Problems Of Role Conflict

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Problems of role conflict – intergenerational gap

Some changes occur directly through social conflict, with concerted efforts by members of different communities to effect change . The present chapter is more concerned with gradual changes that often happen without anyone putting in an effort; or when, as sometimes happens, people really want to change one thing and not know that other changes are also going to occur as trickle-down effects that were not predicted and were perhaps even unwanted.

When looking at conflict across generations, particularly with respect to the Environment, several possibilities for analysis emerge. We can examine differences in how the political and institutional forms of conflict change, how views and behavior change between generations, we can examine changes in technologies and social organizations over historical time periods, and we can look at social dilemmas over time and the question of programming sustainability.

Technological Changes over Generations There is much written about the major technological changes that have occurred, especially in the last hundred years (see Appropriate chapters elsewhere in EOLSS). It has been difficult for people to think about and analyze technological changes because the impact, especially the social impact, has often taken many years or decades to become observable—or even noticeable. This is very apparent with the trickle-down effects on social behavior and social relationships. It was many years before the effects of television, both good and bad, were noticed. The impact of the Internet on social relationships has certainly been noticed earlier than was the case for television, but we still do not know the ultimate impact it will have on how societies are organized—both for good and for bad. For example, it could be that people become more isolated from one another and spend vast amounts of time doing what they have to do to get their Resources in front of a computer screen. On the other hand, it could be that getting resources could become easier and people therefore have more time to spend with those around them instead of working in an office from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day of the week. We do not yet know what the effects of the Internet will be and it could end up meaning either more or less time for developing our social relationships.

In making analyses of social situations involving new technologies we must be careful to learn from some analyses mentioned earlier. First, the strategies and Motives of social behavior and conflict that have been presented in these chapters have always included both good and bad, and what is good for one group and bad for another. That is, stories about new technologies that are one-sided are typically not going to be true. It is not the case that the Internet is going to be the way to save the world through globally-linked cooperation—an option extremely unlikely from everything we have analyzed about conflict but promoted by Internet scientists and some New Age-influenced persons (see Structural Sources of Conflict). Nor is the Internet going to be one-sidedly bad for all people and bring total destruction on the world—again we have seen counter strategies appearing for every bad strategy one side has put forward.

What this really means is that social science analyses need to be carried out hand-inhand with analyses by “hard” scientists, to explore systematically the strategies to which new technologies might be put, and how these might be expanded if the context changes, how made more useful (and with respect to whom?), what may be learned from them, and how they may be countered if deemed necessary by the community. Such analyses will not tell us the best thing to do but bring forward the strategies that are likely to occur anyway, and Options to increase those strategies or counter them if that is possible and necessary.

The second thing we can learn when making analyses of social situations involving new technologies is how the talk about technologies is just that—talk. We learned in this previous section that such talk will be part of someone’s strategies and can be made into urban legends and rumors, can be used to justify research budgets, or can be used to make a fabulously scandalous story to shock or horrify people for attention or can be made into a moralistic story to make a young person choose a particular career path. Whichever, none of these assumes that the truth of the matter is being told.

This means that for the social science analyst, when hearing and listening to stories about new technologies and what they can/might do, these stories always need to be listened to or read in the context of analyzing language use, not taken at face value (see The Language of Conflict). This includes stories from “hard” scientists as well as daytime shows on television.

An interesting anecdote in this regard was a recent television item that criticized medical researchers for putting early results of tests onto the media and then future tests showing either contradictory results or neutral results. So, for example, we hear a media story on how coffee is bad for you and then one the next night on how coffee is good for you. One night we hear a story about new tests on a drug that “promises” to lead to a cancer cure, but three years later, strangely, nothing more has been heard. Some of this occurs because the results of a single piece of research are blown out of proportion before a replication is carried out elsewhere, and partly because the medical researchers have simplified what they are saying and made the little tiny piece of the puzzle they are looking at Sound like the whole picture. When the research is put back into context the effects they found might be overshadowed by other things.

What is perhaps most instructive about this example, for the present analyses, is that the media report did not implicate the media itself in any of this. There were hints that researchers rushed into press because they wanted more research funding, but the role of the media in sensationalizing and distorting a story was not raised—even though the story itself was about the problems of distorting and sensationalizing.

When analyzing the changes in social behavior and Society over generations, there are even more ways to proceed. We will look at just some of the areas that are relevant by following through the chapters in this section including demographic changes, changes through colonialism, changes through capitalism, and changes through Urbanization. The warning is the same as the one is the previous section—do not expect simple, onesided outcomes and strategies. Each of these has at least a few good features amongst the bad.



Role conflict is a state that occurs when a person is expected to fulfill incompatible roles. This can happen when a person has multiple roles, such as being a parent, a spouse, and an employee. It can also happen when the expectations of one role are incompatible with the expectations of another role.

For example, a person may feel role conflict if they are expected to be a good parent and a good employee, but their job requires them to work long hours that make it difficult to spend time with their family.

Role conflict can be a source of Stress and anxiety. It can also lead to poor performance in one or more of the roles involved.

There are a number of ways to deal with role conflict. One way is to try to clarify the expectations of the different roles. This can be done by talking to the people who have expectations of you, such as your boss, your spouse, or your children.

Another way to deal with role conflict is to negotiate with others to change the expectations of the role. For example, you might be able to negotiate with your boss to work fewer hours so that you can spend more time with your family.

You can also redefine the role so that it is more compatible with your other roles. For example, you might decide to work part-time so that you have more time for your family.

Finally, you may need to leave the role if it is causing too much stress and conflict.

Role ambiguity is a state that occurs when a person is not clear about the expectations of their role. This can happen when a person is new to a role, when the role is not well-defined, or when the person’s supervisor is not clear about what is expected.

Role ambiguity can be a source of stress and anxiety. It can also lead to poor performance in the role.

There are a number of ways to deal with role ambiguity. One way is to ask for clarification from the person who assigned you the role. Another way is to talk to other people who have the same role to see what their expectations are.

You can also try to define the role for yourself by setting goals and objectives. Finally, you can seek out feedback from others to get a better understanding of how you are doing in the role.

Role overload is a state that occurs when a person has too many responsibilities in their role. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Role overload can happen when a person is given too much work, when they are expected to work too many hours, or when they are expected to do too many different things.

There are a number of ways to deal with role overload. One way is to say no to additional responsibilities. Another way is to delegate some of your work to others. You can also try to manage your time more effectively.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your workload, you may need to talk to your supervisor about ways to reduce your responsibilities.

Role underload is a state that occurs when a person has too few responsibilities in their role. This can lead to boredom, frustration, and a lack of motivation.

Role underload can happen when a person is not given enough work, when they are not given enough challenges, or when they are not given enough opportunities to learn and grow.

There are a number of ways to deal with role underload. One way is to ask for more responsibilities. Another way is to take on additional projects or volunteer work. You can also try to find ways to make your work more challenging and interesting.

If you are feeling bored or unchallenged in your role, you may need to talk to your supervisor about ways to increase your responsibilities.

Role incongruity is a state that occurs when the expectations of a role are inconsistent with the person’s values or beliefs. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and conflict.

Role incongruity can happen when a person is in a role that requires them to do something that they believe is wrong or unethical. It can also happen when a person is in a role that does not match their values or beliefs.

There are a number of ways to deal with role incongruity. One way is to try to change the expectations of the role. Another way is to change your own values or beliefs. You can also try to find a role that is more compatible with your values and beliefs.

If you are feeling stressed or conflicted by your role, you may need to talk to your supervisor or a trusted friend or colleague about your options.

Role conflict resolution is the process of dealing with role conflict. There are a number of different ways to resolve role conflict, including:

The best way to resolve role conflict will vary depending on the specific situation.

What is role conflict?

Role conflict is a situation in which a person has to fulfill two or more incompatible roles. This can happen when the roles have different expectations or when the person does not have the time or resources to fulfill all of the roles.

What are the causes of role conflict?

There are many factors that can contribute to role conflict, including:

What are the effects of role conflict?

Role conflict can have a number of negative effects, including:

How can I manage role conflict?

There are a number of things you can do to manage role conflict, including:

If you are struggling with role conflict, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist can help you identify the sources of your conflict and develop strategies for managing it.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of role conflict?
    (A) Interrole conflict
    (B) Intrarole conflict
    (C) Person-role conflict
    (D) Role ambiguity

  2. Which of the following is an example of interrole conflict?
    (A) A student who is also a part-time employee and has difficulty balancing their work and school commitments
    (B) A person who is both a manager and a friend to their employees and has difficulty maintaining both roles
    (C) A person who is both a parent and a spouse and has difficulty balancing the demands of both roles
    (D) A person who is both a teacher and a student and has difficulty maintaining both roles

  3. Which of the following is an example of intrarole conflict?
    (A) A person who is a manager and has difficulty deciding how to discipline an employee
    (B) A person who is a parent and has difficulty deciding how to discipline their child
    (C) A person who is a teacher and has difficulty deciding how to grade their students
    (D) A person who is a student and has difficulty deciding how to study for their exams

  4. Which of the following is an example of person-role conflict?
    (A) A person who is a manager and does not believe in the company’s policies
    (B) A person who is a parent and does not believe in the way their child is being raised
    (C) A person who is a teacher and does not believe in the way the school is being run
    (D) A person who is a student and does not believe in the way their Education is being delivered

  5. Which of the following is an example of role ambiguity?
    (A) A person who is not sure what their job duties are
    (B) A person who is not sure what their responsibilities are
    (C) A person who is not sure what their expectations are
    (D) A person who is not sure what their authority is

  6. Which of the following is a potential consequence of role conflict?
    (A) Stress
    (B) Anxiety
    (C) Depression
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is a potential consequence of role ambiguity?
    (A) Stress
    (B) Anxiety
    (C) Depression
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a way to manage role conflict?
    (A) Set priorities
    (B) Delegate tasks
    (C) Say no
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a way to manage role ambiguity?
    (A) Ask for clarification
    (B.) Seek feedback
    (C) Develop a support Network
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is a true statement about role conflict?
    (A) Role conflict is always negative.
    (B) Role conflict can be positive if it leads to increased creativity and innovation.
    (C) Role conflict can be negative if it leads to stress, anxiety, and depression.
    (D) All of the above.

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