Notification for psssb Exam 2024

PSSSB Exam 2024: Notification, Eligibility, Syllabus, and Preparation Tips

PSSSB Exam Notification 2024

The Punjab Subordinate Services Selection Board (PSSSB) is responsible for conducting recruitment examinations for various Group C and Group D posts in the Punjab government. The PSSSB exam notification for 2024 is expected to be released soon, and candidates are advised to keep an eye on the official website for updates.

Important Dates for PSSSB Exam 2024

Event Expected Date
Notification Release To be announced
Online Application Start Date To be announced
Online Application Last Date To be announced
Admit Card Release To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result Declaration To be announced

Note: These dates are tentative and subject to change. Candidates are advised to refer to the official notification for accurate information.

Eligibility Criteria for PSSSB Exam 2024

The eligibility criteria for the PSSSB exam may vary depending on the specific post. However, some general eligibility criteria are:

PSSSB Exam Pattern 2024

The PSSSB exam pattern is generally divided into two parts:

Part 1: Written Examination

Part 2: Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

PSSSB Exam Syllabus 2024

The syllabus for the PSSSB exam will vary depending on the specific post. However, some common topics covered in the exam include:

PSSSB Exam Preparation Tips 2024

PSSSB Exam Admit Card 2024

The PSSSB exam admit card will be available for download from the official website. Candidates need to enter their application number and date of birth to download the admit card. The admit card will contain important details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam date, time, and venue.

PSSSB Exam Result 2024

The PSSSB exam result will be declared on the official website. Candidates can check their result by entering their application number and date of birth. The result will contain the candidate’s score, rank, and qualifying status.

Important Resources for PSSSB Exam Preparation

Tips for Filling the PSSSB Application Form

PSSSB Exam Preparation Strategy

PSSSB Exam Cut-Off Marks

The cut-off marks for the PSSSB exam will be determined based on the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the performance of the candidates. The cut-off marks may vary for different posts.

PSSSB Exam Merit List

The PSSSB exam merit list will be prepared based on the candidates’ scores in the written examination and the PET (if applicable). The merit list will be published on the official website.

PSSSB Exam Interview

For some posts, the PSSSB may conduct an interview after the written examination. The interview will be conducted to assess the candidate’s personality, communication skills, and suitability for the post.

PSSSB Exam Final Selection

The final selection of candidates for the PSSSB exam will be based on the merit list and the interview (if applicable). The selected candidates will be appointed to the respective posts in the Punjab government.


Q1: What is the syllabus for the PSSSB exam?

A: The syllabus for the PSSSB exam will vary depending on the specific post. However, some common topics covered in the exam include general knowledge, reasoning ability, quantitative aptitude, computer knowledge, and Punjab-specific topics.

Q2: How can I prepare for the PSSSB exam?

A: You can prepare for the PSSSB exam by following the preparation tips mentioned above.

Q3: What is the age limit for the PSSSB exam?

A: The age limit for the PSSSB exam will be specified in the notification.

Q4: What is the exam pattern for the PSSSB exam?

A: The PSSSB exam pattern is generally divided into two parts: written examination and physical efficiency test (PET).

Q5: How can I download the PSSSB exam admit card?

A: You can download the PSSSB exam admit card from the official website.

Q6: How can I check the PSSSB exam result?

A: You can check the PSSSB exam result on the official website.

Q7: What is the cut-off marks for the PSSSB exam?

A: The cut-off marks for the PSSSB exam will be determined based on the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the performance of the candidates.

Q8: What is the merit list for the PSSSB exam?

A: The PSSSB exam merit list will be prepared based on the candidates’ scores in the written examination and the PET (if applicable).

Q9: What is the interview process for the PSSSB exam?

A: For some posts, the PSSSB may conduct an interview after the written examination.

Q10: How are candidates selected for the PSSSB exam?

A: The final selection of candidates for the PSSSB exam will be based on the merit list and the interview (if applicable).

Table 1: PSSSB Exam Syllabus for Various Posts

Post Syllabus
Clerk General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Computer Knowledge
Patwari General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Punjab-Specific Topics
Teacher General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Education-Related Topics
Constable General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Physical Fitness

Table 2: PSSSB Exam Preparation Resources

Resource Description
PSSSB Official Website Provides information about the exam, syllabus, notification, admit card, result, etc.
Punjab Government Website Provides information about the state government and its departments.
Online Study Resources Offers study materials, mock tests, previous year papers, etc.
Previous Year Papers Helps candidates understand the exam pattern and difficulty level.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: When will the PSSSB exam notification be released?

A: The exact date for the notification release is not yet announced. Keep checking the official PSSSB website for updates.

Q2: What are the eligibility criteria for the PSSSB exam?

A: Eligibility criteria vary depending on the specific post. Generally, you need to be an Indian citizen, meet the age limit, and possess the required educational qualifications. Check the notification for detailed information.

Q3: What is the exam pattern for the PSSSB exam?

A: The exam usually consists of a written exam (online) and, for some posts, a Physical Efficiency Test (PET). The syllabus and format of the written exam vary based on the post.

Q4: What is the syllabus for the PSSSB exam?

A: The syllabus covers topics like General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Computer Knowledge, and Punjab-specific topics. The specific topics vary based on the post.

Q5: How can I prepare for the PSSSB exam?

A: Start early, understand the syllabus, refer to good study materials, practice regularly, stay updated with current affairs, and take care of your health.

Q6: How can I download the admit card for the PSSSB exam?

A: The admit card will be available for download from the official PSSSB website. You will need your application number and date of birth to access it.

Q7: How can I check the PSSSB exam result?

A: The result will be declared on the official PSSSB website. You can check it using your application number and date of birth.

Q8: What are the cut-off marks for the PSSSB exam?

A: The cut-off marks vary based on the number of vacancies, exam difficulty, and candidate performance. They will be announced after the exam result.

Q9: How is the merit list for the PSSSB exam prepared?

A: The merit list is based on the candidates’ scores in the written exam and, if applicable, the PET.

Q10: Is there an interview for the PSSSB exam?

A: An interview may be conducted for some posts after the written exam. The notification will specify if an interview is required.

Q11: How are candidates finally selected for the PSSSB exam?

A: Final selection is based on the merit list and, if applicable, the interview performance.

Q12: Where can I find more information about the PSSSB exam?

A: The official PSSSB website is the best source for all exam-related information. You can also refer to online study resources and previous year papers for preparation.

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