Quick Revision- Type of Missile II


Brahmos Supersonic cruise missile, BrahMos, is being developed with Russia as a private joint-venture. BrahMos is a multi-platform cruise missile enabling it to strike from various types of land, sea and air-based platforms. It is among the fastest supersonic cruise missiles in the world with speeds ranging between Mach 2.5 – 2.8. BrahMos is a ‘fire and forget’ weapon, requiring no further guidance from the control centre once the target has been assigned and it is launched.


Nirbhay A supplement to the BrahMos is the Nirbhay-a subsonic missile using a terrain-following navigation system to reach up to 1,000 kms. It is capable of being launched from multiple platforms on land, sea and air. Nirbhay will be a terrain hugging, stealth missile capable of delivering 24 different types of warheads depending on mission requirements.


Sagarika It is a Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) with a range of 750 kms. Sagarika missile is being integrated with India’s nuclear powered Arihant-class submarine.


Shaurya A variant of the K-15 Sagarika named Shaurya has been developed from ground up as a submarine-capable missile. This nuclear-capable missile aims to enhance India’s 2nd-strike capability. Shaurya missile can carry a one-tonne nuclear warhead over 750 kms and striking within 20-30 metres of its target.


Dhanush The sea-based Dhanush is a short-range, sea-based, liquid propellant ballistic missile-known as the Naval version of Prithvi II. It is with a maximum range of approximately 350 kms
Astra The Astra is a beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile using a solid-propellant. In terms of size and weight, the Astra is the smallest missile developed by the DRDO. It is envisaged to intercept and destroy enemy aircraft at supersonic speeds in the head-on mode at a range of 80 kms. Astra has an active radar seeker to find targets, and electronic counter-measure capabilities which permits it to jam radar signals from an enemy surface-to-air battery, thus ensuring that it’s not tracked or shot down.


Prahaar The Prahaar is India’s latest surface-to-surface missile with a range of 150 kms. The primary objective of the conventionally armed Prahaar missile is to bridge the gap between the unguided Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launcher (ranging 45 kms) and the guided Prithvi missile variants. Stated to be a unique missile, the Prahaar boasts of high maneuverability, acceleration and accuracy.




Concept Remark
Reusable launch Vehicle A reusable launch system (or reusable launch vehicle, RLV) is a launch system which is capable of launching a launch vehicle into space more than once. This contrasts with expendable launch systems, where each launch vehicle is launched once and then discarded.


Air breathing propulsion system In order to provide thrust by the launch vehicles propellants are used. 70% of the constituent of propellant is oxidiser.  So air breathing propulsion system utilise the atmospheric Oxygen as an oxidiser to burn the fuel. Ramjet, Scramjet and Dual Mode Ramjet (DMRJ) are the three concepts of air-breathing engines which are being developed by various space agencies.


Multiple Independently targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRVs) The fundamental characteristic of deploying MIRVs is its ability to deliver several warheads along separate trajectories, which confers it flexibility of multiple targeting. The independent targeting capability enhances missile’s ability by exhausting the missile defence, providing deep penetration and potential of destruction of larger area, effectively and precisely.
Ballistic Missile system Launched directly into the high layers of the earth’s Atmosphere,  It follows Parabolic path, Classified on the basis of coverage   Example: AGNI, PRITHVI etc.
Cruise Missile System A cruise is a guided missile that can destroy a target over long distance with high accuracy. They are classified on the basis of speed. Brahmos, Nirbhaya example.































































































































Missiles are guided weapons that are propelled by a rocket engine and are used to destroy targets at a distance. They can be launched from land, sea, or air, and can travel at speeds of up to Mach 5.

There are many different types of missiles, each with its own unique capabilities. Some of the most common types of missiles include:

  • Ballistic missiles: These missiles travel in a high arc, reaching altitudes of up to 1,000 miles. They are typically used to deliver nuclear warheads.
  • Cruise missiles: These missiles fly at low altitudes, making them difficult to detect and intercept. They can be armed with conventional or nuclear warheads.
  • Anti-ship missiles: These missiles are designed to destroy ships. They are typically launched from ships or submarines, and can travel at speeds of up to Mach 3.
  • Air-to-air missiles: These missiles are designed to destroy aircraft. They are typically launched from fighter jets, and can travel at speeds of up to Mach 4.
  • Surface-to-air missiles: These missiles are designed to destroy aircraft. They are typically launched from the ground, and can travel at speeds of up to Mach 3.
  • Anti-tank missiles: These missiles are designed to destroy tanks. They are typically launched from the ground, and can travel at speeds of up to Mach 2.
  • Anti-personnel mines: These mines are designed to kill or injure people. They are typically buried in the ground, and can be detonated by pressure, tripwire, or remote control.
  • Cluster munitions: These munitions are designed to disperse a large number of small bombs over a wide area. They are typically used against enemy troops or Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE.
  • Improvised explosive devices (IEDs): These devices are made from a variety of materials, including explosives, shrapnel, and other dangerous objects. They are typically used by terrorists or insurgents, and can be very difficult to detect and disarm.
  • Nuclear weapons: These weapons use the energy released by nuclear fission or fusion to create an explosion. They are the most destructive weapons ever created, and can cause widespread death and destruction.
  • Biological weapons: These weapons use biological agents, such as bacteria or viruses, to cause disease or death. They are very dangerous, and can spread quickly through a Population.
  • Chemical weapons: These weapons use chemicals to cause death, injury, or illness. They are very toxic, and can cause a variety of Health problems, including respiratory problems, skin burns, and blindness.

Missiles are a powerful weapon that can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be used to attack enemy targets, defend against enemy attacks, or deter aggression. However, they are also a very dangerous weapon, and their use can have devastating consequences.

It is important to remember that missiles are not toys. They are weapons of war, and they should be treated with respect. If you are ever in a situation where you come across a missile, it is important to stay away from it and to contact the authorities immediately.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about missiles:

  • What is a missile?
    A missile is a guided weapon that is propelled by a rocket engine and guided to its target by a guidance system.

  • What are the different types of missiles?
    There are many different types of missiles, but they can be broadly divided into two categories: ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. Ballistic missiles follow a ballistic trajectory, which means that they travel in a curved path through the atmosphere. Cruise missiles, on the other hand, fly at a much lower altitude and follow a more direct path to their target.

  • What are the different guidance systems used for missiles?
    There are many different types of guidance systems used for missiles, but the most common are inertial guidance systems, radar guidance systems, and infrared guidance systems. Inertial guidance systems use accelerometers to measure the missile’s acceleration and velocity, and then use this information to calculate the missile’s position and heading. Radar guidance systems use radar to track the missile and its target, and then use this information to guide the missile to its target. Infrared guidance systems use infrared sensors to detect the heat signature of the target, and then use this information to guide the missile to its target.

  • What are the different warheads used for missiles?
    There are many different types of warheads used for missiles, but the most common are nuclear warheads, conventional warheads, and chemical warheads. Nuclear warheads use nuclear fission or fusion to create an explosion that is many times more powerful than a conventional explosive. Conventional warheads use conventional explosives, such as TNT, to create an explosion. Chemical warheads use chemical agents, such as nerve gas or mustard gas, to kill or injure people.

  • What are the different ranges of missiles?
    The range of a missile is the maximum distance that it can travel. Missiles can have ranges of a few kilometers to thousands of kilometers.

  • What are the different speeds of missiles?
    The speed of a missile is the rate at which it travels. Missiles can travel at speeds of a few hundred kilometers per hour to several thousand kilometers per hour.

  • What are the different altitudes of missiles?
    The altitude of a missile is the height at which it flies. Missiles can fly at altitudes of a few hundred meters to several thousand meters.

  • What are the different accuracy of missiles?
    The accuracy of a missile is the ability of the missile to hit its target. Missiles can have accuracies of a few meters to a few kilometers.

  • What are the different costs of missiles?
    The cost of a missile can vary depending on the type of missile, the range of the missile, the speed of the missile, the altitude of the missile, and the accuracy of the missile. Missiles can cost millions of dollars to develop and produce.

  • What are the different advantages of missiles?
    Missiles have many advantages over other types of weapons. Missiles can be used to attack targets that are far away, missiles can be used to attack targets that are difficult to reach with other types of weapons, and missiles can be used to attack targets that are protected by air defenses.

  • What are the different disadvantages of missiles?
    Missiles also have some disadvantages. Missiles can be expensive to develop and produce, missiles can be difficult to target accurately, and missiles can be vulnerable to interception.

  • What are the different uses of missiles?
    Missiles are used for a variety of purposes, including military, commercial, and scientific purposes. Missiles are used in warfare to attack enemy targets, missiles are used in space exploration to launch satellites and probes, and missiles are used in commercial applications to transport goods and Services.

  • What are the different future trends for missiles?
    The future of missiles is likely to be characterized by continued development of new technologies, such as hypersonic missiles, directed energy weapons, and autonomous weapons. Missiles are also likely to become more affordable and more accurate.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of missile?
    (A) Ballistic missile
    (B) Cruise missile
    (C) Anti-ballistic missile
    (D) Nuclear missile

  2. Which of the following is the longest-range missile in the world?
    (A) Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
    (B) Submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM)
    (C) Intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM)
    (D) Short-range ballistic missile (SRBM)

  3. Which of the following is the most common type of missile?
    (A) Cruise missile
    (B) Ballistic missile
    (C) Anti-ballistic missile
    (D) Nuclear missile

  4. Which of the following is a type of cruise missile?
    (A) Tomahawk missile
    (B) Harpoon missile
    (C) Patriot missile
    (D) Stinger missile

  5. Which of the following is a type of ballistic missile?
    (A) Minuteman missile
    (B) Trident missile
    (C) Pershing missile
    (D) Scud missile

  6. Which of the following is a type of anti-ballistic missile?
    (A) Patriot missile
    (B) Aegis missile
    (C) THAAD missile
    (D) Arrow missile

  7. Which of the following is a type of nuclear missile?
    (A) Minuteman missile
    (B) Trident missile
    (C) Pershing missile
    (D) Scud missile

  8. Which of the following countries has the largest number of nuclear missiles?
    (A) United States
    (B) Russia
    (C) China
    (D) India

  9. Which of the following countries has the most advanced missile technology?
    (A) United States
    (B) Russia
    (C) China
    (D) Israel

  10. Which of the following is the most likely use of a missile in the future?
    (A) To attack a military target
    (B) To attack a civilian target
    (C) To launch a nuclear attack
    (D) To launch a space launch

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