Quality of service delivery

Quality of service delivery

After over a decade of rapid economic Growth in India, the biggest challenge facing policymakers at both central and state levels is to ensure ‘inclusive’ growth so that the gains from increased NATIONAL INCOME are shared by all sections of Society. In particular, it is imperative that a high quality of basic Services such as Health and Education be provided to all citizens, since these are not only ends in themselves, but also play a critical role in enhancing individual capabilities to participate fully in the growth of the economy.  Central and state governments have recognized this as a priority area, but have shown a lack of imagination (like all their predecessors) in addressing the problem of service quality by focusing mostly on increasing spending and not enough on the question of how effectively the Resources allocated are spent.

Concept of Service Delivery Capability

The common meaning of ‘capability’ is ‘the ability to do something’. ‘ Service Delivery Capability’ means the capability of an organization to deliver services as per standards promised in the Charter. Capability of an organization also means its ability and capacity expressed in terms of use of its Resources. Resources available with an organization include the following:

  • Human resources: their number, quality, skills, and experience,
  • Physical and material resources: equipment, machinery, building, furniture and fixtures,
  • Financial resources: ready finance, access to sources for additional finance when needed,
  • Information resources: pool of knowledge, databases, and
  • Intangible assets: process designs, image and goodwill, patents, etc.

Organizations need to build new capabilities and upgrade existing ones, in order to ensure that they are able to fulfill the purpose for which they have been set up. In general, when organizations are created, they have limited resources at their disposal, and one of the activities that they must do is to find ways and means to access additional resources to improve their performance over time. With changes in the external Environment of an organization, new methods to acquire new resources have to be tried out. Over a period of time, organizations that are not able to deliver high quality services, due to limitations on their current resources, must find out legitimate ways to augment their resources, so that they can deliver. This brings us to the issue of how to define ‘high quality service’ or ‘service quality’.

Service Quality and its measurement

The word ‘Quality’ is generally associated tangible products that can be measured in terms of quality of its physical attributes such as (i) dimensions,(ii) angles, (iii) weight (iv) power (v) hardness, (vi) tensile strength,(vii) color, and many other physical characteristics. Understanding the aspects of ‘Quality’ in the context of services is comparatively more difficult, as there are no measurable physical or tangible attributes. Even where they exist they may not be directly effecting the essential nature of service. Therefore, Quality in Service is about ‘what really matters to the service recipient’. Although this is the case with both goods and services, it acquires a special significance in the context of Public Service delivery in general, and service delivery under the Sevottam framework, in particular.

Parametres of quality of service delivery

In the implementation of Sevottam framework, three main areas have been found as the most common causes of inability to deliver services as per standards included in the Charter, and /or to meet expectations of service recipient citizens / clients. These are:-

  • Absence of or incorrect understanding of citizen / client expectations,
  • Lack of motivation and training of employees, involved in the service delivery and
  • Non- availability of adequate Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE for service delivery.

Sevottam Model

Under Sevottam, it is the responsibility of ministry / department / organization to examine its current position in respect of the three parameters and work towards bridging the existing gaps observed therein. For example, if the staff dealing with service recipients is not trained to deliver services as per standards in the charter, the organization has to arrange for the required training, either internally or externally, and also have a system of induction training for those who join the organization later on from time to time.

Grievance Redress Mechanism

This section should contain information relating to the following items:

  • Name and contact details of Public Grievance Officer
  • Helpline number/Website URL to lodge grievance
  • Response to be expected by person lodging the grievance
  • Timelines for redress

Stakeholders / Clients

This section should contain the list of stakeholders / clients who have been consulted for setting service standards. The stakeholder consultations done for the Strategy development process may be used for the purpose of setting standards as well.

Responsibility centers and Subordinate organizations

This section should contain a list of the Responsibility Centers and Subordinate Organizations under the administrative control of the Ministry/Department. Information in this section should include references to the service standards of the Responsibility Centers and Subordinate Organizations, how to lodge a grievance against them, and the role of the Ministry/Department in ensuring that they have set standards for service and are delivering services accordingly.

Indicative expectations from service

Recipients This section should contain responsibilities of the Citizens / Clients if they are to avail efficient service delivery at the standards stated in the Charter. Examples of this would include submitting completed application forms along with all the required enclosures, duly attested where required; cross-checking for information or the latest position on a matter on the Department’s website before raising a query or a grievance etc.


Quality of service (QoS) is a set of policies that ensure that a service meets the needs of its users. It is important to consider all of the subtopics of QoS when designing and implementing a quality of service delivery system.


Availability is the Probability that a service will be available when needed. It is important to ensure that a service is available as much as possible, so that users can access it when they need it. There are a number of ways to improve availability, such as using redundant systems and load balancing.


Capacity is the maximum amount of work that a service can handle. It is important to ensure that a service has enough capacity to meet the demands of its users. If a service is overloaded, it may not be able to provide the level of service that users expect. There are a number of ways to improve capacity, such as upgrading hardware and Software.


Continuity is the ability of a service to continue operating even in the event of a failure. It is important to ensure that a service can recover from failures quickly and without impacting users. There are a number of ways to improve continuity, such as using backup systems and disaster recovery plans.


Efficiency is the ability of a service to use resources effectively. It is important to ensure that a service does not use more resources than it needs, so that costs can be kept down. There are a number of ways to improve efficiency, such as using load balancing and optimizing code.


Effectiveness is the ability of a service to meet its objectives. It is important to ensure that a service is providing the level of service that users expect. There are a number of ways to improve effectiveness, such as gathering feedback from users and making changes based on that feedback.


Equity is the fairness of a service. It is important to ensure that all users have equal access to a service and that they are treated fairly. There are a number of ways to improve equity, such as providing training and support to all users.


Flexibility is the ability of a service to adapt to change. It is important to ensure that a service can be modified as needed to meet the changing needs of users. There are a number of ways to improve flexibility, such as using modular design and using open standards.


Integrity is the accuracy and completeness of data. It is important to ensure that data is accurate and complete, so that users can rely on it. There are a number of ways to improve integrity, such as using data validation and using backups.


Responsiveness is the ability of a service to respond to user requests quickly. It is important to ensure that a service responds to user requests in a timely manner, so that users do not have to wait long for results. There are a number of ways to improve responsiveness, such as using caching and using load balancing.


Security is the protection of data and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. It is important to ensure that a service is secure, so that users can trust that their data is safe. There are a number of ways to improve security, such as using firewalls and using encryption.


Safety is the protection of people from harm. It is important to ensure that a service is safe, so that users do not put themselves at risk. There are a number of ways to improve safety, such as using warning labels and using safety features.


Timeliness is the ability of a service to meet deadlines. It is important to ensure that a service meets deadlines, so that users can rely on it. There are a number of ways to improve timeliness, such as using project management tools and using task tracking.


Transparency is the openness of a service. It is important to ensure that users can understand how a service works and what data it collects. There are a number of ways to improve transparency, such as using privacy policies and using user interfaces that are easy to understand.


User-friendliness is the ease of use of a service. It is important to ensure that a service is easy to use, so that users can get the most out of it. There are a number of ways to improve user-friendliness, such as using clear and concise language and using user interfaces that are easy to navigate.

By considering all of these subtopics, organizations can design and implement a quality of service delivery system that meets the needs of their users.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the topics of:

  • Customer service:

  • What is customer service?

    • Customer service is the provision of assistance to customers before, during and after a purchase. It can include answering questions, resolving problems, and providing support.
  • What are the benefits of good customer service?
    • Good customer service can lead to increased sales, customer loyalty, and a positive reputation for a company.
  • What are some examples of good customer service?
    • Some examples of good customer service include being responsive to customer inquiries, resolving problems quickly and efficiently, and going above and beyond to meet customer needs.
  • What are some common customer service challenges?
    • Some common customer service challenges include dealing with angry customers, resolving complex problems, and meeting the expectations of demanding customers.
  • How can companies improve their customer service?

    • Companies can improve their customer service by training employees, investing in technology, and creating a culture of customer service.
  • Productivity:

  • What is productivity?

    • Productivity is the amount of work that can be done in a given amount of time.
  • What are the benefits of being productive?
    • The benefits of being productive include being able to accomplish more, having more time for leisure activities, and being less stressed.
  • What are some tips for being more productive?
    • Some tips for being more productive include setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and taking breaks.
  • What are some common productivity challenges?
    • Some common productivity challenges include distractions, procrastination, and perfectionism.
  • How can people overcome productivity challenges?

    • People can overcome productivity challenges by setting realistic goals, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and rewarding themselves for completing tasks.
  • Time management:

  • What is time management?

    • Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities.
  • What are the benefits of good time management?
    • Good time management can lead to increased productivity, reduced Stress, and a better work-life balance.
  • What are some common time management challenges?
    • Some common time management challenges include procrastination, multitasking, and poor planning.
  • How can people improve their time management skills?

    • People can improve their time management skills by setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and creating a schedule.
  • Communication:

  • What is communication?

    • Communication is the process of exchanging information through the use of words, symbols, or behaviors.
  • What are the benefits of good communication?
    • Good communication can lead to increased understanding, cooperation, and trust.
  • What are some common communication challenges?
    • Some common communication challenges include misunderstandings, poor listening skills, and conflict.
  • How can people improve their communication skills?

    • People can improve their communication skills by being clear and concise, listening actively, and giving and receiving feedback.
  • Leadership:

  • What is leadership?

    • Leadership is the ability to influence a group of people to achieve a common goal.
  • What are the benefits of good leadership?
    • Good leadership can lead to increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and a positive company culture.
  • What are some common leadership challenges?
    • Some common leadership challenges include motivating employees, making decisions, and dealing with conflict.
  • How can people improve their leadership skills?
    • People can improve their leadership skills by setting a good example, being decisive, and developing trust with their team.
  1. What is the difference between a good and bad website?
    (A) A good website is easy to use and navigate, while a bad website is not.
    (B) A good website is visually appealing, while a bad website is not.
    (C) A good website is informative, while a bad website is not.
    (D) All of the above.

  2. What are the three main components of a website?
    (A) The design, the content, and the functionality.
    (B) The code, the design, and the content.
    (C) The domain name, the hosting, and the design.
    (D) The domain name, the hosting, and the content.

  3. What is the most important factor in determining the success of a website?
    (A) The design.
    (B) The content.
    (C) The functionality.
    (D) The Marketing.

  4. What is the best way to improve the ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs)?
    (A) Use keywords throughout the website.
    (B) Create high-quality content.
    (C) Build backlinks from other websites.
    (D) All of the above.

  5. What is the best way to improve the conversion rate of a website?
    (A) Make the website easy to use and navigate.
    (B) Offer clear and concise calls to action.
    (C) Use persuasive language and images.
    (D) All of the above.

  6. What is the best way to improve the user experience of a website?
    (A) Make the website easy to use and navigate.
    (B) Offer clear and concise information.
    (C) Use responsive design.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. What is the best way to improve the security of a website?
    (A) Use a secure web hosting provider.
    (B) Install a security plugin.
    (C) Keep the website software up to date.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. What is the best way to improve the performance of a website?
    (A) Use a content delivery Network (CDN).
    (B) Optimize the website code.
    (C) Use a caching plugin.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. What is the best way to improve the accessibility of a website?
    (A) Use clear and concise language.
    (B) Use high-contrast colors.
    (C) Use large fonts.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. What is the best way to improve the SEO of a website?
    (A) Use keywords throughout the website.
    (B) Create high-quality content.
    (C) Build backlinks from other websites.
    (D) All of the above.

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