Quick Revision: GS1; PART III; Basics Of Recruitment, Selection, Induction, Training And Development, Appraisal System

GS1; PART III;  Basics Of Recruitment, Selection, Induction, Training and Development, Appraisal System


Recruitment is a process of searching out the potential applicants and inspiring them to apply for the actual or anticipated vacancy. It is a core function of Human resource Management.  The activities involved in the recruitment of employees are as under:

  • Analysing job requirement
  • Advertising the vacancy
  • Attracting candidates to apply for the job
  • Managing response
  • Scrutiny of applications
  • Shortlisting candidates



        The term selection means the actual appointment of the candidate and placement of the right man at the right job.Selection is an activity in which the organisation selects a fixed number of candidates from a large number of applicants.

The selection also involves a set of activities which are given as under:

  • Screening
  • Eliminating unsuitable candidates
  • Conducting the examination like Aptitude test, intelligence test, performance test, Personality test, etc.
  • Interview
  • Checking References
  • Medical Test



Tabulate difference between Selection and training:


Recruitment Selection
Define Define


Positive in approach Negative
Objective is to invite large pool of potential candidate To select the right candidate


Advertisement is key factor Appointment is Key Factor


No contractual relation takes place only Communication of vacancies is there Creation of contractual relation between employee and employer
Economical method Expensive method


It is a first activity in the process. Second activity




Induction is the process of introducing a new employee to his/her job and organization and giving him all the necessary information required by him/her to start his work. The purpose of induction is to welcome a new employee and inform them about the organizational culture, introduce them to their team and co-workers, give them an understanding of their job, help them understand how their work will be connected to his co- workers and informing him about the policies of the organization.


Objective of Induction:

  1. Reduce the anxiety and nervousness a new employee feels
  2. Introduce and make acquaintance with the firm or organisation culture, work Environment, new people.
  3. To ensure that new employees does not form a negative perception about the organisation.
  4. To reduce confusion and waste of time and Resources.
  5. To foster good relation among employees.
  6. To reduce the possibility of a new employee being exploited by an evil co- worker.


Training and development:

Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization which emphasize on the improvement of the performance of individuals and groups. Training is an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of Attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees.


Need for training and development:

For companies to keep improving, it is important for organizations to have continuous training and development programs for their employees. Competition and the business environment keeps changing, and hence it is critical to keep Learning and pick up new skills. The importance of training and development is as follows:

  • Optimum utilization of Human resources
  • Development of skills
  • To increase the productivity
  • To provide the zeal of team spirit
  • For improvement of organization culture
  • To improve quality, safety
  • To increase profitability
  • Improve the morale and corporate image



Difference between Training and development:

Training Development
Is meant for operatives Is meant for executives
It is reactive process Pro-active process
To develop additional skill To develop total personality
Short term process Continuous process
To meet the present need and challenges To meet the future need and challenges
Initiative is taken by management Taken by an individual




Appraisal system:

Employee appraisal systems help managers evaluate employee job performance and develop a fair system of pay increases and promotions. Appraisals in turn can help staff members improve performance, and assist companies in devising or reorganizing job functions to better fit the position or the employee.


Types of appraisal system:


  1. Trait-Focused Performance Appraisal: The trait-focused system canters on attributes such as helpfulness, dependability and punctuality.


  1. Psychological appraisal :Psychological appraisals assess the employee intellectual ability, emotional stability, analytical skills and other psychological traits using objective psychological evaluation processes.

c)   360-Degree Feedback: 360-degree feedback requires the employer to survey co-workers, supervisors, subordinates and even customers about each employee actions


d)  Grading and check list:The grading method uses standard A to F letter grades in different categories to rate each employee


e)  Paired comparison:The paired comparison method compares each employee with every other employee in a group.


  1. Behavior-Focused Performance Appraisal: It judges your employees actions using a rating scale to measure specific behaviors. Four rating scales are used in behavior-focused evaluations: graphic rating scales, behaviorally anchored rating scales, forced choice scales and mixed standards scales.



Expected questions:

  1. Definition of training, recruitment, induction, selection, appraisal system
  2. Difference between recruitment and selection
  3. Difference between training and development.
  4. Objectives of training, recruitment, induction .



Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting qualified candidates for a job opening. It involves identifying the needs of the organization, developing a job description and specifications, and sourcing candidates through a variety of methods.

The first step in recruitment is to identify the needs of the organization. This involves determining what positions need to be filled, what skills and experience are required for those positions, and what the salary range is. Once the needs of the organization have been identified, a job description and specifications can be developed.

The job description should include a summary of the position, the duties and responsibilities of the position, the qualifications required for the position, and the salary range. The job specifications should include a more detailed description of the duties and responsibilities of the position, as well as the skills and experience required for the position.

Once the job description and specifications have been developed, the next step is to source candidates. There are a variety of ways to source candidates, including advertising, networking, and using online job boards.

After candidates have been sourced, the next step is to screen them. This involves reviewing resumes and cover letters, and conducting phone interviews. The goal of screening is to identify the candidates who are the best fit for the position.

The final step in recruitment is to interview the candidates. This involves meeting with the candidates in person or over the phone to discuss their qualifications and experience. The goal of the interview is to determine which candidate is the best fit for the position.


Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate for a job opening. It involves screening candidates, interviewing them, and making a hiring decision.

The first step in selection is to screen candidates. This involves reviewing resumes and cover letters, and conducting phone interviews. The goal of screening is to identify the candidates who are the best fit for the position.

The next step in selection is to interview the candidates. This involves meeting with the candidates in person or over the phone to discuss their qualifications and experience. The goal of the interview is to determine which candidate is the best fit for the position.

After the interviews have been conducted, the next step is to make a hiring decision. This involves choosing the candidate who is the best fit for the position.


Induction is the process of orienting new employees to their jobs and the organization. It involves providing them with information about the organization, their job, and their co-workers.

The first step in induction is to provide new employees with information about the organization. This includes information about the organization’s history, mission, values, and products or Services.

The next step in induction is to provide new employees with information about their job. This includes information about the job’s duties and responsibilities, the job’s requirements, and the job’s expectations.

The final step in induction is to provide new employees with information about their co-workers. This includes information about the co-workers’ names, job titles, and responsibilities.

Training and development

Training and development is the process of helping employees learn new skills and knowledge. It can be formal or informal, and it can take place on the job or off the job.

Formal training is typically conducted in a classroom setting. It is usually instructor-led, and it often involves the use of lectures, discussions, and exercises.

Informal training is typically conducted on the job. It is usually self-directed, and it often involves the use of on-the-job training, job shadowing, and mentoring.

Training and development can be used to improve employee performance, develop new skills, and prepare employees for new challenges.

Appraisal system

An appraisal system is a system for evaluating employee performance. It involves setting performance standards, measuring employee performance against those standards, and providing feedback to employees.

The first step in developing an appraisal system is to set performance standards. Performance standards should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

The next step is to measure employee performance against the performance standards. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, and goal setting.

The final step is to provide feedback to employees. Feedback should be constructive and specific, and it should be focused on helping employees improve their performance.

Appraisal systems can be used to improve employee performance, identify training needs, and make compensation decisions.


  • What is recruitment?
    Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting the best candidates for a job opening.

  • What are the different types of recruitment?
    There are two main types of recruitment: internal and external. Internal recruitment involves looking for candidates within the company, while external recruitment involves looking for candidates outside the company.

  • What are the steps in the recruitment process?
    The recruitment process typically involves the following steps:

  • Job analysis: This involves identifying the tasks and responsibilities of the job, as well as the skills and qualifications required for the job.
  • Job description: This is a written document that describes the job, including the tasks and responsibilities, skills and qualifications, and working conditions.
  • Job posting: This is a public announcement of the job opening, which is typically posted on the company’s website and other job boards.
  • Screening: This involves reviewing the resumes and cover letters of the candidates who have applied for the job, and selecting the most qualified candidates for an interview.
  • Interviewing: This involves meeting with the candidates to assess their qualifications and fit for the job.
  • Reference checking: This involves contacting the candidates’ references to verify their work history and qualifications.
  • Making a decision: This involves selecting the best candidate for the job.
  • Offering the job: This involves extending an offer of EMPLOYMENT to the selected candidate.
  • Onboarding: This involves helping the new employee to get started in their new role.


  • What is selection?
    Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate for a job opening.

  • What are the different types of selection?
    There are two main types of selection: traditional and competency-based. Traditional selection involves using methods such as interviews, tests, and reference checks to assess the candidates’ qualifications. Competency-based selection involves using methods such as interviews, simulations, and work samples to assess the candidates’ competencies.

  • What are the steps in the selection process?
    The selection process typically involves the following steps:

  • Screening: This involves reviewing the resumes and cover letters of the candidates who have applied for the job, and selecting the most qualified candidates for an interview.
  • Interviewing: This involves meeting with the candidates to assess their qualifications and fit for the job.
  • Reference checking: This involves contacting the candidates’ references to verify their work history and qualifications.
  • Making a decision: This involves selecting the best candidate for the job.
  • Offering the job: This involves extending an offer of employment to the selected candidate.
  • Onboarding: This involves helping the new employee to get started in their new role.


  • What is induction?
    Induction is the process of orienting new employees to the company and their new role.

  • What are the goals of induction?
    The goals of induction are to help new employees to:

  • Learn about the company and its culture.
  • Learn about their new role and responsibilities.
  • Meet their new colleagues.
  • Feel welcome and supported.

  • What are the steps in the induction process?
    The induction process typically involves the following steps:

  • Orientation: This involves providing new employees with information about the company, its products or services, and its culture.
  • Training: This involves providing new employees with the training they need to perform their job.
  • Mentoring: This involves pairing new employees with a more experienced employee who can provide them with guidance and support.
  • Socialization: This involves helping new employees to feel welcome and connected to the company and their new colleagues.

Training and development

  • What is training?
    Training is the process of teaching employees the skills and knowledge they need to perform their job.

  • What is development?
    Development is the process of helping employees to grow and develop their skills and knowledge, so that they can progress in their career.

  • What are the different types of training and development?
    There are many different types of training and development, including:

  • On-the-job training: This involves teaching employees the skills they need to perform their job while they are actually working.
  • Off-the-job training: This involves teaching employees the skills they need to perform their job in a classroom or other setting outside of the workplace.
  • Formal training: This involves structured training programs that are designed to teach employees specific skills or knowledge.
  • Informal training: This involves on-the-job learning that is not part of a formal training program.
  • Mentoring: This involves pairing employees with more experienced employees who can provide them with guidance and

Question 1

Which of the following is not a step in the recruitment process?

(A) Job analysis
(B) Application screening
(C) Interviewing
(D) Hiring

(D) Hiring is not a step in the recruitment process. Hiring is a step in the selection process.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a method of selection?

(A) Application screening
(B) Interviewing
(C) Testing
(D) Performance appraisal

(D) Performance appraisal is not a method of selection. Performance appraisal is a method of performance management.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a purpose of induction?

(A) To orient new employees to the organization
(B) To provide new employees with the information they need to be successful
(C) To help new employees feel welcome and valued
(D) To assess the new employee’s skills and abilities

(D) To assess the new employee’s skills and abilities is not a purpose of induction. Induction is the process of orienting new employees to the organization and providing them with the information they need to be successful.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a type of training?

(A) On-the-job training
(B) Off-the-job training
(C) Formal training
(D) Informal training

(C) Formal training is not a type of training. Formal training is a type of learning that is planned and structured, and that takes place in a formal setting, such as a classroom or a training center.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a purpose of training?

(A) To improve employee skills and knowledge
(B) To improve employee performance
(C) To meet the organization’s needs
(D) To assess employee skills and abilities

(D) To assess employee skills and abilities is not a purpose of training. Training is the process of improving employee skills and knowledge, and of improving employee performance.

Question 6

Which of the following is not a type of appraisal?

(A) Performance appraisal
(B) Potential appraisal
(C) 360-degree feedback
(D) Self-assessment

(B) Potential appraisal is not a type of appraisal. Potential appraisal is a type of assessment that is used to determine an employee’s future potential.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a purpose of appraisal?

(A) To provide feedback to employees
(B) To identify training and development needs
(C) To make decisions about pay and promotion
(D) To assess employee skills and abilities

(D) To assess employee skills and abilities is not a purpose of appraisal. Appraisal is the process of providing feedback to employees, identifying training and development needs, and making decisions about pay and promotion.

Question 8

Which of the following is not a factor to consider when designing a performance appraisal system?

(A) The organization’s goals
(B) The job description
(C) The employee’s job performance
(D) The employee’s salary

(D) The employee’s salary is not a factor to consider when designing a performance appraisal system. The factors to consider when designing a performance appraisal system are the organization’s goals, the job description, the employee’s job performance, and the employee’s development needs.

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