Radio activity, Nuclear Fission & Fusion

Radio activity

Radioactivity is a physical process. As the name implies it is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously. In simple terms if atomic nucleus is unstable and want to loose some energy, it will release energy in the form of radiations. There are several types of particles or waves that may shoot out of a radioactive nucleus. Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and neutrons are the most common form of ionizing radiation.

Application of radioactivity:

  1. Found extensive use in diagnosis and therapy eg. Phosphorous-32 is used to identify the cancerous cell. As cancer cell absorb more phosphorous, Iodine 131 is employ to determine cardiac output, plasma volume and fat Metabolism and particularly to measure the activity of thyroid gland.
  2. To treat cancer cells: cobalt-60 and cesium-137 administered selectively to malignant tumours and so minimize damage to adjacent healthy tissue.
  • Energy

Nuclear Reactors work on the principle of radioactivity. The energy released is utilised for energy generation. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are two examples of radioactivity.

  • Strategic purpose

Radioactivity is used to develop the weapon of mass destructions. Hydrogen bomb eg.

Used to preserve certain kind of foods by killing microorganism that cause spoilage.

  • Earth sciences:

Used in minerology, used for dating technique , carbon-14 technique

Radioactive tracer are used in smoke detector. To identify even a minute change in the concentration. Study of complex processes. For eg how plant generate energy. Thousands of plant metabolic studies have been conducted on amino acids and compounds of sulphur, phosphorous and nitrogen.

Nuclear Energy

Everything around us is made up of tiny objects called atoms. Most of the mass of each atom is concentrated in the center (which is called the nucleus), and the rest of the mass is in the cloud of electrons surrounding the nucleus. Protons and neutrons are subatomic particles that comprise the nucleus.

Under certain circumstances, the nucleus of a very large atom can split in two. In this process, a certain amount of the large atom’s mass is converted to pure energy following Einstein’s famous formula E = MC2, where M is the small amount of mass and C is the speed of Light (a very large number). In the 1930s and ’40s, humans discovered this energy and recognized its potential as a weapon. Technology developed in the Manhattan Project successfully used this energy in a chain reaction to create nuclear bombs. Soon after World War II ended, the newfound energy source found a home in the propulsion of the nuclear navy, providing submarines with engines that could run for over a year without refueling. This technology was quickly transferred to the public sector, where commercial power Plants were developed and deployed to produce electricity.

Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the Bonds that hold atoms together. Nuclear energy can be used to make electricity. But first the energy must be released. It can be released from atoms in two ways: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. In nuclear fusion, energy is released when atoms are combined or fused together to form a larger atom. This is how the sun produces energy. In nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, releasing energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to produce electricity.

Nuclear fission

Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei). The fission process often produces free neutrons and photons (in the form of gamma rays), and releases a large amount of energy. In Nuclear physics, nuclear fission is either a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process.

In nuclear fission the nucleus of an atom breaks up into two lighter nuclei. The process may take place spontaneously in some cases or may be induced by the excitation of the nucleus with a variety of particles (e.g., neutrons, protons, deuterons, or alpha particles) or with electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma rays. In the fission process, a large quantity of energy is released, radioactive products are formed, and several neutrons are emitted. These neutrons can induce fission in a nearby nucleus of fissionable material and release more neutrons that can repeat the sequence, causing a chain reaction in which a large number of nuclei undergo fission and an enormous amount of energy is released.

If controlled in a nuclear reactor, such a chain reaction can provide power for Society’s benefit. If uncontrolled, as in the case of the so-called atomic bomb, it can lead to an explosion of awesome destructive force.

Nuclear fusion

Nuclear fusion is the process of making a single heavy nucleus (part of an atom) from two lighter nuclei. This process is called a nuclear reaction. It releases a large amount of energy. The nucleus made by fusion is heavier than either of the starting nuclei. However, it is not as heavy as the combination of the original mass of the starting nuclei (atoms). This lost mass is changed into lots of energy. This is shown in Einstein’s famous E=mc2 equation.

Fusion happens in the middle of stars, like the Sun. Hydrogen atoms are fused together to make helium. This releases lots of energy. This energy powers the heat and light of the star. Not all Elements can be joined. Heavier elements are less easily joined than lighter ones. Iron (a Metal) cannot fuse with other atoms. This is what causes stars to die. Stars join all of their atoms together to make heavier atoms of different types, until they start to make iron. The iron nucleus cannot fuse with other nuclei. The reactions stop. The star eventually will cool down and die.

On Earth it is very difficult to start nuclear fusion reactions that release more energy than is needed to start the reaction. The reason is that fusion reactions only happen at high temperature and pressure, like in the Sun,because both nuclei have a positive charge, and positive repels positive. The only way to stop the repulsion is to make the nuclei hit each other at very high speeds. They only do that at high pressure and temperature. The only successful approach so far has been in nuclear weapons. The hydrogen bomb uses an atomic (fission) bomb to start fusion reactions. Scientists and engineers have been trying for decades to find a safe and working way of controlling and containing fusion reactions to generate electricity. They still have many challenges to overcome before fusion power can be used as a clean Source Of Energy.

Chain reaction

A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission produce an additional fission in at least one further nucleus. This nucleus in turn produces neutrons, and the process repeats. The process may be controlled (nuclear power) or uncontrolled (nuclear weapons).

A nuclear chain reaction occurs when one single nuclear reaction causes an Average of one or more subsequent nuclear reactions, thus leading to the possibility of a self-propagating series of these reactions. The specific nuclear reaction may be the fission of heavy isotopes (e.g., uranium-235, 235U). The nuclear chain reaction releases several million times more energy per reaction than any Chemical Reaction.

Fission chain reactions occur because of interactions between neutrons and fissile isotopes (such as 235U). The chain reaction requires both the release of neutrons from fissile isotopes undergoing nuclear fission and the subsequent absorption of some of these neutrons in fissile isotopes. When an atom undergoes nuclear fission, a few neutrons (the exact number depends on several factors) are ejected from the reaction. These free neutrons will then interact with the surrounding medium, and if more fissile fuel is present, some may be absorbed and cause more fissions. Thus, the cycle repeats to give a reaction that is self-sustaining.

Nuclear power plants operate by precisely controlling the rate at which nuclear reactions occur, and that control is maintained through the use of several redundant layers of safety measures. Moreover, the materials in a nuclear reactor core and the uranium enrichment level make a nuclear explosion impossible, even if all safety measures failed. On the other hand, nuclear weapons are specifically engineered to produce a reaction that is so fast and intense it cannot be controlled after it has started. When properly designed, this uncontrolled reaction can lead to an explosive energy release.,

Radioactivity, Nuclear Fission & Fusion

Radioactivity is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation. This radiation can take the form of alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, positrons, or electron capture.

Alpha decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle, which is a helium nucleus consisting of two protons and two neutrons. The atomic number of the atom decreases by 2, and the mass number decreases by 4.

Beta decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an electron or a positron. The atomic number of the atom increases by 1, and the mass number remains the same.

Gamma decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits a gamma ray, which is a high-energy photon. The atomic number and mass number of the atom remain the same.

Positron emission is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits a positron, which is an antiparticle of the electron. The atomic number of the atom decreases by 1, and the mass number remains the same.

Electron capture is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus captures an inner electron. The atomic number of the atom decreases by 1, and the mass number remains the same.

Spontaneous fission is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei. The atomic number and mass number of the parent nucleus are divided between the two daughter nuclei.

Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which an atomic nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei. This process releases a large amount of energy, which can be used to generate electricity or create nuclear weapons.

A chain reaction is a self-sustaining series of nuclear fission reactions. In a chain reaction, the neutrons released by one fission reaction cause another fission reaction to occur. This process can continue until all of the fuel in the reactor is used up.

A nuclear reactor is a device that uses nuclear fission to generate heat. This heat is then used to generate electricity. Nuclear reactors are used in many countries around the world to provide a clean and reliable source of energy.

A nuclear weapon is a device that uses nuclear fission or nuclear fusion to create an explosion. Nuclear weapons are the most destructive weapons ever created, and their use has the potential to cause widespread death and destruction.

Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei come close enough to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons). The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as the release of large amounts of energy. Fusion is the process that powers active stars, the hydrogen bomb and experimental devices examining fusion power for electrical generation.

Magnetic confinement is a method of confining a plasma in a Magnetic Field. This method is used in many types of fusion reactors, including tokamaks, stellarators, and magnetized target fusion devices.

Inertial confinement is a method of confining a plasma by using high-energy beams or lasers to compress a small pellet of fuel. This method is used in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) devices, which are being developed as a potential source of energy.

Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process by which stars create new elements. This process occurs in the cores of stars, where the high temperatures and pressures cause nuclear fusion reactions to occur.

A thermonuclear weapon is a type of nuclear weapon that uses nuclear fusion to create an explosion. Thermonuclear weapons are much more powerful than nuclear fission weapons, and their use has the potential to cause widespread death and destruction.

What is nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is the energy released by the splitting of atoms. This process is called nuclear fission. Nuclear energy can be used to generate electricity, power ships, and create nuclear weapons.

How does nuclear energy work?

Nuclear energy works by splitting atoms. When an atom is split, it releases a large amount of energy. This energy can be used to generate electricity, power ships, or create nuclear weapons.

What are the benefits of nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is a clean and efficient source of energy. It does not produce greenhouse gases, and it does not require a lot of land. Nuclear energy is also a reliable source of energy. Nuclear power plants can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What are the risks of nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is a dangerous source of energy. If a nuclear power plant were to have an accident, it could release large amounts of radiation into the environment. Radiation can cause cancer and other health problems. Nuclear waste is also a problem. Nuclear waste is radioactive and must be carefully disposed of.

What is the future of nuclear energy?

The future of nuclear energy is uncertain. Some people believe that nuclear energy is a safe and efficient source of energy that should be used more widely. Others believe that nuclear energy is too dangerous and should be phased out. The future of nuclear energy will likely depend on the development of new technologies and the public’s perception of nuclear energy.

What is nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is a process that combines two or more atomic nuclei into one larger nucleus. This process releases a large amount of energy. Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the sun and other stars.

What are the benefits of nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is a clean and safe source of energy. It does not produce greenhouse gases, and it does not produce any radioactive waste. Nuclear fusion is also a very efficient source of energy.

What are the challenges of nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is a very difficult process to control. It requires very high temperatures and pressures. Nuclear fusion is also a very expensive process.

What is the future of nuclear fusion?

The future of nuclear fusion is uncertain. Some scientists believe that nuclear fusion could be a viable source of energy within the next few decades. Others believe that nuclear fusion is a pipe dream that will never be achieved. The future of nuclear fusion will likely depend on the development of new technologies and the cost of nuclear fusion.

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions about physics without mentioning the topic of radioactivity, nuclear fission, and fusion:

  1. Which of the following is not a fundamental force?
    (A) Gravitational Force
    (B) Electromagnetic force
    (C) Weak nuclear force
    (D) Strong nuclear force

  2. What is the speed of light in a vacuum?
    (A) 299,792,458 m/s
    (B) 300,000 km/s
    (C) 186,282 mi/s
    (D) All of the above

  3. What is the mass of an electron?
    (A) 9.10938356 × 10^-31 kg
    (B) 1.672621777 × 10^-27 kg
    (C) 5.485799094 × 10^-4 u
    (D) 1.67492749 × 10^-27 kg

  4. What is the charge of an electron?
    (A) -1.60217662 × 10^-19 C
    (B) +1.60217662 × 10^-19 C
    (C) 0 C
    (D) None of the above

  5. What is the electric field strength of a point charge of 1 C at a distance of 1 m?
    (A) 9.0 × 10^9 N/C
    (B) 10^5 N/C
    (C) 10^4 N/C
    (D) 10^3 N/C

  6. What is the potential energy of a pair of point charges of 1 C each separated by a distance of 1 m?
    (A) 9.0 × 10^9 J
    (B) 10^5 J
    (C) 10^4 J
    (D) 10^3 J

  7. What is the capacitance of a capacitor with a plate area of 1 m^2 and a separation of 1 mm?
    (A) 8.85 × 10^-12 F
    (B) 8.85 × 10^-11 F
    (C) 8.85 × 10^-10 F
    (D) 8.85 × 10^-9 F

  8. What is the inductance of a coil with a self-inductance of 1 H?
    (A) 1 V/A
    (B) 1 Wb/A
    (C) 1 T/A
    (D) 1 H/A

  9. What is the frequency of a wave with a wavelength of 1 m and a speed of 300 m/s?
    (A) 300 Hz
    (B) 100 Hz
    (C) 30 Hz
    (D) 10 Hz

  10. What is the energy of a photon with a wavelength of 1 nm?
    (A) 1240 eV
    (B) 12.4 eV
    (C) 1.24 eV
    (D) 0.124 eV

I hope these questions were helpful!

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