Punjab Economy Updated Data- Must for PPSC Prelims and Mains Exam

Punjab economy updates

Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)

The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Punjab for 2019-20 (at current prices) is estimated to be Rs 5,77,829 This is 11.5% higher than the revised estimate for 2018-19.

Economic Growth rates

The growth rate of Punjab’s GSDP (at current prices) has increased from 9.9% in 2015-16 to 10.7% in 2017-18.

In 2017-18, the sectors of agriculture, manufacturing, and Services contributed to 30%, 24%, and 46% of the Gross State Value Added respectively.  Between 2016-17 and 2017-18, the sectors grew by 10%, 8.5%, and 9%, respectively.

Per capita income of Punjab

The per capita net GSDP of Punjab in 2017-18 (at current prices) was Rs 1,41,552.  This is 9.5% higher than that in 2016-17.

Unemployment rate

According to the 5th Annual EMPLOYMENT-Unemployment Survey (2015-16), among the major states, the rate of unemployment is 6% in Punjab which is higher than the all-India level of 5%.

Capital Expenditure

Capital expenditure for 2019-20 is proposed to be Rs 68,296 crore, which is an increase of 51.4% over the revised estimates of 2018-19. Capital expenditure includes expenditure affecting the assets and liabilities of the state, such as: (i) capital outlay, i.e. expenditure which leads to creation of assets (such as bridges and hospitals), and (ii) repayment and grant of loans by the State Government.



Revenue Expenditure

Revenue expenditure for 2019-20 is proposed to be Rs 90,197 crore, which is an increase of 9.6% over revised estimates of 2018-19. This expenditure includes payment of salaries, pensions, and interest, among others.  Revenue expenditure accounts for 57% of the total expenditure of 2019-20.

Non Tax Revenue of punjab

Punjab is estimated to generate Rs 9,477 crore through non-tax sources in 2019-20. Of this, Rs 1,407 crore will be the interest received by the state from the Punjab State Electricity Board.

Fiscal Deficit 

This is the excess of total expenditure over total receipts.  This gap is filled by borrowings by the government, and leads to an increase in total liabilities.  In 2019-20, Punjab’s fiscal deficit is estimated to be Rs 19,658 crore, which is 3.4% of the GSDP.  The estimate is higher than the 3% limit prescribed by the 14th Finance Commission.  This limit may be relaxed to a maximum of 3.5%, if states are able to contain their debt and interest payments to certain specified levels.

Revenue Deficit

This is the excess of revenue expenditure over Revenue Receipts.  A revenue deficit implies that the government needs to borrow in order to finance its expenses which do not create capital assets.   The budget estimates a revenue deficit of Rs 11,687 crore (or 2.02% of GSDP) in 2019-20.  This implies that revenue receipts are expected to be lower than the revenue expenditure, resulting in a deficit.  The 14th Finance Commission had recommended that states should eliminate revenue deficits.  The 2019-20 estimates for Punjab suggest that the state will not be able to meet this target of eliminating revenue deficit.



Total expenditure

Total expenditure for 2019-20 is estimated to be Rs 1,58,493 crore, a 24.4% increase over the revised estimate of 2018-19. In 2018-19, there is estimated to be a decrease of Rs 2,282 crore (1.8% of the budgeted estimate) of expenditure as per the revised estimate.

Total receipts

Total receipts (excluding borrowings) for 2019-20 are estimated to be Rs 94,195 crore, an increase of 32.4% as compared to the revised estimate of 2018-19. In 2018-19, total receipts (excluding borrowings) are estimated to fall short of the budgeted estimate by Rs 2,725 crore (3.7%).

Revenue deficit

Revenue deficit for the next financial year is targeted at Rs 11,687 crore, or 2.0% of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP). Fiscal deficit is targeted at Rs 19,658 crore (3.4% of GSDP).

Power subsidy

An amount of Rs 1,513 crore has been allocated for providing subsidised power to industries.  Further, Rs 1,916 crore has been announced for providing subsidised power to domestic consumers, including Scheduled Caste, Backward Class, and below-POVERTY line consumers.

Agriculture and allied activities budget

As per the budget speech, crop loans of up to Rs 2 lakh taken by small and marginal farmers, as well as landless labourers will be waived.  An amount of Rs 3,000 crore has been allocated for this provision of crop loan waivers.  Further, an allocation of Rs 8,969 crore has been made for providing free power to the agriculture sector.

Budget for Rural development

A new scheme, Smart Village Campaign, has been announced for strengthening Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE-in-rural-areas/”>Infrastructure in Rural Areas.  For this, an amount of Rs 2,600 crore has been announced.

Infrastructure budget

A provision of Rs 700 crore has been made towards Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), which is aimed at upgrading urban infrastructure in 16 cities of Punjab. Further, Rs 300 crore has been allocated towards the Punjab Environment/”>Urban environment Improvement Programme.


Punjab is one of the most prosperous states in India. It has a strong economy with a diversified industrial base. The state is also a major agricultural producer.

Agriculture is the backbone of the Punjab economy. The state is the leading producer of wheat and rice in India. It also produces significant quantities of Cotton, sugarcane, and maize. The state’s agricultural sector is highly mechanized and efficient.

Punjab is also a major industrial state. The state has a strong manufacturing base, which includes industries such as textiles, engineering, and chemicals. The state is also home to a number of Software companies.

The services sector is the fastest growing sector of the Punjab economy. The state is a major center for tourism and Education. It is also home to a number of call centers and back-office operations.

Punjab has a well-developed infrastructure. The state has a Network of roads, railways, and Airports. It also has a number of power Plants and water treatment facilities.

Punjab has a high Human Development index. The state has a Literacy rate of over 70% and a life expectancy of over 70 years. The state also has a good healthcare system and a strong education system.

Punjab has a Sound fiscal management system. The state has a low debt-to-GDP ratio and a healthy revenue surplus. The state also has a strong track record of fiscal discipline.

Punjab has a prudent Monetary Policy. The state has a low Inflation rate and a stable exchange rate. The state also has a strong Banking system.

Punjab has a strong external sector. The state has a healthy trade surplus and a large Foreign Exchange reserve. The state is also a major recipient of Investment/”>Foreign Direct Investment.

Punjab has undertaken a number of Economic Reforms in recent years. These reforms have helped to improve the state’s economy and attract foreign investment.

Punjab faces a number of challenges, including a high Population growth rate, a shortage of water, and Environmental Degradation. However, the state has the potential to overcome these challenges and achieve Sustainable Development.

Punjab is a land of opportunity. The state has a strong economy, a well-developed infrastructure, and a high human development index. The state is also home to a number of talented people. With its strong economic fundamentals, Punjab is well-positioned to achieve even greater success in the years to come.

Here are some additional details on each of the subtopics:

  • Agriculture: Punjab is the leading producer of wheat and rice in India. It also produces significant quantities of cotton, sugarcane, and maize. The state’s agricultural sector is highly mechanized and efficient.
  • Industry: Punjab is a major industrial state. The state has a strong manufacturing base, which includes industries such as textiles, engineering, and chemicals. The state is also home to a number of software companies.
  • Services: The services sector is the fastest growing sector of the Punjab economy. The state is a major center for tourism and education. It is also home to a number of call centers and back-office operations.
  • Infrastructure: Punjab has a well-developed infrastructure. The state has a network of roads, railways, and airports. It also has a number of power plants and water treatment facilities.
  • Human Development: Punjab has a high human development index. The state has a literacy rate of over 70% and a life expectancy of over 70 years. The state also has a good healthcare system and a strong education system.
  • Fiscal Management: Punjab has a sound fiscal management system. The state has a low debt-to-GDP ratio and a healthy revenue surplus. The state also has a strong track record of fiscal discipline.
  • Monetary Policy: Punjab has a prudent monetary policy. The state has a low inflation rate and a stable exchange rate. The state also has a strong banking system.
  • External Sector: Punjab has a strong external sector. The state has a healthy trade surplus and a large foreign exchange reserve. The state is also a major recipient of foreign direct investment.
  • Economic Reforms: Punjab has undertaken a number of economic reforms in recent years. These reforms have helped to improve the state’s economy and attract foreign investment.
  • Challenges: Punjab faces a number of challenges, including a high Population Growth rate, a shortage of water, and environmental degradation. However, the state has the potential to overcome these challenges and achieve sustainable development.
  • Prospects: Punjab is a land of opportunity. The state has a strong economy, a well-developed infrastructure, and a high human development index. The state is also home to a number of talented people. With its strong economic fundamentals, Punjab is well-positioned to achieve even greater success in the years to come.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the Punjab economy:

  1. What is the size of the Punjab economy?
    The Punjab economy is the second largest in India, after Maharashtra. It has a gross state domestic product (GSDP) of $1.4 trillion and a per capita income of $2,500.

  2. What are the main sectors of the Punjab economy?
    The main sectors of the Punjab economy are agriculture, industry, and services. Agriculture accounts for about 25% of the GSDP, industry accounts for about 20%, and services account for about 55%.

  3. What are the main agricultural products of Punjab?
    The main agricultural products of Punjab are wheat, rice, cotton, and sugarcane. Wheat is the most important crop, accounting for about 40% of the value of agricultural output.

  4. What are the main industries of Punjab?
    The main industries of Punjab are manufacturing, electricity, and gas. Manufacturing accounts for about 15% of the GSDP, electricity accounts for about 5%, and gas accounts for about 2%.

  5. What are the main services of Punjab?
    The main services of Punjab are trade, transport, and Communication. Trade accounts for about 20% of the GSDP, transport accounts for about 10%, and communication accounts for about 5%.

  6. What are the main challenges facing the Punjab economy?
    The main challenges facing the Punjab economy are unemployment, poverty, and Infrastructure Development. Unemployment is a major problem, with about 10% of the workforce unemployed. Poverty is also a major problem, with about 20% of the population living below the Poverty Line. Infrastructure development is also a major challenge, with the state’s roads, bridges, and power plants in need of repair.

  7. What are the main opportunities for the Punjab economy?
    The main opportunities for the Punjab economy are in agriculture, industry, and services. Agriculture has the potential to grow by increasing productivity and value-added. Industry has the potential to grow by attracting investment and developing new industries. Services have the potential to grow by expanding tourism and developing new IT and financial services sectors.

  8. What is the future of the Punjab economy?
    The future of the Punjab economy is bright. The state has a young population, a strong agricultural base, and a growing Industrial Sector. With the right policies in place, the Punjab economy can continue to grow and prosper.

  1. Which of the following is not a major industry in Punjab?
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Manufacturing
    (C) Mining
    (D) Services

  2. The main agricultural products of Punjab are:
    (A) Wheat, rice, cotton
    (B) Sugarcane, oilseeds, fruits
    (C) Tea, coffee, spices
    (D) All of the above

  3. The main manufacturing industries in Punjab are:
    (A) Textiles, engineering, chemicals
    (B) Food Processing, pharmaceuticals, electronics
    (C) Automobiles, steel, cement
    (D) All of the above

  4. The main services sector in Punjab is:
    (A) Trade, hotels, restaurants
    (B) Transport, storage, communication
    (C) Financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities
    (D) All of the above

  5. The main sources of revenue for the Punjab government are:
    (A) Taxes
    (B) Non-tax revenue
    (C) Loans
    (D) All of the above

  6. The main expenditure items of the Punjab government are:
    (A) Salaries and pensions
    (B) Interest payments
    (C) Subsidies
    (D) All of the above

  7. The main infrastructure projects in Punjab are:
    (A) The Sutlej-Yamuna Link Canal
    (B) The Chandigarh-Ludhiana Expressway
    (C) The Amritsar-Jamnagar Railway Line
    (D) All of the above

  8. The main social indicators in Punjab are:
    (A) Literacy rate
    (B) Life expectancy
    (C) Infant mortality rate
    (D) All of the above

  9. The main challenges facing the Punjab economy are:
    (A) Agriculture sector slowdown
    (B) Industrial sector slowdown
    (C) Services sector slowdown
    (D) All of the above

  10. The main opportunities for the Punjab economy are:
    (A) Agriculture sector reforms
    (B) Industrial sector reforms
    (C) Services sector reforms
    (D) All of the above

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