more than 20,000 people and injuring more than 160,000.

Floods are also a common hazard in Rajasthan. The state is located in the Ganges basin, and the monsoon rains that occur in the region can cause widespread flooding. The most recent major flood in Rajasthan occurred in 2013, when heavy rains caused the Chambal River to overflow its banks, inundating large areas of the state.

Droughts are another common hazard in Rajasthan. The state receives relatively little rainfall, and periods of drought can have a devastating impact on the state’s economy and agriculture. The most recent major drought in Rajasthan occurred in 2000-2001, when the state experienced its worst drought in over 100 years.

Landslides are a common hazard in the hilly areas of Rajasthan. The state’s mountainous terrain is prone to landslides, which can be caused by heavy rains, earthquakes, or deforestation. The most recent major landslide in Rajasthan occurred in 2013, when a landslide in the Aravalli Hills killed more than 200 people.

Dust storms are a common hazard in the desert areas of Rajasthan. The state’s arid climate and high winds can create dust storms that can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. Dust storms can cause respiratory problems, damage crops, and disrupt transportation.

Heat waves are a common hazard in the summer months in Rajasthan. The state’s hot climate and low humidity can create heat waves that can reach temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit). Heat waves can cause heatstroke, dehydration, and death.

Cold waves are a common hazard in the winter months in Rajasthan. The state’s cold climate and high altitude can create cold waves that can reach temperatures of below freezing. Cold waves can cause hypothermia, frostbite, and death.

Wildfires are a common hazard in the dry forests of Rajasthan. The state’s hot climate and dry vegetation can create wildfires that can spread quickly and destroy large areas of forest. Wildfires can also cause Air Pollution and respiratory problems.

Tsunamis are a rare hazard in Rajasthan. The state is located far from the Indian Ocean, where most tsunamis occur. However, a tsunami could be generated by an earthquake or volcanic eruption in the Arabian Sea. A tsunami could cause widespread damage and loss of life in Rajasthan.

Cyclones are a rare hazard in Rajasthan. The state is located far from the Bay of Bengal, where most cyclones occur. However, a cyclone could be generated by an intense low-pressure system in the Arabian Sea. A cyclone could cause widespread damage and loss of life in Rajasthan.

Tornadoes are a rare hazard in Rajasthan. The state is located in a region where tornadoes are not common. However, tornadoes have been recorded in Rajasthan, and they can cause significant damage.

Hailstorms are a common hazard in the winter months in Rajasthan. The state’s cold climate and high altitude can create hailstorms that can produce large hailstones that can damage crops and property.

Lightning strikes are a common hazard in Rajasthan. The state’s hot climate and high humidity can create thunderstorms that can produce lightning strikes. Lightning strikes can cause fires, power outages, and injuries.

Forest fires are a common hazard in the dry forests of Rajasthan. The state’s hot climate and dry vegetation can create forest fires that can spread quickly and destroy large areas of forest. Forest fires can also cause air pollution and respiratory problems.

Volcanic eruptions are a rare hazard in Rajasthan. The state is located far from any active Volcanoes-2/”>Volcanoes. However, a volcanic eruption could occur in

What are the most common natural hazards in Rajasthan?

The most common natural hazards in Rajasthan are:

  • Dust storms: These are caused by strong winds that pick up dust and sand from the desert. They can reduce visibility to a few meters and cause respiratory problems.
  • Heat waves: These can occur during the summer months and can cause heatstroke, dehydration, and death.
  • Floods: These can occur during the monsoon season and can cause damage to property and infrastructure.
  • Earthquakes: These can occur at any time and can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure.

What are the effects of natural hazards on the people of Rajasthan?

The effects of natural hazards on the people of Rajasthan can be devastating. Dust storms can cause respiratory problems, heat waves can cause heatstroke and death, floods can damage property and infrastructure, and earthquakes can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure.

What are the government’s efforts to mitigate the effects of natural hazards in Rajasthan?

The government of Rajasthan has taken a number of steps to mitigate the effects of natural hazards, including:

  • Building Dams and reservoirs to control flooding.
  • Planting trees to reduce the risk of dust storms.
  • Providing early warning systems for heat waves and earthquakes.
  • Providing disaster relief to those affected by natural disasters.

What can individuals do to prepare for natural hazards in Rajasthan?

Individuals can prepare for natural hazards in Rajasthan by:

  • Having a disaster plan in place.
  • Stocking up on food and water.
  • Having a first-aid kit on hand.
  • Knowing the evacuation routes in your area.
  • Staying informed about the latest weather forecasts and warnings.
  1. Which of the following is not a natural hazard in Rajasthan?
    (A) Earthquakes
    (B) Floods
    (C) Droughts
    (D) Tsunamis

  2. Which of the following is the most common natural hazard in Rajasthan?
    (A) Earthquakes
    (B) Floods
    (C) Droughts
    (D) Wildfires

  3. Which of the following is the most destructive natural hazard in Rajasthan?
    (A) Earthquakes
    (B) Floods
    (C) Droughts
    (D) Wildfires

  4. Which of the following is the most common cause of death from natural hazards in Rajasthan?
    (A) Earthquakes
    (B) Floods
    (C) Droughts
    (D) Wildfires

  5. Which of the following is the most effective way to protect yourself from natural hazards in Rajasthan?
    (A) Build a strong house on high ground
    (B) Have a plan for evacuation
    (C) Have a disaster kit
    (D) All of the above

  6. Which of the following is the most common type of earthquake in Rajasthan?
    (A) Tectonic earthquakes
    (B) Volcanic earthquakes
    (C) Landslide earthquakes
    (D) Man-made earthquakes

  7. Which of the following is the most common type of flood in Rajasthan?
    (A) River floods
    (B) Monsoon floods
    (C) Flash floods
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is the most common type of drought in Rajasthan?
    (A) Meteorological drought
    (B) Agricultural drought
    (C) Hydrological drought
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is the most common type of wildfire in Rajasthan?
    (A) Forest fire
    (B) Grass fire
    (C) Scrub fire
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is the most effective way to prevent wildfires in Rajasthan?
    (1) Clear brush and debris from around your home
    (2) Trim trees and shrubs near power lines
    (3) Have a fire extinguisher on hand
    (4) All of the above

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