Problems Issues And Efforts To Overcome Vocational Education In India

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problems issues and efforts to overcome Education/”>Vocational Education in india

The present TVET system in India is facing some serious problems including outdated courses and curricula, low funding and multiple levels of policy planning and governing. Some of the major problems of the Indian TVET system are listed below:

Multiplicity of regulations, certifications and curriculum

Curriculum is main pillar of VET training system. If VET provisions are implemented by different departments, ministries, agencies and organizations, whether Government or private, with a multiplicity of certification, standards and curricula it will result in overlapping of courses and institutions as well as creating confusion for students and employer.

The demand supply mismatch of job market

The current VET programs are largely supply-driven and still lack of relevant training for available jobs. There is a need to improve links between schools and the Industry to minimize this mismatch. A divergence between the skills that the Population possesses and skills required by industry is a major cause of low employability among Indian youth. India has predominantly been an agricultural economy and much of its population is still dependant on traditional activities, Over 90% of the labour force of India still works in the informal sector, with low productivity and skills. With low skills and experience limited to the unorganized sector, these workers remain unemployable in industry. The current public VET system offers only a few training courses and covers around 100 skills. Out of these, several skills like stenography have becoming outdated due to the emergence of new technologies. This increases the gap between industry need and manpower supply.

Poor perception and public mindset

Many Indian parents want their children to pursue a clerical job or be an office assistant, not realizing that a technician can earn more than these jobs. In countries like India VET has always been considered by the public and parents as the career choice for the less academically-qualified with the impression that VET is for school drop-outs, rather than as an important strategy to train skilled workers. Too much attention and Resources is given to ‘academic’ rather than vocational education.

Lack of coordination among Government Agencies and regulatory bodies

Different ministries manage their employability initiatives independently in India and there is a wide range of VET providers such as social businesses, non profits and corporate. Coordination between all these players is required to create an enabling Environment that enhances the capacity, quality and utilization of VET.

Inadequate academia-industry linkage

This results in low rates of EMPLOYMENT due to the reason that what job providers are seeking for, are not communicated with the training sector. Besides it also affects the placement.

Lack of updated curriculum

An updated curriculum which is relevant to present day need of the industry is a major requirement. The curriculum should be relevant to the need of the industry.

Shortage of qualified teachers

Availability of good quality trained and qualified teachers and trainers is an important problem. Poor recruitment process of Governments is responsible for this.

Lack of proper Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE

building, modern equipment and raw materials is a hurdle in Learning during training. This can be attributed to improper release of funds.

Lack of autonomy

Lack of administrative and financial autonomy and accountability is another pitfall in the way. If these institute are given good deal of autonomy, they will be better able to change and adjust them in changing scenario of the present day market needs.

It is clear from the above points that there are a lot of challenges in the field of VET education in India and to achieve the targets there is a strong need of substantial expansion of quality technical and vocational education and training system.

solutions for the problems of VET sector

There are several suggestions and implications to overcome the challenges and problems of vocational Education sector in India and for the overall improvement of the VET sector and Skill development programme in India. Below are some of the main suggestions, given under the following heads:

Rejuvenating Vocational Education at Schools level

This can be possible by Improving Provision of VET in Schooling system and by strengthening and establishing new Vocational Schools. In schools, focusing on areas like curriculum building and enrolling quality teachers to improve the existing vocational education courses is need of the time.

Improve public perception of VET

The polytechnics and vocational institutions should rebrand their vocational courses as equivalent of conventional courses. The use of media for sensitisation as well as enlightening of the Society is necessary in order to dispel the myth crated around VET.

Collaboration of the private sector, international development partners and other stakeholders

The policymakers in the VET system should emphasize the collaboration with the private sector, international development partners and other stakeholders to support government’s efforts to ensure effective implementation of VET. This collaboration should take care of advocacy to change public perception of VET, access to funds, training of VET instructors and provision of infrastructural learning resources.



Ensuring proper funding

The Ministry of Education should persuade the Federal Government to earmark adequate funding for VET in the face of the daunting challenges highlighted above. Other funding sources like World BankStep-B intervention fund, and Commonwealth assistance should be explored.

Establishment of good Relationship with industry

For proper results of mainstreaming VET with the needs of the industry, it is required raining to form strong relationships between the training institutes and industry. This would be beneficial in two ways. Firstly, institutes would get access to facilities of practical exposure to students during industrial tours, Industrial attachment and internship. Secondly, a it would encourage the private sector to direct their corporate social responsibility initiatives towards fortification of TVET in the polytechnics, like the steps taken by Microsoft Inc., NBC, CISCO, NIKE in the middle-East, India and other developing countries.

Bringing skill development programmes under one roof

The entire national skill development system should be put under the single ministry or governing body, rather than running them under the Leadership of several other Ministries. This will lead to better focus and coordination between different initiatives.

Revisiting the Apprenticeship Act

The government formed the Apprenticeship Act in 1961 to connect job seekers and industrial units. It made obligatory for employers in specified industries to provide basic skills and job training according to prescribed standards. There is a need for improvements in the 1961 Act according to the present times, circumstances and challenges faced by youth, which are different from thosr existed in India at the time of formulation of the act. The employment scenario has changes and different types of skills are required to meet the present industrial demand.



Vocational education is a type of education that prepares students for specific trades or occupations. It is often seen as a way for students to gain the skills they need to get a good job and earn a living. However, vocational education in India faces a number of problems and issues.

One of the biggest problems is a lack of awareness about vocational education. Many people in India do not know what vocational education is or what it can offer. This lack of awareness can lead to students not considering vocational education as an option when they are choosing what to study after school.

Another problem is a lack of skilled teachers. There are not enough teachers in India who are qualified to teach vocational education. This can lead to a poor quality of education and students not getting the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

Infrastructure is also a problem. There are not enough vocational schools in India and the ones that do exist are often in poor condition. This can make it difficult for students to get the education they need.

Government support is also lacking. The government does not provide enough funding for vocational education. This can make it difficult for schools to operate and can also lead to a lack of quality control.

Industry-academia collaboration is also not very strong. There is not enough Communication between industry and academia on vocational education. This can make it difficult for schools to keep up with the latest trends in the workforce and can also lead to a lack of relevance of vocational education.

The quality of vocational education in India is also poor. Many vocational schools do not have the resources to provide a high-quality education. This can lead to students not getting the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

Job placements are also low. Many vocational schools do not have good relationships with employers. This can make it difficult for students to find jobs after they graduate.

Gender bias is also a problem. Vocational education is often seen as a male-dominated field. This can discourage girls from pursuing vocational education.

Social stigma is also a problem. Vocational education is often seen as a lower-status education than academic education. This can discourage students from pursuing vocational education.

Lack of motivation is also a problem. Many students do not see the value in vocational education. This can lead to students not putting in the effort to succeed in vocational education.

Financial support is also lacking. The government does not provide enough financial support for vocational education. This can make it difficult for students to afford to attend vocational school.

Career guidance is also lacking. Many students do not have access to career guidance. This can make it difficult for students to choose the right vocational education program for them.

Research and innovation is also lacking. There is not enough research and innovation in vocational education in India. This can lead to a lack of new and innovative programs and can also lead to a lack of relevance of vocational education.

Standardization is also lacking. There is no national standard for vocational education in India. This can lead to a lack of quality control and can also lead to a lack of relevance of vocational education.

Accreditation is also lacking. There is no national accreditation system for vocational education in India. This can make it difficult for students to know which vocational schools are good quality.

Regulation is also lacking. There is no national regulatory body for vocational education in India. This can lead to a lack of quality control and can also lead to a lack of relevance of vocational education.

Coordination between different stakeholders is also lacking. There is no coordination between the government, industry, and academia on vocational education in India. This can make it difficult to improve the quality and relevance of vocational education.

Lack of political will is also a problem. The government does not seem to be very interested in improving vocational education in India. This can make it difficult to address the problems and issues that vocational education faces.

Public-private PARTNERSHIP is also lacking. There is not enough public-private partnership in vocational education in India. This can make it difficult to improve the quality and relevance of vocational education.

Lack of accountability is also a problem. There is no accountability for the quality of vocational education in India. This can lead to a lack of quality control and can also lead to a lack of relevance of vocational education.

Lack of transparency is also a problem. There is not enough transparency in the vocational education system in India. This can make it difficult for students, parents, and employers to know what is going on in the system.

Lack of monitoring and evaluation is also a problem. There is no system in place to monitor and evaluate the quality of vocational education in India. This can make it difficult to identify and address problems.

These are just some of the problems, issues, and efforts to overcome vocational education in India. There are many other challenges that need to be addressed in order to improve the quality and relevance of vocational education in India.

Problems in Vocational Education in India

Issues in Vocational Education in India

Efforts to overcome the problems and issues in vocational education in India

  1. Which of the following is not a problem faced by vocational education in India?
    (A) Lack of skilled teachers
    (B) Lack of government support
    (C) Lack of awareness among students
    (D) Lack of job opportunities

  2. Which of the following is an effort to overcome the problems faced by vocational education in India?
    (A) Setting up of vocational training institutes
    (B) Providing scholarships to students
    (C) Promoting apprenticeship programs
    (D) All of the above

  3. Which of the following is not a benefit of vocational education?
    (A) It helps students develop skills that are in demand by employers.
    (B) It helps students get better jobs.
    (C) It helps students earn higher salaries.
    (D) It helps students become self-employed.

  4. Which of the following is a challenge faced by vocational education in India?
    (A) The quality of vocational education is not up to the mark.
    (B) The curriculum is not relevant to the needs of the industry.
    (C) There is a lack of coordination between the government and the industry.
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is a goal of vocational education in India?
    (A) To provide students with the skills they need to get good jobs.
    (B) To help students become self-employed.
    (C) To reduce Unemployment.
    (D) All of the above

  6. Which of the following is a reason why vocational education is important in India?
    (A) The Indian economy is growing rapidly and there is a demand for skilled workers.
    (B) The unemployment rate in India is high and vocational education can help people get jobs.
    (C) Vocational education can help people become self-employed.
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is a type of vocational education?
    (A) Technical education
    (B) Business education
    (C) Health education
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a benefit of technical education?
    (A) It helps students develop skills that are in demand by employers.
    (B) It helps students get better jobs.
    (C) It helps students earn higher salaries.
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a challenge faced by technical education in India?
    (A) The quality of technical education is not up to the mark.
    (B) The curriculum is not relevant to the needs of the industry.
    (C) There is a lack of coordination between the government and the industry.
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is a goal of technical education in India?
    (A) To provide students with the skills they need to get good jobs.
    (B) To help students become self-employed.
    (C) To reduce unemployment.
    (D) All of the above

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